Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue4tw, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Soundmonitor

    Ill give up my Medium range weapons as TR for the 0-8M any day.
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  2. Goretzu

    No it doesn't.

    Indeed they can, just not as well as a Dual Mercy MAX.

    It is 4 seconds for a standard clip size of 7, compared to the Mercy's 3 seconds for a standard clip size of 50.

    As much as your somewhat rabid ranting is quite amusing, look at the TTK videos or make them yourself. NC MAX TTK and DPS drops off massive at range, Dual Mercy (and the rest) do not. With Dual Mercy's for example you can clear most of a VR bay without needing to reload, with Dual Hacksaws you may not carry enough ammo to do the same. :eek:
  3. Kristan

    You know what your problem is? You comparing CQC weapon (Hacksaw) to mid range weapon (Mercy). So your whole argument thing invalid by default.

    And I just tried NC MAX, you won't fool me now!
  4. Goretzu

    Of course they do, 8m is the point where TR AI weapons do more DPS, the damage drop off on NC AI weapons is steep but they do not stop doing damage past 8m and I cannot really see why you'd think they would? :confused:

    Indeed it is not, there's good reason why dual cyclers are reguarded as the best TR AI combo.
    Pellet scatter is plus that is why it doesn't.
  5. CaptainYamerica

    This right here. Plenty of ways to get around maxes, especially in CQC.
  6. Goretzu

    That is indeed a valid option, to make all MAX AI weapons the same.

    I am comparing the best DPS TR AI weapon to the weapon being complained about, what exactly is "invalid" about that exact? o_O

    The Mattock (for example) is fairly pants compared to the Hacksaw or Scattercannon or Grinder, which is why it's rarely used, except for with slugs for some longer ranged viablity by some.

    Indeed if you have tried the weapons then you will have seen the difference in DPS, damage drop off , accuracy and TTK for yourself.
  7. Soundmonitor

    What do you do vs 4+ NC MAX's holding points? Youre from Waterson so you should know what you NC did this weekend in Amerish-Esamir bum rushing eveyrthing with Squads of Scat MAX's with little problems. Taking SCU gens down in seconds because nobody could counter the NC MAX zerg you had going all weekend.
  8. Bargus

    I play TR solely , NC Maxes are balanced.
    After 5-10 meters they suck pretty hardcore

    It takes 1 respawn to realize they're is a max camping a doorway. If you then proceed to throw yourself through that door continually without any plan or teamwork please don't be surprised when you get 1 shotted.
    Its not the games fault that you died, its not a game mechanic fault that caused you to die , its not lag or a hacker.


    It would be like people playing eve complaining about 0.0 space. Please nerf that area , I go in alone and get demolished.
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  9. Goretzu

    DPS per mag including reloads (at 0m) isn't far off, of course it favours the shotguns (at 0m), but it would.

    Damage per clip is:

    6006 for the Hacksaw (at 0m).
    7150 for the Mercy (at 0m).

    Of course at ranges over 0m it moves more and more to the Mercy's favour.

    We've done the maths before, and it always comes back to this a shotgun is a shotgun and an LMG is an LMG. So either people have to accept that, or they have to make all MAX AI weapons the same.
  10. Beartornado

    NC MAX is rather useless at range.

    All MAXES come with that booster thing to let you run. If you encounter an NC MAX put some distance between the two of you and then unload into them.

    If you're infantry and get caught at CQC, provided you aren't instantly killed, bouncing around makes for a difficult target. Believe it or not I've walked away with significant damage on several occasions from infantry who made themselves a difficult target, and all they had was carbines or shotguns to hit me with.

    As a frequent MAX user, most of my kills come from players well aware of my presence who try to take me head on. The only excusable situation would be a heavy trying to lay a rocket into me or a light assault trying to use C4 on me. They aren't always successful but either attack will do some serious damage to me. Otherwise, if you're just standing still mashing small arms fire into me expect to get turbogibbed.

    There is no reason to call it OP because you put yourself in a situation where a particular weapon type can easily kill you. This applies to everything in PS2. If you drive a tank you would do well to park near cover so that you can escape quickly if you start taking heavy damage. If you fly an ESF you approach from an angle where AA won't notice you before its too late to fire back. And if you are infantry you don't run out in the open without sticking closely to cover.
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  11. CaptainYamerica

    Actually. I did not play much this weekend. Mostly just Friday night. And when I was on then we were running Outfit only Ops in a large armor column. I was in a Skyguard dropping ESFs and Libs.

    MAX crashes can work for any empire. Are they tough to handle? Sure are, but not impossible. I still think TR Maxes are the best and most versatile. I wish we had the equivalent. The few times i have jumped on my TR toon, I just can't stop laughing at the ridiculous fun the TR maxes are to play as.
  12. MasterTater

    Exactly that - and what already happened to 2 other factions due to massive "NERF VS / TR / MAGRIDER / PROWLER" Threads.

    If you downgrade 1 or 2 factions and leave the 3rd even more brokenly OP just because the game lead designer plays that faction as one of the most dedicated players himself - then its still time that the power balance has to be restored between all faction in the one way or the other.

    When the NC are the most offensive and aggressive denuntiators when VS/TR ask for buffs as they where nerfed too hard and NC are the first to get personal, deceive with lies or get aggressive with insults => THEN

    The only way to balance is also to nerf NC. Simple as that.
  13. Soundmonitor

    We tried to counter with MAX's all weekend and kept getting pop'd by your HA or light infantry C4, while our infantry kept getting insta gib'd by the NC MAX's. IMO BIO labs where the hardest to defend or take once you guys took all the satellites and got all your MAX's in the portal rooms. We where like "oh **** here it comes boys, get your lub ready..." battle lasted about 5 minutes then our SCU was out... Next defence point rinse repeat.
  14. CaptainYamerica

    it must have been glorious. Wish I could have been there for it :p
  15. Krayus_Korianis

    Only if you got the compensator on the CARV-S and the forearm handle as well as softpoint ammo, could you get a ton of kills. Otherwise it's spray and pray. Seriously, I have both... It's all totally spray and pray without those items.
  16. Kristan

    I give up. People say fighting in CQC is our fault while this is the vital part of the game. Nothing could be done with that logic.
  17. Soundmonitor

    It wasnt really for me, most people ended up ghost capping around NC all weekend while the brave one's kept going at it. I'm happy personally I got 2K certs this weekend even thought we got ***** every defence offence we went vs NC. I just went to territories where VS was and got my certs!
  18. nick779

    i understand where everyone is coming from, but whats the point of faction strengths if everyone has the same options.

    imo the nc should have the heavy shotties and a hard hitting low ROF chaingun, the tr and vs should have a shotgun, but not as powerful as the NCs, but played to their own faction strengths of accuracy and ROF, but not burst damage, maybe 1 damage tier lower for both, vs having a tighter spread and TRs shooting faster

    already our faction specific heavy weapon is outclassed by the shotties given to everyone else, so what more do you guys want. lets have all factions be equal and have access to everyones weapons....
  19. Farlion

    NC MAX should have been nerfed a long time ago. The fact they aren't just reeks of utter dev bias.
  20. irishroy

    says the guy with an NC-avatar

    and also: