Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    The Phoenix should be renamed the CREEPER ! Also Paint the Rockets green and give them a face.
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  2. axiom537

    I think the Phoenix is a very great weapon. I do not have any issues with its handling and I was worried about the 300m range, but I really do not think that is an issue after trying it out. My only suggestion would be after 300m allow it to go dumb fire and reduce the drop after 300m to match the drop of the other dumb fire launchers.

    I haven't tried it against infantry yet, but from what I have seen its pretty good in that department, but equally bad at hitting moving aircraft, so in my opinion that makes it a wash.

    Great weapon! It is specialized enough that it doesn't over shadow the other rocket launchers, while still being flexible enough to be used in many other situations.
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  3. drNovikov

    Why would you want to do that when you can just equip a Shrike or a Decimator and perform a lot better?
  4. VengeX

    Just saw this. The Phoenix might need improvement in its handling but what we do not need is a 0 LOS infantry sniper (albeit with limited range). I suggest reducing its damage to infantry so that it takes 2 Phoenix rockets to kill them; it should be being used to kill vehicles and you made this pretty clear when announcing it.
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  5. Kunotron

    A remote controlled sniper rifle that can damage vehicles. I'll take it.
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  6. TheRunDown

    Nerf Phoenix vs Infantry

    It's not being used as a AV weapon, its a new Sniper Rifle to them.

    EDIT: People need to stop complaining about the damage, it not supposed to give one player the ability to wreck every tank he sees, You can Steer it and Get any Tank that is running Away... If actually played this game with your outfit 3 or 4 of them would devastate a squad a MBTs.

    /crymode My New Rocket launcher doesn't let me get Easy kills!
  7. TheRunDown

    I do not agree it should even kill a Inf with 2 Rockets, nor do i even agree it needs more handling, it's suppose to hit huge tanks and aircraft.. not some tiny little man in his base 300 meters away.
  8. Rabbitz

    It work wonder now after the latest patch. :D
  9. Raneman

    Simply make it so it can't 1 shot infantry, yet is a lot more maneuverable than it is now. Everyone on all factions is happy then, right?
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  10. Kaon1311

    Guys like this are getting everything nerfed.
  11. Kaon1311

    OHK versus Infantry should feel good, lol.
    IMO less damage Versus infantry, more Versus Air.
    Not a nerf, a rebalance, lol
  12. Kaon1311

    With handeling the way it is, it rewards skilled players with infantry, air and vehicle kills, less skilled have to keep on vehicles. With more handeling shooting these things from behind cover would be too easy.

    And all factions will never be happy, thats life :/
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  13. PS2Freak

    "I think the Phoenix is a very great weapon"

    sometimes i have a feel, we dont play same game.. and sometimes i have feel that those who say - it just wonderful - are actually Tr players.. speculations... clearly. from my side i mean.

    striker works as AV and AA wonders, phoenix does not play good role as AV or AA. it is clear to 100%.

    maybe at some servers, enemys are stupid, not so on miller.

    "With handeling the way it is, it rewards skilled players with infantry, air and vehicle kills, less skilled have to keep on vehicles."

    praxis shows, it has nothing to do with skill of player. minimal hovering or forward movement of Esfs and Libs is already too much for phoenix.

    clearly rebalance needed. and please dont wait month for that... you developers adjust Lancer. strikers is upgrade to anni . phoenix wait for some love.

    Edit: [from Lancer thread]

    "The Phoenix on the other hand is useless for AV+AA, and hilarious (but worse than a sniper rifle+skill) for AI. Unless they intended the Phoenix's side-grade to be 'good at killing infantry and bad at killing tanks', it's a downgrade for the actual purpose of killing vehicles (what I -hope- HA's wanted to see from their launchers) compared to the Shrike, which hits more reliably, for higher damage to most things, has MUCH higher DPS, and can be fired from cover to almost exactly the same extent."
  14. XRIST0

    Pheonix is so awesome , i just trialed it for the last hour .. i kept it aslong as i could staying alive and scabbing ammo off engineers so i didnt have to ressuply .!/5428037660469341473/killboard

    Im sold , buying it on monday for sure .

    The lancer , i do not like at all im sorry its very dissapointing .. the striker i haven't used yet but i doubt i will be buying that either .
  15. Thurwell

    One nice thing from a tank driver's perspective, is you don't have to worry about phoenix users at all in a vehicle. They're not interested in shooting tanks when they can be one shot farming infantry.
  16. Naturaliensammler

    GJ Highby supplying your personal NC with an OP tool again.

    And NC is still sitting there complaining that they can't kill a sunderer with 3 missile while never having to show themselves.
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  17. Hobblin

    Am I missing something?
  18. XRIST0

    Yeah it does that in the vr , best place to trial this baby is at the crown .
  19. Thurwell

    Shoot at their feet.
  20. ya_ay

    Cause you can guide the rocket over long range while using cover. It's much more effective then both dumbfires over long range and is equally effective at short range. If you have this thing, you won't need any thing else... except maybe an aa launcher for aircraft.
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