TR - Soltec - Mattherson. What to Expect?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bryony, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Vertabrae

    TR gets the SE corner pretty soon. You can enjoy the beach then.
  2. lootandshoot

    the bottom line is
  3. silentslade

    I just want to jump in and Say I really look forward to More NC blood on Matherson.

    I also look forward to new VS players, because we have a ton of Great VS opponents on the server, but they just don't seem to have enough numbers lately.

    Some of you flyboys are DANGEROUS!

    GOKU, AT, GOTR, are names I can respect, as you guys can do a lot with small numbers in a location, and even though you are in **** canyon, you tend to fight us off tooth and nail.

    No respect for the ridiculous NS Annihilator gangs some VS set up when we were stuck down there. CHEAP!

    About the NC on Matherson.

    For any NC reading, Matherson has a lot of smaller Veteran Outfits from Planetside 1. We tend to roll small squads of elite players, do a lot of black ops, and try to guide the zerg to the right Places.

    You will oftentimes find RNGD The Renegades initiating a base cap around a larger facility, and then moving on after the area is secure before the full cap, assisting with air support during a large Global Command Push, or generally causing mayhem and distraction. We've actually attracted TE to our location quite a few times, helping the rest of the NC push deeper into TR turf.

    We see a lot of fellow groups doing similar:

    ST, Ao1, SG, BL, WMD, etc

    Of Course we also have larger groups like the GOONs and TAS, which have recently started to organize and make some great pushes.

    We have great communication on Global Command, talk tactics, and work well together. Except maybe that guy whose always yelling about defending the Tech plant.

    AS for TR:

    I can honestly say I personally don't really have a lot of respect for TE, not as individual players, some of you guys are scary, even BCP (you shot me the other night off a rooftop in Allatum, btw nice shot. Was that revenge for the C4?)
    But more because they bring huge numbers to the party, and tends to hold out in 1 location to the detriment of the rest of the TR, if some of our forces get you stuck in a bio lab. you never leave! And we and the VS just steamroll your turf.

    Some of the smaller outfits are pretty good, and we have a lot of fun battles, especially in the skies as you guys love sending packs of squitos.

    Last note: I noticed that of all the factions: TR on Matherson was the one where I had to report the most amount of players for cheats and aimbots. These players tended to be part of either smaller outfits, or none whatsoever. So be prepared for that people migrating in.

    Please note these are my personal observations and opinions, and aren't necessarily indicative of what actually goes on.
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  4. VoidMagic

    Mathersons awesome. Our outfits are ICONIC. Buzz, hate him or love him is a legend. Personally, Im glad he's on Matherson, [TE] is a very worthy opponent, and only suckaz want things easymode. One of the happiest moments I've had in PS2 was finding out [GOON] was rolling on our server, great addition to the old guard crews.

    Overall Matherson is pretty freakin awesome.
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  5. miraza

    mattherson is the exact opposite, sorry.
  6. Kroova

    :( Thanks for the tip.
  7. KnightCole

    Lol, the TR tactic in general is sui-spawn then Zerg everywhere because if they dont achieve like a 5-1 numerical advantage they simply cannot win, and its not because of playerskill, its because NC guns are simply better....never once have I seen equal number TR and NC meet and the TR win...TR always lose to NC, unless...they have more armor...but if the other nations bring in equal armor, the TR armor melts....its like the Germans vs US....US wins as long as the US has numbers, Germans show up with some power and bam, US lose!
  8. lootandshoot

    yea as NC i hate the TR way more than the VS on mattherson but you should see the /YELL chat during a three way biolab fight
  9. SmoothBandit9

    Yeah I'm a TAS NC on mattherson. We are almost always fighting TE, it is nearly impossible to beat their number of players unless GOON shows up and combines with our push. We have a good 2 platoons by the afternoon.

    That being said, the thing I respect TE for the most is their players sheer devotion to their leader. Someone wrote cult of personality earlier and that is exactly what this is. I've seen us pushing into TR territory then suddenly a whole army shows up out of seemingly no-where. But that works both ways, when we've got TAS and another outfit pushing together, the entire TE outfit can vanish into thin air and leave a front completely undefended.

    I rarely see NC do that, but we'll definitely need some better organization to continue to compete with the TR.

    With TR (on mattherson) you've got one huge concentrated force, NC has multiple medium sized forces, and VS has a number of very well organized smaller outfits.

    Hopefully the server merge and the upcoming WG swap will make the VS a big player on the field again. I like fighting you guys, and if your organized outfits get a larger player base you might become a freaken terror to fight.
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  10. Dr.Destro229

    this thread is making me want to leave this server...
  11. Gamepro03

    Come@meBCP, we're at 7/7 even, and you're not even at the top of my death list ;) Gfgf those 14 times.
  12. Natir

    If you are going to suggest it, why don't you just leave then?
  13. thrikerr

    Why do people make this association with small outfits and organization? Having small numbers doesn't automatically make you organized. I see no more organization from smaller outfits than I see from bigger ones.
  14. Jakko

    Dear Matherson Vanu, please show us on the doll where uncle Buzz put the AS16Nighthawk.
  15. xGreedFuSioN

    VS Put TR in their warpgate yesterday with 26% pop. Nuff said. TR On mattherson is pretty much just 1 big zerg and a few solo players here and there.
  16. TeknoBug

    [YELL] You: do you even lift?
  17. xGreedFuSioN

    [YELL] You: du u evn lipht phagit 1v1 mi irl
  18. AtroposZero

    LOL @ whoever reported my post to get it removed. As Buzz says, "Bad, bad bad. You guys are bad."

    Bad. :)

    update: Wait! It still lives on, in quoted form. Quick, someone report Buzz's post so you can finish erasing all evidence.
  19. EliteEskimo

    I don't understand some of you guys, I posted something of use to everyone coming to Mattherson, but everyone is more interested in getting in a troll war with BCP and no one even comments on this. BCP is a good player who loves this game, acknowledged, but there's more to TR on Mattherson than just TE. Isn't anyone from Bonk, AOD, WOLV, or other TR outfit on the forums to comment on this besides me? This afternoon we took Dahaka amp station from the NC and they had multiple platoons stationed in there. Who was at Dahaka to snatch victory away from the NC? BWC, AOD, TE, and likely more outfits.

    Hmm just had a thought, maybe VS/NC kill way more of TE than the members other TR outfits so it only appears that TE are the ones present. Thoughts?
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  20. Cl1mh4224rd

    He plays mostly Engineer.