NC MAX's: Looking innocent with guilt in the back pocket

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OgreMarkX, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Incinerage

    In all fairness Stew, I'm not sure anyone knows what it is you say. Not even other French Canadians.
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  2. Vreki

    You don't have to guess anymore , just look at your own stats page.
    On the current page, Mar 3, 03:11:13 AM to Mar 3, 06:11:15 AM
    • Died to a scattercannon: 2 times (in a row by the same guy)
    • Died to a Hacksaw : Zero times.
    • Killed someone with Hellfire Rocket Pods: 13 times
    • Killed someone with P2-120 HE : 16 times
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  3. Vertabrae

    I play TR mainly. I see NC maxes a fair bit. Mainly in Biolabs. Outside of very tight spaces they tend not to last very long. I see TR and VS maxes everywhere. Get a TR max with dual Mercy's and you can get plenty of kills at nice ranges. TR and VS maxes have more capable of surviving outside a biolab. I don't have any problem with NC maxes. Sure they instagib you at close range. So will someone using a shotgun, specially one of the new ones.

    I don't fear an NC maxes unless it's close. I see a VS/TR max I know that even at decent ranges it can still take me out, so I tend to back off and either flank or find cover. An NC max that isn't close, I can pretty much ignore.

    Too many people just running in blindly then getting mad because they got swacked by a Scatmax. Scatmax is fine for what it was designed to do. Be a CQB death machine. Use a shotgun yourself. See the range they are effective too, then remember that range and stay that far back from a Scatmax and you will be fine.
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  4. Nogrim313

    or perhaps prowlers and mossi's currently?
  5. hunder

  6. Purg

    I can never tell if the above video is being used to show how OP the NC MAX is or how UP it is. To me, it's a clear indication of the misconceptions people have about the ability of the Hacksaw.

    The first part he was able to make 6 kills before almost running out of ammo and was never able to kill more than 2 people with 24 shots in an enclosed room with plenty of enemy.

    The next portion was Hacksaws with slugs - killing an enemy at ~50m using all 24 slugs! WOW! There's a brilliant investment in ammo. You could try that again at that range and miss every single shot - I know, I've tried it and ditched the slugs off the Hacksaw.

    The MAX battles - the first is the ideal range for the NC MAX - he should have won. The second, half a dozen of his teammates were behind him also shooting at the MAX, at that range it would have taken a reload to kill it. Again, I know as I just played in a Bio Lab when I was closer to a VS MAX and couldn't kill it with Hacksaw in one ammo load.

    The Heavy count - again using slugs. Killed 4 enemy and down to a clip and a half of ammo. Not particularly impressive.

    Compare it to this video of a VS.

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  7. LordMondando





    Whilst you at it, lets remove the Prowler, Mozzie, Scythe and Mergrider whilst you are it, make everything common pool. Then PS2 will be magical.

    Also protip: TR Max is actually kinda good.
  8. Goretzu

    NC AI MAXs only out-DPS TR AI MAXs from 0-9m at 10m and beyond TR AI MAX out-DPS NC AI MAXs this is the unfortunate Truth of all AI MAX whining.
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  9. Sledgecrushr

    I want the quasar on my nc max.
  10. Purg

    If that actually happened, I would indeed tell them to learn how to play. Best case scenario I would expect to reload 3 times in order to kill that many infantry on a cap point - lets assume none of them see me until I get there. 2 infantry can take me down in the amount of time if takes for me to reload once, I can only imagine the speed in which 7 of them could do it if I took out 3 of them before they noticed on my first reload.
  11. ent|ty

    A good judge of what works and what doesn't, is.... is it being used?
    The majority of players will use tactics/weapons/class that they find is the most successful.
    If bunnyhopping works in combat, you will see more people doing it.
    If shotguns win 1vs1 fights, you will see more people using it.
    If NC MAX wins, you will see more people using it.
  12. Stigler

    Faction Balance means each faction has an asset that may be op in some situation to other factions assets, but overall the factions are balanced.

