I play on Woodman and am... sad, upset, hurt..?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Idono

    Even so having a 1800-2000 player que on Woodman/Miller is not an option. This will be fixed as soon as the new meta mechanics are implemented.
  2. Loegi

    I've seen queues for Indar on Woodman already. If they would merge any server with Woodman, chances are quite large we'd be getting a lot more long queues. Higby has the specific player numbers etc., and he speculated that it could be possible to get 4 hour queues.

    I'd rather have it stay like it is now. Maybe merge it when the new continent's here.
  3. philux

    Since X-mas holidays I never witnessed a queue on Woodman. Instead, Esamir and Amerish are ghost towns 24/7, and Indar is only populated during prime time.
  4. Aisar

    It is like that on most servers. I highly doubt these mergers will get people onto the other continents, people are sticking to Indar. You have to dangle a carrot or force people onto the other continents. Will populations increase slightly on the other continents at random times, yes. Not substantially though, Indar is where we are used to playing and it's the default, go-to continent for the game now. Some people jokingly say this game is now Indarside for a very good reason, there's no joke there at all.
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  5. Rene Korda

    Nerf the freaking Crown to oblivion I say. Then we'll get people going to other continents - which are actually much better designed then Indar anyway.
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  6. Falcou

    I have to agree on everything with OP.

    Seriously, do you even play the game? There is no life outside Indar in Woodman. The server is going to die soon if nothing happens. Being stuck in Indar has made the game too repetitive and it's getting bored. It's either we fight with NC for Allatum/Hvar or with VS for Tawrich.
  7. Falcou

    lol you're saying this as a VS player? You are out of your mind son.
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  8. BloodyPuma

    Just finished playing as for today [2 am]. Its just sad. Past two hours - except crown and TI alloys - nothing. Even crown brawl isnt fun anymore when there is half of platoon running.

    I event dont mind that half of Vanu disapeared. I need targets, or my rifle will go rusty :)

    This thread is not giving me any optimistic vision for woodman future.
  9. Kastrenzo

    don't nerf the crown, nuke it, erase it from the face of the earth, er auraxis
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  10. ikillyou1990

    I felt this way about Connery..Connery really needs to be merged..
  11. ChickenCurrys

    bump for a better woodmen future
  12. AtlanticEvil

    I can see what you mean, then again your not regularly being flattened by overwhelming hoards of TR nubcakes. At least the NC has the decency to use good players to crush us.

    Better tank, better Aircraft, more players, infantry guns that don't habitually suck..... Yes your right, I know I want to.

    No technical advantage to playing vanu what so ever. If I could pack my outfit and Char in a suitcase and leave vanu I would.

    /off topic

    On a side note, Vanu are supposed to be all about advanced technology right. Well isn't the point of technology to do things bigger, faster, stronger? Then why the hell is all our stuff mediocre crap?

    I originally joined vanu because I thought they would have the most manoeuvrable ESF, and the most accurate guns. Turns out "manoeuvrable" means "ability to hover", so our ESF's big trick is ~ "standing still in front of the enemy" ~ wow thanks for nothing. As for our guns, sure they are by far the most accurate, if you don't count every single TR gun and quite a few of the NC guns, and as an added bonus, vanu guns are all technically Shotguns seeing as they are virtually useless beyond a certain range. I have lost count of how often we get overrun by the other factions, who just storm in and then face roll us completely. Not that they need to mind you, they could just as easily stay out at range and DPS us from a distance.

    I joined an NC platoon on Miller the other day, to relax and have some fun. They were rightfully laughing at how easy the vanu are to kill. Whenever I want to relax in planetside 2, I go play one of the other factions, they are just too easy for words.
  13. Lagavulin

    You seem to be talking about a different vanu ... One most players don't even recognise. In PS 2 the vanu are easy to play and have great weapons.
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  14. itzCujo666

    At Sunday afternoon/evening in Europe, here's the server population from Planetside Universe:


    With the merger plan...

    Cobalt and Lithcorp are merging, great for them 2 medium population servers merging!

