Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. WalrusJones

    Get a turret gunner. That turret has a good selection of anti-infantry guns.
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  2. MaxDamage

    Maybe I will actually figure out a way to fly, with VR training area.
    Because I sure as monkeyloving s***cakes can't fly now.
  3. Kanil

    Really happy to see a second seat for the Flash, no more having to ask my buddy if his Flash is off cooldown yet so we can go somewhere. That's always annoying and won't be missed.
  4. Takoita

    I'm gonna miss the old splash radius - PS 2 is pretty much the only modern that didn't nerf explosives to oblivion (yet).

    Also, am I the only one who gets an impression that the dev team don't really like TR that much? The new launcher may be a first step to make them less bland if it is unique and useful enough, but we'll see how they play.
  5. MarlboroMan-E

    73 easting was probably the most notable tank on tank engagement from the gulf war. Certainly the.most famous.
  6. MarlboroMan-E

    Didn't actually look at that, but it does in fact fit. Meanwhile, having commanded severeal tanks in Baghdad, I will tell you that while some guys ran away, some stood and fought. I remember one time when these dudes were trying to remote fire an RPG from a sawhorse. They didn't make it home. Point is, tanks in Baghdad rarely did much without infantry support. And, chechnya is a better example anyway, cause it was higher intensity. The wiki won't tell you, but I'd challenge you to find stats on the numbers of M1 series tanks destroyed during OIF. It was more than you'd think.
  7. notyourbuddy

    Not sure we needed MORE rocket launchers at this time, but everything else looks pretty sweet.
  8. Ashur

    All of which are either utter garbage that can't do anything or require you to be so close to your target you might as well leave the tank and shoot them.
  9. MadGelo

    Don't worry, i wouldnt be surprise if new secondary AI gun will be introduced for 700 SC soon :p
  10. WalrusJones

    I have been sniped personally with the M12 Kobalt (From a Flash.)
    I personally go on killing sprees with the marauder when a certain friend fortunate enough to have it equipped.
  11. Pinkelf

    "Prowler HEAT / HE rounds have had their damage reduced to no longer 1-shot kill infantry, killing a full health infantry will require both Prowler rounds to be fired. This does not affect vs. vehicle damage."

    Why? >_> We have two barrels for a reason. So you're going to let the other factions still have 1 hit infantry? Why would I use HE for vehicles? I bought it to kill lots of infantry.

    It's looking like certing into vehicles is now pointless. SoE you're terrible at balancing. Stop lowering the effectiveness of old weapons and adding new weapons that are over powered then immediately nerf them too.
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  12. ClubberLaing

    When are you implementing cert resets? Im going to need to transfer my MBT certs into Heavy assault. i really dont want to do this but the prowler isnt going to stand a chance against the 2 new rocket launchers. its already a huge anchored target.
  13. Costanza33

    Yeah I wanna know too, because I spend 750 certs to acquire HE for my Lightning, and I don't wanna shoot blanks now... It's pretty harsh to nerf ALL vehicle splash damage, because IMO recent griefs were all about the Prowler basic cannon against infantry. So I hope they won'tl break all explosion mechanics because of a single vehicle needed ajustment. Why don't they restrict themselves to the Prowler?
  14. Pinkelf

    Because you'd get more ******** than you do now from TR.
  15. Costanza33

    I still can't understand this type of dumb "all-around" balancing...
  16. yogafire

    This is a game with more infantry then anything else. Explosions do not need to be true to life they just need to make the game fun to play and infantry is the most common. Getting killed with 1 shot regardless of if its more realistic or not, is not a fun thing for infantry and making it two hits will not break the power of tanks.
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  17. ClubberLaing

    you have the ability to spawn many vehicles and it is a waste resources if you dont. playing infantry 100% of the time=doing it wrong.

    Honestly the only time one should be infantry is if everything is on CD or when assulting/defending certain bases.

    There is a time and place for infantry. The middle of the field is not one of those places.
  18. siiix

    i feel like puking :(
  19. Weylin

    If it's not the middle of a field, it's being spawn camped, because the bases can't properly repel vehicles.
  20. NameForForum

    From all i read here in this thread and i read all, is this the biggest rubbish at all!
    It's a game and in the game you have fun.
    And then all that people have fun with playing Infantry, then is 100% of the time = doing right!

    I don't know if you noticed it, but dying is in this game not the problem.
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