    NC are not op taking over all the continents with equal populations. NC Max is fine. Faction Balance is fine. They already nerfed the NC max slugs, which were the only ranged weapon it had for over 5m.

    From the Wiki

    Unique Traits

    Weapon systems designed by New Conglomerate engineers stress nothing more than the brute force they believe is needed to achieve their goals. While these weapons lack the accuracy, refire, and reload rates of the other empires' weapons, no guns can match the raw stopping power and bone-crushing force offered by those of the New Conglomerate. To a New Conglomerate soldier, long barrels and large magazines are simply signs of an unwillingness to get up close and personal and finish the job quickly.
    The New Conglomerate's vehicles follow the in-your-face paradigm adopted by the faction by being outfitted with heavy armor, and harder hitting weapons which is designed to punch holes straight through an enemy's front lines. Though this heavy plating does leave them vulnerable to more agile enemies with faster reload rates, just one or two hits from a Vanguard's main gun is often enough to bring down all but the most hardened targets. Without exception, New Conglomerate forces pose a dangerous threat if allowed to close the gap and bring the full weight of their ordnance to bear on the enemy.
  13. TribbleFluffer

    kinda funny, if i tried that id run into a wall of lead and topple over before i managed to kill two of them.
  14. irishroy

    OgreMarkX, you sound like you went Prowlerspamming on TR. Grats!

    i just guessed.
  15. HadesR

    Isn't the " OP CQC MAX " argument moot now since every one and their dog can now roll with their own pump action mini scat max ?
  16. Dreadnaught Wrex

    I'm a heavy TR MAX user and I think the NC MAXes are fine the way they are (even have an alt with dual scattercannons). But you compare the MAXes.

    All are heavily armored HA till you look at their firepower....
    NC = dual jackhammers
    TR = mini gatling gun
    VS = ummm..... Lancer LSW? I dont know...
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  17. Dreadnaught Wrex

    But this isnt call of duty.... vehicles and MAX suits exist. And as a MAX user I dont really farm infantry, they actually do a good bit of damage against me. Honestly, I only excel at close range and defending.
  18. EvilKoala

    I never understood why the NC MAX gets a full power shotgun for each arm, while the other MAX suits get what essentially amounts to half an LMG with a huge CoF. I'd love to have even just a default pistol on my MAX. It'd be a huge improvement.
  19. jdono67894

    The NC max could definitely not take down 3 TR maxes even if they were sitting right up on the NC max's face and the NC max had upgraded clips in his hacksaws, he could take down 1 before reloading and then would die.

    How about the inverse? 3 hacksaw maxes 15 metres away from a TR mercy max, the NC maxes would all die unless they ran away, which the almost certainly would.
    This is the problem in your scenario, if the TR maxes are super close to the NC max then they are in the wrong position and should use the charge to get some distance between themselves and the target.

    I have been playing dual hacksaw max for a long time now and VS and TR maxes kill me more and more often these days, you just have to learn your empire specific weapons strong points.
  20. Rusky

    The Scattercannon/Hacksaw/etc won't get nerfed I think. It's been around since launch and never got a single balance change. I bet when we're going to see the stats it'll show that, just like with the MBT and ESF, the NC MAX is underperforming in score/hr.

    For MBT/ESF source:

    For the most part the Scat max is good in Bio labs and whenever you can force engagements in CQC. The VS and TR maxes are decent at all ranges.

    Yes, sometimes you turn a corner, run into a scattercannon and die. Tough luck.

    I don't like playing a scat max much; usually only pull one in bio lab fights and sometimes in tower fights. Range and reloading are a big issue and funnily enough I can usually get instagibbed by a guy with a rocket launcher behind a corner just the same as I can instagib people who I run into.
    Also, decent LA players will almost always kill me. Unless I can hide in a small room somewhere they will always manage to hunt me down and either drop C4 on my head or just whittle me down from afar.