The state of PS2 and what I feel must change.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Vaelkyri

    hah, at least half of the posts here are TE members bumping it though
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  2. Vikarius

    holy alt account bumping....
    Again, you cannot buff shield regeneration without fixing hit reg and buffing certain weapons like sniper rifles. Just won't work, nor will flak armor buff.
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  3. MasterCheef

    I joined TE and their site sends you an email to read this post
  4. Eyeklops

    [quote="CrazEpharmacist, post: 1258204, member: 143463"...I think it's logical to assume Sony planned in advance[/quote]
    This made me chuckle. If that only appeared true.
  5. SolLeks

    wow, I never thought I would be agreeing with buzzcut, but I do agree with most of it.
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  6. Sian

    I snipped because I had no comment on that other than vague agreement with you. =)
  7. ps2x518

    Again, I and many others were there in beta and release when servers were jam packed 24/7. Many of the problems we see today were still there. More linearity is not always a bad thing.
  8. /clutch

    Read and I agree, I got a little nostalgic thinking of the arguing that went on with OrangeSoda and the lattice system. I Think the turrets that are AI controlled should fire at half rof.
  9. LordMondando

    Uh... Less servers.

    And which problems exactly.

    beause if they were there in beta and not today in miller (im not the only one saying this), that itself is an interesting fact demanding of explanation.
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  10. HadesR

    Depends if it turns the game into nothing more than a channeled Zergfest
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  11. ps2x518

    Capping enemy territory with no opposition. It's boring, no one wants to do it but the hex system encourages it.
  12. SpaceTaxes

    Again, this is a rushed product and while there was consideration on what kind of level or degree it was going to reach, the developers did not expect such high expectations to conflict with their own current milestone or checkpoint.
  13. VSMars

    For comparison, my take on that map:


    Colour code:

    Blue = water, Green = warpgate, Purple = facility, Brown = "mountain" objective; not usefully attackable by tanks, air and infantry are way better.

    Base rules, intended to make strategic movement possible and meaningful:

    * At least two territories between each facility and the warpgates.
    * Exactly three capturable (+2 one-hex non-capturable) territories around each warpgate
    * Four to six typically, up to eight at most territories around each facility.

    Other than that, there are two island territories (see if you can spot them), which obviously only Magriders from the MBTs can get to.
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  14. Tatum

    I hope SOE reads, learns and adapts their game to OP's ideas, as a player I totally agrea that it would make PS2 a better game then it already is.
  15. MaxDamage

    This is not a rushed product, it is a labour of love and genius - and there is plenty of room and time to perfect it.
    Chill your beans.

    If you want to see something changed, stop claiming it's the end of the world and the whole thing should burn - when the system is designed to be a lot more flexible than you are giving it credit for; before concerted efforts can be made to collate data and take action on it.

    The. Best. Things. Take. Time.

    Just make sure you make your voice heard, and give thumbs up to people who say what you believe in.
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  16. QuazarX

    Most of the PS1 mechanics were just brillant. Too bad we lost them during the process...
  17. Cyridius

    Makes no sense. Hit reg is a latency issue and the only way that can be fixed is by shoving it server side(not feasible). Why would Snipers need a buff? Snipers are one of the primary reasons shield regen is an issue.
  18. PineSG

    Well got directed here from the SG forums... yeah your post is getting love there. I just finished reading it.. need to digest and come up with some responses... none of which would be "oh hell no".

    I do think you are being overly humble ( hows that for new).. while the game does/will depend on a constant influx of casual players, the metagame game play is, as you well know determined by the outfits. "Outfit play", its sorely lacking and outfit members can only take so much of this lacking before (grudginly) they give in and move on. So, sure give the noobs redefined instant action... but also give the outfits the ablity to draw these players into our play... let the outfits create the big battles that solo players love to flock to.
    outfit play buff us.. we will return to the game many fold what you give
    outfit play buff us.. we will return to the game many fold what you give
    outfit play buff us.. we will return to the game many fold what you give

    I am not ready to give up on the hex system, but yeah ... its has not proven to be better.. only different.
    Front lines/instant action - I like your idea - though I feel it should be tempered with some latitude - ie dont force the lost defender to instant action to a base that (becuase its known where they will end) is likely to be camped in anticipation

    THANK YOU SWEET JESUS on the request to nerf that dern flinch ... the flinch is, by its virtue a nerf to the NC faction. And really how fun is it to just stand there and die once the spew is on you ( regardless of your twitch skills)

    oh bah .. done too much already...

