What is "Vanu"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname3073, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. TheArchetype

    I would think Terrans would be Republicans. Not anything to do with the name or colour, just conservatism seems to fit their backstory.
  2. bodmans

  3. sophont

    She must be packing giraffe camo because look at dat neck.
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  4. TheBloodEagle

    Everyone tends to think we are Fascist or have a dictatorship but I believe it is actually an Oligarchy, specifically a military junta. Because Commander Waterson was voted in to be in control during this "emergency". The TR traditionally have a President.

    Personally I like to think we are the Terran Federation from Starship Troopers =P
    I think the description fits the TR form of "conservative".

  5. Badname3073

    "Conservatism" per se has nothing to do with eigher Reps or Dems. The actual difference between them is that the the Reps tend to prefer small hierarchically organized administration with limited powers, while the Dems want one big brother to watch them all. It is simply because historically the US gravitated towards the former, the Reps are viewed to be "conservative", and then this notion is semantically extended onto anything they do by the MSM.

    However, if you look deeper, the difference between the left and right wing populace is even simpler - the left wing folks are opposed to any sort of competition in all forms and all aspects of life, and all their ideas are a simple consequence of that. They are the entitled hivemind. Whereas right-wingers tend to promote competition, viewing it as a fundamental mechanism of evolution of organized structures in broad context.
  6. TheBloodEagle

    That is a really biased view of what the "left" stands for; not objective at all. But either way to go into it would derail the thread.
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  7. TheArchetype

    Gah, Politics.
    All I see are old white guys.
  8. xelotar

    hahaha oh wow

    edit: is that an adams apple? :eek:
  9. AdennTM

    :rolleyes: I always thought TR as space communism
  10. Badname3073

    Sure, communism is left-wing too. Broadly speaking, TR is left-wing, NC is right-wing. VS is... well, the reason I posted this thread.
  11. Zorro

    Actually, a one-directional political spectrum does not work for Planetside 2. TR is a Stalinist form of left-wing, having little or no political freedom, restrictive in economic freedom, and somewhat neutral (?) in social liberties. Whereas the NC is "right-wing" in economics, they tend to emphasize social liberties, and are better considered as classical liberals. The Vanu Sovereignty seems to be right-wing in social issues, as they are religious fundamentalists, and though their economic views are unknown, they are likely distributist. Of course, my perspective may off somewhat.
  12. Fox Reinhold

    The TR are a Republic in a State of Martial Law.

    The NC are a Corporate Oligarchy, also known as a Corporatocracy.

    The VS are a Technocracy that has began to carry Theocratic overtones to it, holding the "Vanu" race as Gods.
  13. ACE McFACE

    But Vanu has Admiral Hakett's voice actor to tell us we didn't fail Vanu, we failed ourselves
  14. Malfice

  15. TheBloodEagle

    Yes finally someone gets it. I'd say the TR on Auraxis is a military junta and because of the "crisis/emergency" it is under martial law which the TR "vote[d] to give the military emergency powers and full fleet control passes by a margin of 2% [to] Provisional Commander Waterson" because the Mission Commander Tom Connery was killed. From the lore though, it seems like Waterson wants absolute power because he in fact caused to explosion that killed Connery, but for now it is a military junta, which could turn into an military dictatorship. I wouldn't say TR is a stratocracy, although the TR on Auxaris after the bitter war could strongly turn that way,, but in the bigger realm, the TR do have a (vote in a) President, so it is a republic in the full sense of the word.
  16. MittRackRObama

    Those two aren't getting old... :rolleyes:

    I typically use "sorry" to taunt my opponents after I murder them horribly. This is fitting, since I'm Canadian.
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  17. KodanBlack
