I play on Woodman and am... sad, upset, hurt..?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. itzCujo666


    I play on Woodman in a very organised, great outfit.

    We have our own TS server, dedicated leadership and recruiters, steam group, YouTube, etc... etc... my point is = I and many others have invested time, effort, determination, willingness and money into Woodman and our outfit.

    I'm a respected, senior outfit member (I think.. eheh..) and most are to busy playing than reading (I hope...), but guess everyone undetstands...

    Since hearing about the mergers, I was super excited! Woodman felt slow and dying, but there was hope.

    After reading the merger plans, seeing Woodman is projected to become the 2nd smallest server and miss any mergers, I'm... well, really upset, it's hard to describe. I feel dissolutioned and wonder if I leave my great outfit to join Miller or another successful server, or just quit PS2... I have a lot of hours, money and emotions invested, but feel (to be honest) completely ****** over by the hope, expectation and the bad news on server mergers.

    Help.. Give me some advice. Sorry if I ramble, but I'm going from hard core PS2 player to doesn't give a **** in the blink of an eye as a Woodman player due to mergers and need... something.... help?

    You see my signature, you see who I am in game, I'm laying myself out here (stupid, I'm sure...) , I'm not a PS2 god, but I'm a high ranked and competent player, asking for honest advice... how do I deal with this?
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  2. CupidStunts

    Woodman may miss the total for merger but it has some of the best outfits/players in the world so..
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  3. Xeenos

    Dont be such a kitten, im on one of the servers that is getting merged and i felt there was plenty of fighting to go around. Game on man! Or take a break for a month or so and wander back.
  4. Idono

    Woodman is hardly even close to being small. There is a small que almost every night on indar.
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  5. Zer0range

    Take a deep breath and relax. Woodman is doing just fine in terms of population.
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  6. Ganelon

    You playing on the same Woodman as I am?
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  7. Munq

    Woodman was one of the least populated servers during the launch, BEFORE new servers were added. Problem with these "launches" is that the traffic is suddenly and massively increased. This overloads the servers and so they added more servers as a result of this. Now, after all the launch hype is effectively died out, large number of these new servers are seeing low number of players. It is no wonder that it is indeed these new servers that are being merged and Woodman is left as a new "new" server which still has room for new players.

    I don't know if the game is constantly losing players. Only time will tell us that. I certainly hope not because Planetside franchise is a concept that has not been really implemented that many times and I'd like SOE to keep working and improving the experience.
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  8. CupidStunts

    Woodman is probably THE best European server between 6-11 prime-time (VS)? MIller has great battles but i'm nub TR so..

    Yes, Indar is popular and other maps need using, Sony?
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  9. Sworaven

    Reroll as TR on Miller. You know you want to ..
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  10. CupidStunts

    meh, i seriously won't cos the guns are accurate and no rcoil above all others.

    this is a nice bonus so see you soon :p

    might roll NC just cos they are cool
  11. Kastrenzo

    that's irrelevant, the problem is THEY WANT YOU TO GET OFF INDAR. and by merging some servers, people will be forced to fight on other continents once in a while.
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  12. CupidStunts

    Cmon guys, we all know the merger will not affect the lack of fight on other continents.

    If there is no incentive (the other worlds were scouted by our ops and reported back meh.)

    I do belive the best solution is to restrict all players to these continents at some point(s) :)
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  13. Kracken

    Continent locks....
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  14. CupidStunts

    Sony can work it out, but force us to play these maps cos we don't know how good they are.

    For real or pro troll
  15. Nocturnal7x

    Id be pissed if mattherson wasn't getting merged.
  16. TintaBux

  17. Sorusi

    Meantime i can recommend you "Rock & Reroll" on Miller, i did so and im not dissapointed. (except for waiting on the Account wide unlocks :p)
  18. Raichu

    With Cont lock coming up Id doupt youd even notice it man. BE HAPPY!!!
  19. CupidStunts

    How is VS on Miller? Tell me from a NC perspective :)

    I have a TR (feel easy mode)
    NC is hardcore
  20. itzCujo666

    This is exactly what I mean...it's Saturday afternoon in Europe when I took this screen shot from PlanetSide Universe. I don't know why Woodman is out of alphabetical order, possibly becasue I'm registered on PS Universe, it knows I play on Woodman, so it puts it first...


    Here's the merger plan for EU servers:
    Cobalt and Lithcorp -> Cobalt (of this combination, Cobolt is MEDIUM now, and Lithcorp is low)
    Ceres and Mallory -> Ceres (of this combination, Ceres is MEDIUM now, and Mallory is low).

    Woodman and Miller will not be part of the merges. Of this, Miller is MEDIUM and Woodman is low.

    Why is Woodman being abandoned?
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