TR - Soltec - Mattherson. What to Expect?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bryony, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Sven

    LOL. Fielding 36 is probably a minimum on an average night. More common for our numbers to be in the range of 48-72 during primetime EST. I missed our last major outing, so I could not tell you how many were there.

    But, you are right, we are not as large as some squads on average evenings. No offense taken. If we were that large, we would be a different outfit.

    Besides, you know sometimes if you don't pay attention to a "speedbump" it will end up ripping the underside out of your car.

    See you in game. :)
  2. kill

    People who whine about TE and that Buzz guy always sound so ********. And this is coming from someone who plays on Miller EU...
  3. RobotCriminal

    Its pretty simple. Among the east coast servers Soltech has the best VS population(during the day anyway). As a result, when someone rolls a new VS char there is a good chance they are going to pick Soltech to start out, even if they later quit or roll a new character.
  4. Minamootie

    The last few weeks on Mattherson have been more about farming (or getting farmed) than about capping actual bases. Let's hope the server merge will make Indar too crowded and force people to other continents. If more people would try playing on Esamir and Amerish for a while, they would see it can be fun.

    Indar staying neutral is mainly being caused by 2 reasons.
    - When TR/NC try to take over, VS get's warpgated except for Allatum (even after the gate swap)
    - When VS/TR try to take over, NC get's warpgated except for Zurvan/Tawrich

    TR doesn't really have a hotspot. As said, they go where the fight is and go somewhere else if they don't like it any longer. With the numbers TE can pull, they can create a fight in the middle of nowhere (since I've seen multiple VS/NC holding with 5 guys against multiple squads, they often need those numbers).

    NC is pretty much the faction who's the most interested in capping bases. They used to be unorganized, but they fixed that pretty well in the last 1-2 months. My respect to those who do/did the job.
  5. RobotCriminal

    Also holy ****, is Matherson really this much of a slapfight or does the forum just bring out the worst of it?

    Because I'm not gonna lie, I hope this crap doesn't migrate with you to Soltech where things really don't seem to be as HYPER VIDEO GAME SERIOUS.
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  6. Leyor

    On behalf of Sturmgrenadiers, I'd like to thank you for all the favorable "reviews". ;)
    We have a blast fighting most the TR and VS outfits, and it's nice that it's mutual. Especially GotR and BWC, who are organized and always provide a good challenge.

    With 1-2 platoons on during primetime weekdays, we're actually one of the larger NC outfits ;) We use a combined arms doctrine, running both air and armor, and often run multiple objectives, stalling enemy progress in one area to obtain an advantage in another. Which is why you often don't see us all together. However we definitely are not the size of TE, Goons or TEST.

    As you've probably experienced we also sometimes do joint ops with 7th. Cav, a great coordinated NC outfit. Unfortunately the fragmentation of the NC into mostly smaller outfits, makes it hard for us to achieve a factionwide cohesion, as we see the VS able to accomplish.

    Hopefully amongst the new influx of Soltec players, we'll be able to find tactically minded players, interested in joining organized outfits and growing the best NC outfits. As a shameless plug I'd like to direct any of you looking for a great organized NC outfit to:
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  7. Shotgunjoe

    Dont worry, its a given that internet pillow fights usually result in really great fights in the game. This is the meta game for PS2 right now to many I suppose.
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  8. turtlestation

    It's not. Mattherson players are fooling themselves if they really think they're super serious intense MLG pro gamers cawwadooty masters. It's really a vocal minority doing the **** talking. What you should try when you get here is to look up the stats of the most egregious **** talkers. They're usually bad players and it makes me wonder if they're aware anyone can see their stats.

    From what I've seen, the level of individual skill on Mattherson is not higher than any server, but outfit organization is quite good, which is the key to success in PS2.
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  9. Cl1mh4224rd

    It can actually be worse in-game. The personal attacks are much more prevalent, simply because there are no moderators to come around and remove your statement. Anyone who says otherwise is just conditioned to accept this as reasonable human behavior.
  10. Vertabrae

    Yeah hate to say it but it's way worse in game. Especially if it's a fight against the TR. VS and NC don't tend to hate on each other quite as much, though there is still plenty of it going on.

    If the TR is involved in anyway, the TE gets brought into it. People hate the idea of losing to anything other than the TE. So even if TE isn't at the battle, NC/VS usually claim they lost it due to TE coming in with huge numbers. On the flip side, if the NC/VS win, then they go on about how bad bad bad TE is, and how BCP sucks and couldn't beat them this time. Which can be really funny if TE isn't present at the battle. I got this earlier when I was the only guy defending a Biolab and the VS were razzing me about how bad TE sucks. Funny as I'm not TE.
  11. Mustarde

    Wow, I think the last three months fighting vanu on soltech makes so much more sense after watching that video :). Mattherson, YOU ARE NOT READY!

    On a serious note, I've had some tough fights with the guys in 404. There is also a smallish outfit S W A N K (SWNK) that have some of the best VS players on our server, I can always tell when they are around because they capture strategic objectives and hold them with modest numbers very nicely.

    I think mattherson can expect an influx of solid outfits from Soltech that will make all factions more competitive, and I look forward to fighting on esamir/amerish.