    Pine, Sturmgrenadier since 2003 (NC)
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  19. xWarMachine

    This game has a long ways to go.

    I agree with what buzz said as most do. What needs to be added more than anything is a lattice system. I have stated why in other posts so I am not going to go further. However, I would encourage anyone whom does not agree to reply to me. I have yet to read any posts stating the hex system is better than the lattice.
  20. Bloodlet

    Battle Flow: I basically disagree with every point made here aside from the concept of a defense fail cascade though I have seen situations where additional outfits arrive to plug a gap and begin to push back. It happens. I completely disagree with SCUs everywhere and with pain fields in spawn buildings. You basically want to reverse the progress made with them revamping spawn rooms. It almost seems self serving so that instead of your zerglings guarding the spawn room you can send them on to other territories while the current zone caps.

    Influence System: I'm not sure I agree with this either. They made the influence system so that people couldn't start a cap on one base, go to another base and start a cap there and then get back in time for the first base to flip before going back to base 2 for a fllip. It was like this in PS1 and I thought it sucked. I don't want people playing a relay race with bases. Keep the system as it is but adjust the curve for the amount of people on point.

    Instant Action: Remove the timer? Hell no. It's already easy enough for an outfit to instantly cross a map and resecure a territory at the last second with instant action the way it is. I don't want there to be less restrictions on it.

    IndarSide: While I agree with the sentiment that too much goes on on Indar, I disagree with your solutions. You earlier state that people want to log in and find fights then complain about the crown always being a hotspot which makes no sense. I don't think the problem is the Crown, or SCUs or the continent layout, the problem is the players. People simply aren't willing to take a leap of faith or come to an agreement with enemy outfits to try and de-emphasize Indar. If your outfits, TEST, AT, GOON, TAS and others all got together and made a concerted effort to play on the other continents then you may see more action elsewhere. Besides with continent locking coming, this may all be a moot point anyway.

    Margers: I agree with server merges. It may not look good PR wise but it helps the player base. We're lucky being on Mattherson that we have the action that we do. That being said I wouldn't mine even more people on. IMO you should try to always have 2/3 continents at pop lock if possible.

    AMS/Cloaking Fields: I'd be fine with no deploy zones. You could even make the no deploy zone be based on some sort of generator the attackers would need to take down. I also agree that friendly AMS' should not be effected.

    Annoyances: Agree with drop podding into a base. It makes your earlier point about removing instant action restrictions make more sense though I still disagree with removing a time since it basically becomes a free AMS if you did. Screen shake and flinch don't bother me much though yes they have annoyed me but I like the idea of them. The rest of your post here I basically disagree with. I am fairly happy with my Nanoweave.

    Auto Turrets/Base Benefits: I basically agree with everything here. I remember the automated base turrets from PS1 and miss them. Also since I mostly play engineer I wish I would upgrade turrets to be even more b.a. like you could in PS1. I had forgotten about vehicle shields in PS1 too.

    Restriction: Agree that resources don't mean enough in this game.

    Community Growth: No comment

    Lattice System: I'm not sure how I feel about a lattice system. I like that the front lines are the front lines. I want surrounded territories to have more penalties. What I don't want it to be pigeonholed into where to go next because sometimes you want to keep your enemy guessing. At the same time I do agree that hardly anyone can be bothered to defend the little outposts. it seems like the only time people get off their ***** to defend anything is for major bases or a bio lab. The recent changes so the spawn rooms helped but even then it seems like it is like pulling teeth to get faction mates to look at a map, see where the enemy is ghost capping or capping and getting them to respond to keep the territory. Earlier I was going 1v5 against some enemies at some small outpost on Amerish. I killed 3 before they got me. Then I respawned and waited to see if anyone else would come help out. Nobody did, as usual.
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