[BUG] Vanu Flare LMG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by S1eB, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. HyperMatrix

    Didn't read but eye caught a glimpse of this. Your first statement is correct. You are Bad. Far below average, actually. Your second statement is irrelevant. If you know how to play, but can't or are unwilling to do so, then you essentially do not know how to play because knowing something that you don't act on doesn't count for anything.

    I'm glad I was able to take a few minutes out of my life to help you understand and admit that you are Bad. Acceptance of the problem is the first step in being able to resolve it. :)
  2. ThommiX

    Yep,categorize me any way you want to. Even bad player is better than a cheating bug exploiter.

    Oh,and you still didn't understand,did i write too complex example?
    You know,when you start new game,you aren't instantly good in it,no matter if you know how to play. Unless you cheat. Like you sound to be doing.

    I'm glad i was able to point out a cheating bug exploiter. Thank you for providing tons of hilarious fun by failing to understand even simple concepts. :D
  3. HyperMatrix

    As great as you are at being a failure in this game, you are even better at making false judgments about others to try and feel better about why you are so bad! :)
  4. RabbleRouser

    Children, play nice.

    Hyper: The lack of audio *is* a bug. Not to say you can't enjoy it if that's the way you like to play, but it is something that should be reported. I know I prefer being able to hear the gun I'm shooting, years of playing FPS's has trained me to that and there is just something off about a completely silent gun.

    Thomm: Who cares if he's the type of person who uses exploits and bugs to gain any kind of advantage, let him play his way and if it violates the EULA SoE can deal with him. Besides, we're all VS here. Let's just go kill some TR and NC and have fun with the game.
    • Up x 1
  5. ThommiX

    And you fail to understand even simple concepts and became extremely defensive when called out to be a bug exploiting cheater.
    Bug exploiting doesn't equal skill,cheaters don't even have skills. :D

    My stats currently are what they are,they will only get better as i get better in game.All it takes is training,still wont need to use bugs like you seem to like to do,judging from your own post.

    I rather be a failure in game where i can simply train to be better than be a total failure who doesn't understand even simple concepts put in the most simple form like you do... hilarious,do keep on going.
  6. ThommiX

    I get some fun out of him. Been laughing for hours now. :D I know,got a sick sense of humor.
  7. HyperMatrix

    So now you're bad, judgmental, and a sadist. Please share more. Although it could be argued that your sado-masochistic nature is what leads you to be bad because it brings you pleasure. They have centers that help individuals such as yourself deal with these problems.
  8. ThommiX

    Yep,ever thought of going to a shrink to get out of your fantasyland where you think bug using and cheating equals skill? :D

    You still are just failing to understand but now the convo seems over since all you can do is insults anymore.True that i wasn't nice either on my last post,simply because you fail to understand even simple sentences.Hence,i change to talking like i'm talking to an idiot.
    Funny how you skipped everything you couldn't answer to with stats. :D

    So in conclusion, i'm a bad player according to your reading of my stats and you are a cheating bug exploiter according to your own posts. case closed.
  9. HyperMatrix

    I see. Tell me more. And how often do you see this invisible friend of yours?
  10. ThommiX

    Oh me being bad player was a delusion. How nice,thank you for correcting me. :D Wheeeee i'm not a bad player weeeee
    Happy happy joy joy and lots of little penguins.
  11. Veri

    Back on topic.

    Yes the Flare is bugged and also appears it is silent to other factions.
    I do not know about the hit reg being bugged as well, I know it is not the most accurate Vanu LMG in the first place.

    For now I have gone back to the Orion.
  12. HyperMatrix

    Delusional state confirmed. Perfect. Unfortunately liberal society doesn't allow me to give you any recommendations which involve hurting or killing yourself, so I'll just leave you to your delusion and assume that being in the bottom 10% of Planetside 2 players should be punishment enough for you.
  13. HyperMatrix

    Hang on a second there boss. The Flare is supposed to be more accurate than the Orion. The Orion is preferred in shorter ranged fights due to the higher damage output, but I always field a Flare for outdoor long range gun fights.
  14. ThommiX

    You are getting pretty delusional yourself,try to make up your mind what is a delusion and what not.
    I can't be both that i just said :D Is this still too difficult stuff for you? Watch out before smoke comes out of your ears.
    You just keep on failing to understand anything. :D Or keeping on track of the post even... Rofl.
  15. HyperMatrix

    Here's all I see when I read your posts: I talk about my game more than I work to improve it. I WILL be the Forumside 2013 Champion.

    Here's what I imagine you see when you read my posts: God. God God God. HyperMatrix is a God.
  16. ThommiX

    Now who's delusional and can't even understand what he reads?
    You still can't even keep on track what has been said already...
    Is this really that difficult thing for you to do?It's a basic thing about every human being can do,but you seem to be the exception...
    You completely fail at basic understanding and reading,all the time on this thread.

    You fail to even understand that you can't make me being bad player any argument when the talk was about you advocating bug use. That is simply stupid,but too hard concept for you.
    Also you fail to notice that those stats mean nothing to me,as means me being bad or good in your eyes.
    Yet you still keep on desperately to cling on this last straw your apparently simple mind could come up with...

    Believe in your delusions if it makes you sleep well at night.Obviously stats in a video game mean whole life to you.

    Are you even aware of the gamebreaking bugs in the game currently...Lag and stuttering that makes it unplayable?
    Hence i'm reading forums and waiting for fixes.

    Sorry,but i don't believe in fairytales and imaginary people. If you still believe in those children stories,it explains a lot.
  17. HyperMatrix

    You're writing long responses again and I haven't bothered to read what you've written after the first 3 or 4 posts. Sorry. :( But thank you for the effort!
  18. ThommiX

    Gongrats on complete and total failure. :D
  19. HyperMatrix

    Complete failure is defined as a below 1.00 kdr. :(
  20. ThommiX

    Again,we aren't talking about stats in the game, we are talking about you advocating bug use. Still too hard to understand and follow? In line with your reply,your stats are completely meaningless since you advocate bug use and therefore probably use them,meaning you have no skill and the stats are padded with cheating/exploits.

    Sadly can't put it any simpler for you to understand. Guess we have to leave it at that,you just fail to understand anything written to you.