How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Machine Spirit

    its as pointless as you make it.
  2. Sabreur

    All video games are inherently pointless. You aren't a hero. You didn't save the galaxy. The princess is not in love with you. The best games can hope for is to present the illusion of accomplishment to make us feel like we did something important. The pointlessness of Planetside doesn't bother me any more than the pointlessness of every other game in existence.

    The 'point' of a game is to have fun. The playstyle and epic-sized conflicts are why I enjoy the game.
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  3. SuBs

    No offense intended, but where's your sense of scope and grandeur? This game could be absolutely breath taking with proper cross-continental conquest mechanics. Cross-continental conquest is the *point* of Planetside. Aim high my man.
  4. Vortigon

    Metagame is all fine and good - I think most FPS players enjoy the beauty and zen like qualities of that perfect killing moment when you are in the zone and unstoppable! - that is why I play - the never-ending search for the perfect killing spree where you out play and out-skill your enemy !!
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  5. maxkeiser

    This. Good post.
  6. Thurwell

    If you quit the game a month ago why are you still making posts on these forums?

    As for complaining that a game is pointless...I don't even know how to respond. Of course it's pointless. It's a game.
  7. PaladinZERO

    The biggest mistake they did was go live without the PS1 metagame in place. I know it is a lot of work, but it gave objectives, and reasons to attack. Now, it's just steamroll and farm.
  8. Arsinek

    Because I feel like it.

    How many times are you fanboys going to use this already proven wrong line and make me correct you? Super Mario Bros is a game, the point is to go through all the levels and rescue the princess. ok, your excuse is dead... again.
  9. SuBs

    There are LOADS of FPS games that facilitate that style of gameplay far better than PS2 ever will. That's not what Planetside is about.
  10. Thurwell

    Fine, I'll answer the question you meant to ask, which is what are your goals within the game.

    What's your goal in minecraft? You set your own goals. That's how MMOs and sandbox games work, you have to set your own goals. Some people like to take territory, some like to max their KDR or cert gain, some to organize outfits, some to get organized outfits into big fights and win. If you can't handle that lack of direction go play something like Halo.
  11. Zer0range

    It's starting to get a little bit, well ... pointless.

    Edit, elaboration:

    There are no finite rounds like in Battlefield. Instead there's a never ending tug of war, which in itself is fun to some extent, but... In addition, the constant tweaking of weapons and vehicles in the name of so called balance makes the whole experience a bit unpredictable - it seems to be driven by an egalitarian philosophy, which has failed in all other contexts, and I think it will fail in this too. The amount of bugs is more than a little bit annoying at times.
  12. Morrow

    Logged in today for the first time since a little before Xmas. My opinion remains the same, pointless 24/7 TDM. There is no depth to PS2. The cont benefits are basically pointless apart from indars, there are still no new conts which might make things more interesting. And in all that time there is basically one new gun (SMG) added since I played................... no real new content just polish which should of been done before the game was released. All this time has spend on balance issues which should of 100% been ironed out in BETA if you didnt rush that!

    Oh and thanks for making the SMG look different, all my other TR guns look 98% the same and I own all of the guns TR can use (lazy gun design sucks)

    How hard can it be to take planetside 1 update its engine add stuff and release it as planetside 2, why change everything. It didnt need to be changed just updated. I went with the change but it wasn't better and it makes for one hell of a boring game. So admit defeat and go back to basics! planetside 1 is 1000x better than this. And for the love of god get the new conts out quickly before everyone gets sick bored with it. There is no tactics or strategy required for this game, just zerg vs zerg whoever gets bored first loses.

    People have nothing to play for! BR means F all and CR is certed trolololo. "Oh look Im now BR50, and guess what I get nothing for it like I did for the last 35 ranks" getting 3 loadouts is a great reward whilst getting the early battle ranks out the way, But other than that there is NOTHING!!! I understand people may play just for 100% fun, but I enjoy my fun with abit of progression thanks. Even ****e console shooters have more character progression than this! And because of this the pop is dying making the game even more boring!

    Canceled by 6 month sub today also and I doubt I will be back. In its current state this game has no future.

    Sorry PLAYERS for the rant (SoE Deserve it) and I respect those of you that still enjoy PS2, this is my opinion only although I can imagine its shared with more than a few others.

    Oh and feel free to ban my forum account again for 2 weeks trololo I wont be using it for a long time I doubt.

    PS: make planetside 1 free to play so the pop increases, lets face it more planetside vets would play that than this garbage.
  13. Tuco

    90% of the players don't care about "metagame", if you want players to defend then bring back the PS1 cloaking AMS, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors, and PS1 mines.
  14. Tuco

    And have half the losing team log off because they can't spawn tanks and planes, what an awesome plan. Where do you come up with such awesome ideas.
  15. SuBs

    Come again? Why would they not be able to spawn tanks and planes?
  16. DiedTrying

    I personally find the resources and bonuses to be pointless and I personally don't notice any difference or advantages from capping more than the enemy does. I think the typical player doesn't notice either.

    You can't push your enemies off continents either.

    This is where I miss World War 2 online. Forming air raids for bombing runs that limited the amount of tanks the enemy could pump out. Limited amount of spawns per base, based on how your high command marshalls resources to the front. Epic battles for Antwerp. Eagerly anticipated invasion/defense of England. And if you got bored, you could fly to the alps.

    PS2 has small localized battles (and when battle pop increases so does the lag) that can be accessed within at least a couple minutes (if god forbid you have to drive your lightning from an adjacent territory). And if you lose, you can always recap within 30 minutes.


    I do enjoy the game for what it is. Crack open a beer, join a squad, and shoot peoples faces.
  17. Paulus

    i'm going to say "thousands"

    who revived this played-out topic? everyone who was upset already left. let it croak.
  19. Big Cyz

    Read the roadmap and shut your mouth you whiny *****
  20. Iksniljiksul

    I used to, but Update 2 killed a lot of my interest in this game. I simply don't trust the design team to fix issues and I do not like how many changes are made with no documentation of being changed, and then zero feedback on any issues or any changes. I guess their day jobs at Burger King don't give them enough time to document anything.