[VS] Deathwatch Gaming - Tactical Teamplay [DWG]

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by cassan0va, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. cassan0va

    Thats the course of life tho
  2. Zitroxious

    Ok guys, i would love to try out your outfit, seen a lot of you guys actually doing something, so i wish to be a part of that, where do i sign up?
  3. cassan0va

    head over to www.deathwatchgaming.com and you should see an application form in the forum.
    That process is in the change but for now use that.
  4. cassan0va

    Fun friday again:)
  5. cassan0va

    Let's see if we cant get some footage up from yesterday
  6. cassan0va

    Gonna see if i can get Dave to post those videos
  7. cassan0va

    Nice to see NC Fighting back for once:D
  8. cassan0va

    Gonna look into absorbing some of the smaller outfits with the right mindset
  9. cassan0va

    Wonder if it could be fun to get BRTD and WASP and us together and say, guys let's fight here today.
  10. Ulysees

    I guarantee you wouldn't enjoy it! We may not like the TR but we hate you purple spandex wearing fagrider driving tech worshipping sexy mothers more! I call it Magrider envy personally, every empire should have one!
  11. cassan0va

    Thought Prowler was the new flavour of the month^^
    Then again that hate might give us a decent fight for a change;)
  12. IMTasty

    Wait, wait...

    You don't... you don't like us?

    I thought the NC loved us... I must say I feel betrayed here. :(
  13. Dictatorfish

    I dunno, Yawn's fighting talk is pretty convincing; are we sure GOON would be a better choice than BRTD if we want a decent fight from a TR outfit?

    Sadly I can't say something similar about NC - really, WASP are the only guys I actually notice (and consider that a compliment :) ).
  14. OstLaberFriese


    We rolled over you 1 hour ago!
    Was quite fun!
  15. Ulysees

    I'm not saying that WASP will pwn you I am saying that WASP + BRTD will pwn you! cos you know. Vanu :)
  16. Dictatorfish

    ITT: the best NC outfit admits they need to ally themselves with one of the best TR outfits in order to take on DWG. =]
  17. Ulysees

    Hey I never said we were the best! And bah twisting my words like a typical Xenophile tech lover ;)
  18. cassan0va

    Thats what ive been saying the entire time.
  19. Dictatorfish

    No, *I* said you were the best. Take it as a compliment.
    Typical, paranoid Smurfs. No wonder they're so fearful and untrusting of new technology, they can't even see a good thing when it's there, right in their faces.
  20. AquaKiller