Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Interesting Higby said that they cannot give the phoenix longer range due to game limitations not balance. Ok Higby how about you give us more control? Ill take that instead of range. I literally have to be at near max range to hit anything; there is a very large deadzone.
  2. maxkeiser

    I don't even own the phoenix, but I don't see how you can reduce damage against infantry. I mean, if an infantryman gets hit in the face with a missile he should and does die. What's the issue exactly?
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  3. Rustler

    Im trying to figure out wdf soe was thinking.

    When I heard that the Empire Specific Launchers were coming out, the first thought I had was "I really hope the phoenix isn't instant kill since rockets instant kill in this game and I know is gonna be abused".

    Then I see the Empire Specific Launchers being tested out by higby....I noticed the amazing turnability of the Phoenix...I create a thread saying if the Phoenix gets instakill with that turnability, is gonna be the most OP weapon of the game.

    Nobody believes me...NC quickly defend my observation by saying the movement isn't that good.

    Now here we are, countless of people know for a fact it is OP.....hiding and instakilling infantry is actually very easy.

    Of course still being denied by NC people.

    But I just can't believe SOE let this happen....I mean higby was actually talking about the phoenix as being an Anti vechile weapon in his little Demo. As if he was oblivious to the fact that people were gonna use it to instakill infantry.

    Is SOE testing team really this bad?....That they would actually not think that the phoenix was gonna be used to instakill people instead of attacking vehicles.

    If that is that the case then they really need some common sense thinking IMO.

    Now the other reason I could think the phoenix being the way it is, is PAY 2 WIN.........Maybe SOE isn't as stupid as I think they are, they actually knew people will use it to instakill infantry...So the master plan was let people figure out how easy it is to kill infantry, then they will buy it....Of course they will act as if the Phoenix was designed against vehicles, then act surprise when people were using it to instakill friendlies.

    Now I use the word Pay 2 win because thats what the Phoenix does.....It is so OP, that people get easy kills...Kills to me are essentially winning in a way so thats why I say is P2W.

    So is SOE really that ignorant or are they really masters in making money.
  4. Kubor

    That and add a dumbfire mode as well.
  5. HadesR

    Maybe give it a turbo boost button .. Can increase it's speed but lessen it's range .. So it's a trade off depending on what the user is shooting ..
  6. Zenith

    It's guided. That's the sole reason people are raging. Never mind that a sniper can just as easily take your head off without you ever seeing or being able to fire back at him. But hey, the people complaining the most are probably the snipers.
  7. Kubor

    Because you'd have to apply that to every weapon in the game. You ever seen a flak round in real life? It would rip a person to shreds.
  8. maxkeiser

    It SHOULD instakill infantry.

    How can a missile hitting a man in the face have any other result? WTF are you people talking about?

    And btw, I don't own one of these phoenix things.
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  9. TerroDragon23

    Damage is the same as the normal launchers. but less multiplicator for air so you need 2 hits for ESF

    You can release the camera with the E button, it is like a vehicle. I'm shocked no one tried that yet.
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  10. Iknowbetter

    next thing you gonna say is that NC MAX is fine
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  11. Rustler

    It insta kills people with amazing movement...people are using it while behind cover.

    Yeah sounds right from a game balancing perspectiveo_O

    Typical NC denial.
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  12. Zenith

    It was done to farm money, right before they made it useless a week later. That's why you don't buy new weapons when they are released.
  13. WalrusJones

    Its something you are not getting right now.

    The phoenix can be psudeo dumbfired as well... If you so choose, so you are not really missing anything choosing to use it (Aside from sniping infantry from hard cover.)
  14. Flaeb

    I'm off from work for a small bit, and Ive been playing pretty often since the Launchers were released. And I NEVER got hit by a pheonix yet, and I'm a heavy fighting in close quarters. Sounds like to me the people who get hit stand still and become a easy target, in that case, you deserve to die. Also, they can't hit aircraft with that weapon, so it kinda evens out. (Well it's pretty hard, and the damage seems weak if they do hit air)

    Again, NEVER got hit by a pheonix yet, doesn't sound OP to me. I do see a lot of NC with that launcher out standing like a sitting duck giving me free kills. If anything, the pheonix is racking me more kills. Stop camping.
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  15. maxkeiser

    So what if it's guided? I can kill people from 200 meters (maybe more) with my gauss saw. It's guided by my hand/aim. Is that OP as well?
  16. Phyr

    Keyword being "probably".

    Flak armor doesn't do anything against direct hits. Never has.
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  17. TerroDragon23

    now we can snipe ESF and everybody will complain about that, yessss
  18. BraSS

    ESF, Libs and even Galaxys can actually outrun these rockets so no idea what more "AA" damage is going to do when you cant hit anything in the air with the current range and maneuverability. Soo glad I didnt wast SC or certs on this.

    Wonder when they are going to "balance" AV turrents and shotguns
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  19. RobotNinja

    Why is anyone surprised that the devs are taking a NC weapon that isn't complete garbage and making it complete garbage? We should all be thanking the NC for funding this game with their crappy starting weapons and the equally crappy cash shop weapons they have to buy just to barely compete. Once again Higby waves a shiny cash shop toy at the NC and then prepares to defecate on it after they've cashed in on the eager playerbase.
  20. maxkeiser

    I'm going to say that this game is asymetric. The factions are not supposed to be totally equal or all have similar matching weapons. Stop trying to make everything the same.
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