    99% of the comments directed towards BCP and TE seem pointless, inaccurate or just stupid. An "organized zerg" is an oxymoron and a poor attempt to discredit a large outfit. There is a lot more to mattherson than its most popular player and his outfit, and I look forward to fighting alongside or against all of them.
  12. TeknoBug

    NC and VS doesn't lose to TR often when TE isn't in the picture- that's how bad TR leadership is outside of TE, before I deleted my TR Matherson alt there was nonstop arguing about who goes where and what to take/defend and I made the mistake of buying command comm. It's easy to lose to TR with TE in the picture, hard to lose without them in the picture.
  13. Plunkies

    TE isn't so much an organized zerg, simply a zerg with direction. About is much as you can expect from that many people. They just have nothing resembling tactics unless running into bullets until the enemy runs out of bullets could be considered a tactic. I think the world war 2 soviet era fighting style really fits the TR nicely though. You know when TE shows up you're going to lose the point, but at least you'll have a 20:1 K/D when the fighting is over.
  14. Vertabrae

    I don't care much about the larger picture, I'm generally a solo player. I go where ever I can find a decent sized battle. I know that if I am playing my TR solo at 11am est when Buzz isn't on, I still see TR taking plenty of bases. We might get pushed back to WG at noon, and at 1pm we have pushed to the NC WG or the VS one. Saying VS and NC don't lose except when TE is playing isn't true. Ok you said NC and VS don't lose often. Fair enough. So by that logic TR should hold only a couple bases until TE logs in each night, and nothing on the weekends when TE doesn't do Ops. Yet somehow TR manages to take and retake plenty of bases even when TE isn't around.

    TE is a huge outfit. Hate them or love them, they have an impact. But please don't say TE is the TR. There are plenty of TR players on Mattherson who are not in TE. In fact I would be willing to bet there are far more non TE players than there are TE members. Those players, whether in another outfit or playing solo, have achieved plenty of victories over other factions. Don't act like the TR can ONLY win a battle if TE is involved.
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  15. Deezy

    I love how this thread evolved: first an honest inquiry by the op, then a small jab at The Enclave by MarlboroMan, then Deathrus derails the thread completely and shifts its focus to The Enclave. All of this on the first page!

    I guess there's no such thing as bad press.
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  16. EliteEskimo

    I don't get why so many people on the forums act like only the TE outfit is getting things accomplished on Mattherson. The TR Ultra Alliance gets so much done with each and every outfit contributing significant value. Sure the other outfits on Mattherson don't have the numbers to perform the shock, awe, and overwhelm tactic 24/7 like TE, but I personally believe that Mattherson TR would not be nearly as effective if TE was the one and only TR outfit.

    As an example, BWC has single-handedly been able to hold the NC at their warp gate for 30-45 minutes numerous times these past two weekend, during prime time hours, from Crater Firing Range with only 2-3 squads . This is only one example among numerous others strategies that require a lot of coordination and teamwork to pull off, and this example is only from the BWC outfit. Also keep in mind that because other TR outfits on Mattherson don't have the numbers that TE does, they are forced to make use of very coordinated tactics to be efficient. So when you're coming to Mattherson , SolTech VS/NC, I'll give you advanced warning to prepare for multiple tactics beyond that of traditional zerging or you'll be in for one heck of a surprise.:cool:
  17. TheHalo1Pistol

    Immediately after this, 3 NC Vanguards showed up and we all freaked out and grabbed heavies. Within 10 seconds of the first shot fired there were three burning vanguards sitting on the ground, being used as a beach campfire. Weenie roast anybody?
  18. Sebyos

    I really can't see why I would answer such a wrong and angry kid whose writing reflects the quality of his thought process. I'd rather pick on a famous, wrong and angry kid.
    Where's the problem ? The fact that we play the same game and since I insult him for playing it I kind of insult myself ? Can you not see the difference between a man who plays 5.8 hours a day and an empty human shell playing 10.5 ?
    Marvelous I was hoping for an idiot to check my deaths stats and see BCP on top of it. Let me tell you I am not disappointed. Not only have I fished an idiot, but I am more than happy to see that BCP himself gave me another proof of his stupidity.

    Let's check things a bit, if a player plays 10.42 hours a day what are the odds of him being the top killer on people's list ? Normally I really wouldn't need to go further. After all, the answer is simple. It's obvious that the biggest factor here is the time you played against me and everyone actually, but I'm sure I will have to push further considering how far below average your intelligence is.

    Let's compare each others on the same ground. Let's use a common denominator, the kills per hour. Now considering you played 990 hours and killed me 11 times we can say you kill me 0.011 times per hour or 0.264 a day. On the other side I killed you 8 times in 454 hours which is 0.018 kills per hour or 0.432 a day. I hope you understand that I kill you almost two times more per day.

    What happens here is that once I remove the enormous time advantage you got over me and that I compare each other on equal footing, in terms of kills per hour, we see that I kill you more often than you kill me.

    Next time you want to post something make sure you call a friend so he can answer something smart for you since you are evidently unable to.
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  19. Kroova

    Haha that's what I have been wondering. Soltech is pretty chill. We get some friendly smack talk in-game, but it's mostly fun/relaxed. (i.e. My outfit decides to have a flash race across Indar ---> NC blockades J908's bridge with Sunderers to make it more challenging xD)
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  20. Kroova

    Dang, almost makes me wish I had joined up with the VS instead. You guys have some nice real estate. All we TR have are trees...before that all we had was sand...