Congratulations, TR and VS

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by drNovikov, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. drNovikov

    Congratulations, TR and VS! You whined a nerf for Phoenix even before it was released. Maneuverability sucks, range sucks. It is not Phoenix. Damage against ESFs sucks too. Hitting a non-hovering ESF with that will be almost impossible.

    Looks like I will be using my Hawk.
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  2. Blitzkrieg

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  3. Flashtirade

    I'd like to attribute this to the hype from both sides:
    NC for expecting some fun, high-explosive weapon
    VS/TR for expecting some super-maneuverable, OP instagibber

    The devs have created, balance.
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  4. Absoluth

    Nerf? It's the tool that will win you the war. I barely flew for an hour, and can already see this rocket having the power to make both VS and TR players pledge NC. Unlike stated on your little post, it's pretty easy to use, and undetectable. It deals up to 70% damage on an ESF. That means that 2 NC HA players can clear the skies without even being detected.

    NC already has the best infantry in the game by a large margin. This new launcher will be the cherry on top. Please don't cry about this. Just enjoy watching your faction steamrolling as usual.
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  5. drNovikov

    have you tried it in VR?

    That's because with our ****** ESF and weak tanks we mostly fight as infantry.
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  6. GroundPounder

    If you think this was a nerf, wait until you see what we do to the MAX. They whined about the Magmower, they whined about the Prowler... ShotMAX is in for a doozy!
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  7. AuntLou42

    Don't worry man the Lancer isn't the Lancer either.
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  8. ABPositive

    My reaver was shot down from full health by a single salvo of TR heat seeking missiles.
    Meanwhile the phoenix' missile goes right though infantry without any damage. Try it in VR if you don't believe me.
    Don't know about the VS new weapon yet.
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  9. Ganjis

    Lancer takes longer to charge up than a lockon weapon takes to lock. When it is fully charged, you only get a second or two before it fires itself. It takes two full charge shots to the rear to nearly kill an MBT. It leaves a pretty white line in the air for about five seconds to let everyone know where you are.

    I cannot bring myself to get this weapon. Engineer AV turret is far superior.
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  10. drNovikov

    At least you can hit with that weapon. I tried it in VR. Don't use charging mode unless you are ambushing a tank and shooting in in the back.

    NC launcher is simply not functioning,
  11. Charlychop

    i just checked all 3 ESRL and the PHX was perfectly fine. if you're talking about the infantry not being able to be hit is prolly cuz its VR.

    no no no it does not.. it deals only a bit less than half damage to an ESF there is already youtube videos showing this. The pilots simply absorb the damage and fly away.

    The phoenix in it's currrent state is sad. I play VS and TR more than my NC account but gotta be real about this one. SOE over nerfed it out of the box due to potential outcry's from the player base.

    the friggin Striker locks on at over 500+m and does massive damage.
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  13. Lexicon

    @ OP. Glad to be of service.
  14. Absoluth

    I see. So i should neglect all the experience i've already had against these rockets, upon which ALL of them dealt about 70% damage, and just take your word about your youtube viewing abilities?

    Don't forget some pilots choose to use flak armor, and some go a different way. With these new launchers, everyone will clearly lean towards flak armor, or else it's gonna be a serious issue flying. However, even if all pilots choose max flak armor on all their aircraft, remains the fact that it's still undetectable. Instead of 2 for a non-armor craft, 3 HAs will suffice to destroy with 1 volley. Considering how poorly infantry renders for aircraft, the pilot will only know he's being shot at AFTER he gets blown up. Small NC squads will have a field day with this.

    Make no mistake: This rocket will have an even larger impact than the engineer's turret.
  15. TheHalo1Pistol

    I'm not excited for the lancer, I hear it sucks.
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  16. VetoBandito

    you are uneducated sire, and i bet you've never played as an nc or even used the launcher at all.

    please come back when you try it compared to the AT engi turret
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  17. Comptonunhh

    It takes 3 phoenix rockets to destroy an ESF, end of story, 2 will get it burning, so lets not even argue this. The phoenix is a massive piece of crap and will continue to be one until its pathetic maneuverability and range are fixed, currently it cant even be used the way it was intended to because it turns so poorly you cant shoot from inside cover.
  18. TheEvilBlight

    All three ESL are POS.

    I'm glad I don't have any SC to even try this stuff out. Off to the VR room when I get home.
  19. Kroova

    I actually enjoyed using the Pheonix and would prefer it over the Striker...

    I will likely use my Grounder for g2a duty as well. Most of the time aircraft I shoot down dive behind terrain to try and avoid my rockets. If I were using a Striker then that would break the lock and allo wthem to escape.

    Honestly the fact that these rocket launchers are not clear winners (or losers) is a good thing. Even with these new launchers I can see myself using the default launcher quite a bit as well as the ground-to-air launcher.

    All three launchers have clear advantages:
    Striker - Higher dps at medium-long ranges, Homing
    Pheonix - Guided flight, No warning
    Lancer - Accurate high velocity direct fire, No warning

    And clear weaknesses:
    Striker - Flares, Smoke, Stealth, Line-of-sight, no dumbfire, lock-warning
    Pheonix - Limited range and turn-rate, no dumbfire, AA fire (though I am not sure how easy it is to shoot down Pheonix projectiles yet...), Incapable of indirect fire
    Lancer - Smoke trail, charge time

    The Pheonix and Lancer are superior to the Striker in that they give no warning. Of the three, the Pheonix is also the only one capable of indirect fire. The Striker is the easiest to counter (Flares, IR Smoke, simply breaking line-of-sight at any point during the lock-on and flight phases) followed by the Pheonix (Flak, small-arms fire) with the Lancer being the hardest to defend against (other than hiding but that falls under direct/indirect fire). Finally, the Striker has better DPS than the Lancer and Pheonix.

    In terms of organized use, Pheonix/Lancer > Striker. The reason for this is that again the Striker has numerous counters, the easiest being to simply put "something" between either you and the rocket or you and the launcher. Even a thin object will break the lock, and it does not matter if you have 1 or 100 Striker rockets lock onto you since a single flare or pass behind a tree will keep you alive. I am not saying that the Striker is worthless since all three launchers seem pretty balanced as of now, but I do think that the NC and VS launchers will be more devastating when used in groups compared to the TR weapon.
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  20. Gary

    Your tank is by no means weak... It does not put out the damage... it is not designed to.. instead it soaks up way more damage then the others especially with front armor and sensible driving/positioning combiend with the shield the survivability is insane, This is the whole point of the vanguard, soak up the fire whilst your allies help you clear the target... The longer life span results in the enemy needing to focus on your for longer and not pay attention to others who are moving in for the kill.