What is "Vanu"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname3073, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Badname3073

    What is "Vanu"? What does it mean? And why do Vanu call themselves "Vanu"?
  2. Xasapis

    From the wiki (http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Vanu_Sovereignty):

    "The Vanu Sovereignty derives its name from a long extinct alien race known as the Vanu, whose strange artifacts were discovered on the planet of Auraxis shortly after the first expeditionary forces from the Terran Republic arrived. When research of these artifacts led to the discovery of "rebirthing" technology, and subsequently the offer of immortality, Terran Republic scientists were made to keep the research on this new technology secret. The Republic did not want news of this technology to reach the civilian population and their massive private corporations. It was under these circumstances which they considered "oppressive" that the Vanu Sovereignty was formed and managed to persuade some "free-thinking" scientists to join its cause. As news of the wormhole collapse began to spread throughout the Republic, its leadership began to grow anxious. The Sovereignty broke away, taking many bright minds and scientists from the Republic and several rebirthing facilities with it. The Vanu Sovereignty now seeks to destroy the Republic for the freedom to experiment on this alien technology, alter and integrate human beings, and further develop and research without restriction. This they feel is the key to the future.

    Through the use of the mysterious Vanu technology "procured" during their split from the Republic, the group developed exotic energy weapons to aid them in their cause. In addition, they began experimenting with ways to improve the human body through modification. It was this alteration of the human species that generated great suspicion of and ultimately a declaration of war upon the Sovereignty by the New Conglomerate, another faction which had splintered away from the oppressive Terran Republic and which saw the Sovereignty's modification programs as an affront to humankind's natural progression.

    Now, surrounded by enemies that they perceive as awash in ignorance, the Vanu Sovereignty fights to claim Auraxis in honor of their namesake and prove once and for all that technology is might."
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  3. Darwind

    All that and spandex too? Seriously op, nerf spandex
  4. Wintermaulz

    Thats Vanu
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  5. TheBloodEagle

    and this

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  6. SgtBreastroker

    I require more batteries. If you know what I mean. :D
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  7. Roxputin

    Dat @ss
  8. Brusilov

    its alien for *****
  9. CatinHat

    Go to 0:40 sec

    This is their leader.
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  10. SgtBreastroker

    LevelCap is the new Vanu leader, bro. Get with the rest.
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  11. CatinHat

    Ah the fake leader.

    Until Sony makes a new video... this is your leader. Forever to the end of time on youtube and other sites. Anyone looking for the Vanu will get Tobuscus.

    You guys picked Tobuscus as leader.
  12. Roxputin

    Really. That explains why I have seen posts about Levelcap on the forum. Well anyhooo, how about that Vanu @ss. Nice huh.
  13. MittRackRObama

    No faction has a leader anymore. After the Ultimate Empire Showdown all of their contracts were terminated. They were only "leaders" for the/up until the promotional event then they were canned. It was nothing but a PR stunt. :(
  14. Zapon

    Uhoh, i better start keeping an eye out then if the VS high command's leaders are dissapearing like nothing.

    -Seriously, that makes very little sense- i don't get why they'd get rid of them just like that
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  15. illgot

    I thought they were just crazies that loved poorly designed outfits made of purple spandex.
  16. Ganelon

    And all this means nothing since the Ultimate Empire Showdown is already a thing of the past.

    That's what it comes down to, yeah.
  17. FreelancePanic

    Vanu is the brand of batteries used by the Vanu Sovereignty.

    In 2125, Vanu launched their battery line with their catchphrase "Do you have any batteries?". It was a wildly popular hit with the scientists, teenagers, and inexplicably, females with an unusually high attractiveness rating.

    With their recent windfall, the expanded their product lines to include spandex, lasers and hover technologies, which have evolved to the current tools seen today.
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  18. CHC999

    I actually imagine Vanu looking like Slaanesh Daemonettes. Google it (NSFW - And not in a sexy way [well...], unless your into that kinda thing).

    And yes I am a Warhammer 40k fan, still believe all space games are secretly human colonies yet to be rediscovered by the Imperium of Man. Seriously, people in purple tights that claims to have 'alien' tech from somewhere in the past that acts like cultists? Puur-lisss...Definitely a Chaos Cult. Next thing you know they have a pleasure cult somewhere in order to obtain more knowledge and power.

    TR = Khorne and NC = Heretics. Although technically everyone thats not in the Imperium of Man are heretics, so there.
  19. Evileet

    Who we are? We are your only salvation! No despair.
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  20. Badname3073

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