NC MAX's: Looking innocent with guilt in the back pocket

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OgreMarkX, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Bape

    First off that a bio lab i love to see nc max do that in a outside cap base.
    2nd off that wasn't 10 infantry in a cap they were all spread out easy to kill
    3rd off any max can do what he did if your a tr/vs max and you couldn't kill spreaded out infantry log off
    4th off he got repaired and he had allies around him we are talking about a solo max going into a cap base with 10 infantry that has self awareness

    I do agree MAXES need buff resistance to shotgun damage so all 3 can survive against shotgun and hacksaws.
  2. NucNuc

    Videos videos ....yeeaha... 1:24... a VS and TR Max would have eaten a Rocket before dropping that guy 3 meter, 10...15...20...30 meters...

    Still, i think no need for a nerf of scatmaxes: just buff VS and TR (with better resists)...