The state of PS2 and what I feel must change.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Gaarthar

    every base with its own SCU would need SCU autorepairing to prevent backdooring.
  2. StormStrafe

    You got the one thousandth reply, haha.
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  3. USD

    We don't really roll armor. A strong infantry push with ground lock on rockets can stick any armor push as long as it's a coordinated infantry push. The problem with armor spam is that you can always pull tanks from warpgate, so if you're pushing someone into their gate, you have nothing but tanks to deal with. The timers and resources don't REALLY come into play with that many people stuck in that small an area.
  4. chantekka


    really good posts, can't belive that support in this case a TR ;)
  5. VengefulGhost

    You are the man.
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  6. cody weathers

  7. Trucky

    I wish this was a sticky, way more useful that the current ones.
  8. strove

    simple solution for any one who has half an ounce of tactical sense is to take the scu and sub bases if your attacking. does no one understand why the bases are built the way they are?
  9. Tasogie

    This is a computer game many of us pay great deals of Cash for. Restricting our play because a few people feel its unfair to spawn tanks or mossies constantly, is just silly. Not to mention the little fact you cant do it constantly, because eventually you run out of res. Dont forget too that many times you die instantly when you spawn, an dont say well you should be more careful. Tanks an planes are paper thin an can be destroyed instantly by anyone. now this I dont care about because they are replaceable.

    This is a FPS game, punishing players by stopping them playing their chosen playstyle is an idiotic thing to say the least.
    If they were goin to do that, then maybe guns need to be restricted on how often you can reload in a set time period.
    Praps we should restrict how often you cna heal anyone as a medic. We need to restrict how often you can blow up a enemy tank....
    What worrys me with posts like this, si SOE listen to these people, an look at the game now. It isnt what it was at retail.
    As for Grenades are op because they blow people up, LOL that is what they are deigned for, Please doe love of god SOE don't change these points, they are idiotic.
  10. Marked4Death

    ITT Necromancers..
  11. hawken is better

    REREAD DA POST!!!!!!!!



  12. Trucky

    I remember this thread, everything is true. This guy is the real messiah and should be made a developer.
  13. TeknoBug

    Almost everything Buzz has done has been nerfed:

    - farmed spawning players before destroying sunderer resulting in xp reduce on fresh spawns and spawn immunity.
    - platoon instant action hot drop resulting in random hot drop now.
    - HE Prowler spam resulting in HE and HEAT for ALL tanks reduced.
    - T9 Carv, need I say more.
    - Getting his entire platoon to lockon the same target resulting in increased Annihilator lockon timer for ground vehicles.

    My bets is the pump action shotguns will see a marginal nerf, Buzz runs around towers with the Uppercut with about 30-40 kills before dying. Not that he didn't do that with an LMG beforehand.
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  14. Kastrenzo

    Punishing the entire community because a couple people are good at the game, I love the logic.

    anyway, regardless of who said it, Someone had to call out the game on it's Transition to Pay to win model, and how you don't know what's going to be good one day, and nerfed the next.
  15. CleanUpGuyCZ

    An other problem is the horrible bullet drop for tanks. When I'am shooting my two 122 mm canons, I feel like shooting tennis balls, not bullets (or shells) what fly with a speed of thousands km/h. No they are actually horribly slow and drop immediately. Actually tank fighs are no fun at all (like tank vs tank or tank vs vehicle) cause a tank/vehicle survives to many rounds from a tank canon, even to the rear they survive to much . Even Betafield has better tank fights, even there is less bullet drop for tanks. And also battlerifles should be more devastating. (Maybe there should be higher damage, less bullet and much higher damege over distance for nearly every weapon)

    And sorry for my bad english
  16. 0ReferenceException

    Shame that SOE is making the game and not the OP. It's also pretty sad to see what kind of quacks must be employed at SOE to design this game when some random forum poster does their job 10 times better then them.

    Sadly, the same people that designed this game so well are the same people that would be responsible for providing some meaningful platform for player feedback. Normally this is a forum. Sadly in the case of PS2 the forum is basically meaningless and no proper player feedback can be given to the devs - or at least they neither acknowledge nor act upon it.

    This game would be great if it were designed by some indie game devs that are passionate about making a great game (and not passionate about maximizing their shareholders profits on the backs of the players of this sub-standard product).
  17. chilly154

    If it would made by indies. This game would die long time ago. These devs are passionate about the game. The devs are not going to radically change there game over one person post even if it has 300 likes or even 500 likes. It still not the majority.

    Plus I find funny that every gaming website. There always people like you who accused them of being greedy. Every video game website. On the internet.

    Plus these devs are awesome. You have no idea how good we have it.
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