Roadmap, Players Site and Server Merges!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. ArthurGalpin

    Let me get this right, Mattherson is getting a merge but NOT Connery? On Connery we consistently have 19-27% server population on a good day...
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  2. Dagonlives

    Merge Jaeger and Soltech. This current setup is stupid.
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  3. Tiko001

    Yeah, I'm right there with you man. Especially since our server is quickly evolving into Indarside 2 (this may be occurring across all servers). We generally have all the fight on Indar with almost always no more than a few (if that) squads on Amerish and Esamir. Thanks for considering a Connery merge Devs!
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  4. subz3r01337

    mattherson needs a merge? more people to kill then..
  5. IMTasty

    Wondering the same, no idea how he can think Esamir especially is a ghost town. Esamir occasionally hits pop cap (during weekends especially) and during prime always have multiple platoon sized battles and got platoon sized battles during the off hours. Amerish is a bit 50/50, got platoon and sometimes multiple platoon sized battles during primetime but mostly just get squad and sometimes platoon sized battle during off hours.

    Wondering if he plays VS on Miller by any chance, mostly heard it from them since they usually have a smaller number on Esamir and Amerish due to overall smaller world population. So they only really do stuff outside of Indar once they are pop capped there, speaking in general here, ofc sometimes some random VS outfit decides to not focus on Indar. But in general it feels to me to be mostly NC I fight on Esamir and Amerish.
  6. BadLizzard

    Maybe in a month they will merge Connery with the other server... because that's what it needs, or as someone else suggested how about giving VS players on other servers free transfer to Connery tokens
  7. Tatwi

    I have not had to queue to get into Connery at all since I re-rolled there in Jan. Twice I had to queue for less than a minute to get back to Indar. And that's taking into account all of the crashing/locking up that causes me to have to reload the game.

    When are people having to wait? It's not from 6pm-1am PST any day of the week, in my experience.
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  8. spaz95

    I'm worried that the merge of Jaeger and Waterson is going to be a bad thing. Jaeger VS already have to fight a well org. NC and TC, now you are going to basically double their pops while VS hardly gets a boost? I think a Soltech and Jaeger merge would be much more appropriate.
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  9. Iquizzle

    Needs to be Jaeger + SolTech = Jaeger please. That would make the empires really balanced. Its so logical it's scary.
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  10. GraphicJ

    Very good job you guys. +1
  11. LordMondando

    Indeed the only map i'm familiar with not being que to get in on a regular basis is amerish.

    Even then, I'd struggle to say its not busy. Only time I see ghost caps are the dead of night.

    Then again, on miller we do have a phenomenon, of u.s players, playing it relative to their time and some how not realising that on a weeknight, not everyone plays pay 9gmt, or 9cet (an hour earlier).

    Was a massive fight on amerish today say you on the other side, unfortunately as noted, i'm one of the ones having random fps issues again and so didn't enjoy it as much as I should have.

    Lot of VS are off sulking about this supposed nerf. As i've said, perhaps there are some magrider bugs, open to that possibility, however generally their stuff seems as recoil free and descent RoFery as ever.
  12. Kwanza

    Where there's smoke there's fire. A game wide exodus from VS putting them below both the other factions means that something is up.
  13. Backf1re

    I hope you like the TR zerg, because Mallory is 25/40/35 during prime-time. Not to mention, the NC only ever fight at the Crown 24/7, so no hope of them fighting anywhere else.
  14. IMTasty

    Agreed on all parts. But you might've seen BRTD, not me though, in the middle of upgrading my computer, my motherboard was faulty so just took the opportunity to do a complete upgrade while I was at it. Waiting for the parts to arrive. So atm I am not playing.

    Still waiting for your rap duel with Yawnn. :)
  15. Tenzin


    There is very rarely any type of fighting on Esamir/Amerish, because there simply isn't enough population on Connery to spread across 3 continents.

    Merge Helios/Genudine into Connery.
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  16. SLiCKRiCK

  17. Endlos

    Don't worry about Waterson:TR's numbers. The vast majority of those players are absolutely terrible. We can have a significant population advantage on Indar and end up warpgated because our brilliant team will footzerg a defended crown for a straight hour and a half. And the only people that use orders chat will tell everyone to go attack the defended crown. We basically don't take anything that's defended unless we so thoroughly outnumber it that the defenders just give up without much of a fight.

    Seriously, unless Jaeger is giving Watersome some intelligent, organized TR, the NC and VS will get along just fine despite having fewer players. Water:TR is oppressively awful.

    We don't get "teamed up on" intentionally so much as we are clearly the pushover target, so both factions tend to gravitate toward slaughtering us.
  18. Kwanza

    Yeah that's the problem, we have TRAF - essentially our own mini TE that's formed a faction wide coalition with a ****ton of TR outfits. So yeah, this is a pretty terrible idea. Your numbers + our numbers + our TR outfits = VS (to a lesser extent NC - they have decent pop and alot of good outfits) will be essentially fertilizer for their farm.
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  19. Skullface360

    I am part of a decent Vanu outfit in BJTC on Jaeger server and I can tell you hands down that NC and TR have the population over Vanu already pre merger. TRAF, a gigantic and super well organized TR outfit with branches in other outfits, do not need a boost in population for god's sake. If any of you devs had any idea about the numbers on Jaeger it is the Vanu that need help. The only reason we even compete is because a lot of Vanu on Jaeger just happen to be decent players so we are efficient but besides that its TR zerg or NC zerg we have to deal with. Now with this merger you are basically telling me we'll be dealing with a TR zerg non stop?!?!? No offense to the NC on Jaeger but they are not nearly as organized as the TR are but do have decent numbers and do have some special players.

    I dunno, its just been downhill bad news for Vanu the past 2 months in this game, I guess we're hated. First the over the top Mag nerf and now a merger that makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.
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  20. Deathcapt

    The new Players Site looks awesome!

    Welcome to Matherson Sol-tech Refugees, get ready for a fight!