VS...Do Not Come To Connery...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roxputin, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Zaik

    I'd imagine they're busy ghost capping esamir and amerish, or reghost capping it.

    It's what a lot of NC did when we were in the southeast ****hole.
  2. jjruh

    Well we have to be, with our low pop. And I was there for that battle, THE largest battle on amerish since the UES.... unfortunately.
  3. TheRanged

    Dude it's 1040pm and the population balance is the same. Don't be an ignorant apologist.
  4. Stew360

    Its simple 666Devildog hold the most part of this servers wich , you saw whats they are capable of in the last Empire showdown , Lots of talking not so much accurate shooting ;)

    Steam rolling underpopulated randoms can be easy but still ... seams they cant lol
  5. BalogDerStout

    Populations need to get locked for character creation when the pop % starts to get beyond 35% - 40%. 20/40/40 is ridiculous.
  6. Amrok1

    Amerish was a fun fight tonight, though my outfit was fighting the NC more. Wasn't until we switched back to Indar that we got to face TR.

    Not many randoms on the VS on Connery.
  7. Gavyne

    I actually think if there's a good VS Outfit or VS players that want to play competitive, organized battles, the VS on Connery is a great fit. There are VS on other servers with much higher representation, that don't do half as well as the VS on Connery do. Under represented, yes. But it isn't going to change without more VS joining.
  8. Agent 47

    I'm sorry, have you actually played with PCYS or FT32 as a VS?
  9. HadesR

    And prime time figures is what count's for a proper analysis not some random off-peak period .. Don't be ignorant full stop :)
  10. †Ashley†

    Well the issue is it continues to slowly drop. Being outnumbered all the time in most combat simply can be frustrating and fun. What's the best way to stop this? Leave and join TR. That means one less Vanu, one more TR and it also makes the situation even worse making an awful positive feedback loop. Until only hardcore vanu players are left.
  11. MuNrOe

    NC had the same problem when put in that south east hole. We capped Esamir and Amerish just to get infantry and tank resources so we could play. Indar the map is broken as it was the first map introduced and only map. As such it was made very hard to totally cap out without insane overpopulation.
  12. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Sadly it was, then a NC platoon decided to show up and we started some fighting. Then I had to get off. But maybe its the start of something. I dont know.
  13. Roxputin

    I have never had a problem with being in the SE section of Indar. Helll I actually like it better than the SW. There has been non-stop battles raging all up and down those canyons. When the VS were in the SW, we never made it that far east. Feldspar alone has seen several crazy mad fights. Also having the SE section gives you access to Zurvan which I believe is the best spot for attacking the Crown.

    Monroe, we have fought together many years and I value veteran input. Understand that I am in no way moaning or whining about the state of the VS. I am merely just reinforcing the fact that there is a problem, and I hope the devs notice it. I rolled VS this time because I knew the VS were going to be the underdog faction. I welcome the challenge of being underpopped. But....the way the gameplay is set up at this momemt in PS2s life cycle renders poplation disadvantages an (un)enjoyable experience.
  14. 13lackCats

    what an insult to the VS of connery
  15. Roxputin

    Quite the contrary my cat loving friend. The VS on Connery are probably the hardest fighting bunch I have experienced in a long time. Now me on the other hand, quite the insult to the VS on Connery.
  16. DonnyD.

    The problem is population not organization, but thanks for being honest.
  17. Morpholine

    I haven't been going 0 for 20.

    @ OP: Sorry about the low pop yesterday evening. I had family stop by unexpectedly.
  18. Amrok1

    Hear that everyone? It is all Morpholine's fault! He admited it! Someone light the torches, I've got the pitchforks!
  19. DonnyD.

    20% VS 33% TR 46% NC 3:05 PM EST.
  20. DonnyD.

    I knew we seemed a bit low last night.......