Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Streetfighter

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  2. Beartornado

    You must be trolling, the Phoenix lacks the turn radius necessary to actually hit targets from behind significant cover. It only travels for 200m and if your target isn't already picked out and at the end of the massive turn radius then you're going to miss.

    On a more serious note, I think it's in a decent place besides the turn radius. There is no lock-on warning like a crow or a hawk, so large squads with Phoenixes could devastate targets that would need to already be near significant cover to avoid the Phoenix. While the Phoenix may not have the range of an AV turret, it can be used anywhere since it doesn't need to be deployed.

    Overall, the damage is in a good place, I don't think anyone wanted HA's to turn into 1-man armies with insta-gib launchers that could be fired from behind any cover. However, the turn radius or the distance it can travel needs to be changed. Right now it's ridiculous trying to hit anything you aren't already aiming at. For the short distance it does travel, I feel like it needs significantly better turn radius so we can at least make the most of that distance. You could always give it greater distance, but that honestly feels like Vanu territory since they have the laser launcher. A rocket shouldn't have to feel like you're trying to steer a Galaxy, that's rather ridiculous.
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  3. Phazaar

    ********. Needs a huge amount of work. It's currently the most troll-y anti infantry weapon in the game, and is easily the worst launcher the NC has access to.


    Buff the range
    Instead of buffing the range, make the range a radius from the character, such that the missile can fly anywhere in that range (the turning circle would not allow you to spin around buildings, this would simply mean you could actually fire up then come down onto target, instead of being unable to fire it over hills in its current implementation).
    Buff the turning circle AT LEAST to the point that a Sunderer cannot accelerate/brake to avoid an incoming missile. I mean, come on, it's a Sunderer!
    STOP THE PROJECTILE DESPAWNING AT 300m. I really can't stress this enough. It's an absolute slap in the face to have the missile simply disappear 2m from target.
    Stop the missile counting as Flak damage to ESFs; the difficulty in hitting one justifies the one-hit
    Remove the worthless vibrating mechanism that seems to desync the missile into walls when passing through small gaps.
    Make the projectile remain straight and level after you've 'ejected' from TV view; there is no reason for the launcher to stop communicating the previous trajectory until the 300m mark.

    Decrease the anti-infantry damage ONLY WHEN the Phoenix is actually a useful AV weapon.

    Unfortunately the Phoenix is the only one of the ESRLs that is situational; the NC does NOT need more situational weapons when we already have the highest learning curve. Situational weapons means you need MORE weapons (more certs spent) before you're viable in each situation you may come into. It needs to be more like a unique-but-general-purpose weapon to make it worth the certs, especially compared to the Striker.

    Also, big congratulations to the TR who realised that smoke is the be-all-and-end-all counter to the Phoenix. I now have to fight VS if I want to use it, until they figure it out anyway.
  4. Bucketnate

    I REALLY love the thing, one thing I would like is for the missile to just have a limited range. As long as you keep the missile within range you can still control it. Maybe even if the missile goes out of range you cant control it but it can still damage something? :D
  5. CyclesMcHurtz Code Monkey

    FYI - We've received some reports on the camera guide failing and I'm looking at that issue right now. That's all for the moment.
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  6. Gribbstar

    You got 20 kills in 31 minutes :)
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  7. NC_agent00kevin

    They say they made the guns similarly to real guns; ie. receiver, bolt, stock, trigger etc. This way they just put the parts together and re-use model pieces. Personally its not a design choice I would have made, and it cant be optimal for hardware, but it probably saved them time in development.
  8. Streetfighter

    Did you already receive a report that it's one hitting troopers? If not: It's easily possible to one hit troopers with it.
  9. Gavyne

    He might not be lying about killing people with Phoenix, but I bet he's dumbfiring it instead. So in other words, he's not being genuous about it since dumbfire is not how Phoenix is supposed to work.

    @PursellTR its a bug that allows the Phoenix to dumbfire right now, we had it fixed earlier this week but it leaked to live apparently.
    by Matthew Higby about an hour ago
  10. ExarRazor

    I like how the nc gets dev response to their only real bug-related issue, but vs get jack **** on the !3! bugs affecting the lancer
  11. Gavyne

    Is there a reason why a rocket shouldn't 1 shot infantry?
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  12. Chocki

    So which rocket launcher has laser like round speed?
  13. MrGurrenLemfox

    The camera guiding fail for me 1/100 times ( no joke), try different FOV sill doesn't work prof :

  14. Phazaar

    It's ********. 'Nuff said.

    They have to fix this; we don't want another Jackhammer/Reaver.

    No one here wants an OP weapon. We'd all accept nerfs to certain aspects of the Phoenix, if others were buffed considerably, I'm sure. Moreso though, we'd simply like a weapon implemented with an amount of common sense.

    300m CONTROL of the missile is fine (though it should be radius, not total distance covered), but the missile should continue (in the same way as if you eject) after that, else it's simply pointless. We're all just going to get ******* good at never shooting something more than 250m away, whilst the TR are going to get ******* good at ensuring our tanks can't get within 500m, and this leaves theirs with 250m of leeway to shell the **** out of us.
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  15. Streetfighter

    No dumpfire. 100% Camera guided.
  16. Vreki

    I find that very annoying too, the controls switch between aiming and guiding which I have a hard time adapting to before the missile is already of course
  17. Maese

    Useless, for me:
    Its not easy to guide it like an airplane
    Range too short
    Turn angle low
    If u miss your shoot u must wait like an statue
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  18. Barosar

    Damage is good. I'm glad the range limit keeps its utility sane. Some quirks with camera mode
  19. MilitiaMan

    Guys, for turn speed.

    In PS1 they had terrible turn rates ACCEPT for when you turned the DPI on the mouse all the way up to like 5000, then you could practically make a 90° turn with it.

    Higby stated that he DIDN'T want this weapon used like that.

    They all have their drawbacks.

    Phoenix can be shot down and cannot be arced around corners.
    Striker doesn't have a Dumbfire.
    Lancer has a tail that shows where the rounds are coming from.

    I have not played with it yet, but from the videos. You people just need to learn how to lead a target and try and predict what the target is going to do and account for it. Hell, I snipe aircraft wit the Decimator which is probably the worst weapon to fight ESF with. I do miss a lot but sometimes I guess right and then the tears flow.

    It just came out today, get some practice in with it. Other then the bugs that will get fixed I am sure you will learn to love it.
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  20. Copasetic

    You might as well remove the "can't fire outside of ADS" restriction because you can fire right after tapping mouse 2, no need to wait for the animation to complete. Unless this is what Higby meant with the dumbfire bug, then never mind.