    Ceres and Mallory are merging, also great for them to have 2 medium population servers merging.

    Miller...well, it seems to be one of the highest population servers globally, and was also medium from yesterday's screen shot, when Woodman was low.

    Great Woodman is also currently medium, but it's projected to be second lowest population server after mergers, and was low when I checked yesterday (screen shot higher up the thread). I just came from in game. As usual, there's the (semi) battle (spluttering) around the Crown, Crossroads, TI and Tawrich...but not a flashing hex ANYWHERE on any other continent. All quick deploy options lead to that general area on Indar.

    Yesterday, Saturday night, my outfit (with neutrals) capped Esamir in less than ~2 hours, with hardly a fight, then moved to Amerish, got about half the continent before redeploying to Indar (you guessed it) Crown because we got tired of standing on empty points for 4 hours. On a Saturday night...we really tried to fight elsewhere, but ultimately could not find a fight except killing the occasional lone wolf.

    Help us SOE, you're our only hope....do something so the loyal players on Woodman continue to get a satisfactory game experience and keep shovelling money your way...

    You're helping other servers, why are you abandoning Woodman?
  15. Anasyn

    I play Woodman NC and every time I've tried going Amerish, we've either taken half the map and got bored of ghost capping or got half the map then facerolled by massive TR/VS force with no help from inept NC leadership who believe the crown gives them damned COOKIES!

    Edit: Also worth noting, likely reason Woodman not getting merged is because along with Miller they were the only 2 Euro servers on launch day.
  16. Garantine

    What I'm getting from the OP is that he is perfectly happy with the state of the game as it is on Woodman. but that he is losing all interest because NOTHING is going to change.

    Happy with the situation.

    Pissed off because nothing is changing.

    Not sure if srs.
  17. Ganelon

    NC usually have the highest pop on Woodman now. And I just can't take the NC having good players remark seriously, makes me think of 5 [GODS] Reavers trying to hoverpod and being blown out of the sky by a single burster MAX shortly after.
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  18. Garantine

    VS is Nerfed.

    TR is OP and godly because of their guns.

    NC is "where all the great outfits and players are".

    All are equally inaccurate.
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  19. AtlanticEvil

    Fair enough. After posting I went out and had a long and heated discussion with an outfit mate, we milled over the spread sheet for weapon stats. And came to the conclusion that we quite rightly were using the wrong weapons to fight the TR, and therefore were getting our ***** handed to us. Unfortunately it turns out we only have one stock weapon able to contend on even footing with the TR weapons for CQC, which explains the misconception that TR guns are OP.

    Whether or not NC are good players, is debatable. The [GODS] have there good players and their bad players, from my point of view I mostly have the joy of fighting the good players, perhaps I just ignore the bad ones because they are dead when my command sunderer gets there.

    Regardless, I apologize to the TR for calling them OP nubcakes. Because TR infantry weapons are clearly not all that OP. They just have a disproportionately large number of guns well suited for close combat. Close combat making up an odd 60% of all engagements. Regardless we have found ways to beat you now. So beware! the purple scourge :D

    In any case can we agree upon the following statement: "The Vanu are always outnumbered"
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  20. itzCujo666

    Actually....not quite correct.

    Situation is not that good on Woodman. It's very frequent there is no action except Indar, with Amerish and Esamir deserted. I know many/most servers are like that, therefore SOE is taking action by merging servers...except Woodman misses out, is not planned to be merged, and is now projected to be the 2nd smallest server immediately after the merger. Possibly continuing to decline, maybe even more quickly, as new players join larger servers, and Woodman players are not happy to be left behind.

    So..not happy with situation (incorrect) and pissed off nothing is changing (correct)...and also really concerned for the future of Woodman and me playing this game as a result of playing on an "abandoned" server.

    I'd say I wish I joined a different server, but then I'd have missed out on playing with my outfit....tonight we had a typical couple of hours standing on empty points around Amerish, so we talk to each other. eheh.

    Thanks for reading! :)