Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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    in the VR I was able to get it to lock from friggin + 500m away

    That's crazy distance to be able to lock on and do that much damage.
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  2. Kristan

    It can't hit turrets, it cant hit MAXes, it can't lock on tanks that has middle of chassis behind the cover.

    Just add rocket drop and slower missile flight, just like with G2A launchers.
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  3. Prodigal

    All I have to say is:

    Oh the lock on! Lock on everywhere!

    There's no more reason to pull Aircraft when fighting the TR. And the problem is, that PS2 in its current state is played top down because air hard-counters everything. Now VS and NC have a huge downside against the TR. #balance
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  4. WetPatch

    Thats a mad alright, ESF are gonna love these things locking on to them.

    All i need is now for my Magrider to get this sound effect just before it explodes in a cloud of tears.

  5. WetPatch

    I agree with you giving it lock for Turrets.

    If its any consolation the Lancer sucks at taking out turrets as well.
  6. Kristan

    Eh, actually all G2G missile launchers lock on the part of turret that doesn't receives any damage. You lock, you fire, but missiles hit the thing below the turret. Only dumbfire solves this.
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  7. WetPatch

    lol, your never going to convince me to agree with you it should have dumb fire, it does to much damage.
  8. Synen

    The problem i have with the Striker is the lock on. It takes too long to lock on and then empty the clip which means you are a free kill in the meanwhile. Also most people arent using flares, smoke or stealth yet and the moment they start doing that the Striker becomes somewhat useless.
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  9. AquaKiller

    Nerf it.
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  10. Ranik

    If a vehicle is actually sitting still for all 5 dumbfired, bullet dropping missiles. Then maybe just maybe they deserve it. :rolleyes:
  11. WetPatch

    And what about in a Bio Lab spamming a door way?
  12. Rabbitz

    It should continue firing while pressing mouse button.
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  13. Soothsayer

    It looks great! But it doesn't fill a unique role like the others do. Ofc, I get that you would have been berated and flamed if you called something a striker and it didn't lockon and have a clip, etc.

    If it's going to remain in a lockon role, as an empire specific launcher, it should outshine the other lockon launchers by a wide margin.
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  14. PS2Freak

    Best ESL of all (from my, biased, nc perspective)
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  15. metrotw

    lock on time is way too long. try using it around a tower, you will get broken long before you get a shot off.
    uses same lousy tracking as annih.
    lack of dumbfire makes you a sitting duck if a vehicle closes the gap.
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  16. Boomotang

    I think adding dumbfire would be a bit too much for situations like biolabs. But it needs to be able to attack MAXs. So, please add the ability to lock onto MAXs.
  17. Ranik

    Even less of an issue. Since each individual missile doesn't hurt that much. You'd have to stand in the way of multiple to really get hurt. And even maxes aren't that slow.
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  18. Soothsayer

    Yeah and since the projectile locks onto the bottom of the tank, if they are cresting a hill but the bottom of the tank is low enough, the missile hits the hill instead of the portion of the tank that is exposed.
  19. Autarkis

    This would make it too powerful. Sorry.
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  20. xCrabanx

    just got a lock on, broke it with flares, got another one and instantly killed by 4 rockets hitting me...

    That were 2 guys shooting at me...

    That's my experience with the striker.
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