SOE should give each player 1000 certifications and 2x points on January 30.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MyOdessa, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. MyOdessa

    With so many nerfs and buffs that SOE introduced in the PS2 since its launch and more major changes coming in January 30 patch, we all lost certifications on items that no longer work as they did, when we unlocked them.

    It would be a gesture of a good will on SOE part to give each player 1000 certificates to compensate us for all the certifications that were wasted by the changes.

    While we are at it, another good call on SOE part, would be a 2x points weekend in conjunction with January 30 patch release.
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  2. Phyr

    Or not.
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  3. Hosp

  4. Ronald McDonald

    Or stop being a FoTMer and you'll never have this problem.
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  5. Mahakar

    The winning empire should get a double-xp weekend across all servers. Would make people care more :D
  6. WarTourist

    Do you mind if they charge you extra certs for something that got better than it was when you purchased it? ;)
  7. Compass

    How many $ did the OP put in for this game?
  8. icesail

    OP has a point.
    But I would say the 1000 certs should be as a "thank you for your patience and for sticking with us". The game IS unstable. The game IS unbalanced. The game IS NOT completed. We have stuck by the game. SOE could at least say thank you.
    Other games have done that. Either have a spacial 2x/3x experience weekend to make up for game going down too much, or giving people XXX of xp because the servers had to be brought down a few times during prime time.
    After big balance changes, other companies have also compensate their users either by refunding the cost of said items, or by given them something (like a title or some non-game thing, like fashion). Even WOW offered free class resets when they made changes to classes..

    Does SOE HAVE TO do it? NO
    Would it show they care about their customers if they did it? YES
    Would it be great marketing? YOU BET
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  9. MrBloodworth

    You didn't loose anything, you still have the items.
  10. Wobberjockey

    as much as i would LOVE more certs and XP, probably not going to happen
  11. Garakan

    2000 certs, balanced ESFs and a working Hack Detection.
    Seriously, a working Hack Detection would be nice.. but i wouldnt say no to Certs. ;-)
  12. Bloodmyth

    I don't want a ton of Certs thrown at me, however a cert re-spec would do nicely, the problem ofc and why it wouldnt happen is that it would be a big loss of cash (that stuff that keeps this game going) as many would just buy the SMG or whatever with the Certs rather than SC. seems obvious to me.
  13. ReNiki

    I'm really starting to be fed up with these idiots. Isn't it obvious if you unlock/buy super weapon or attachment which everybody use and its unrealistically effective and you can you use it with zero skill that it will be in some point NERFED. It must be people like you who answer to those Nigerian email scams and after bank transfer is surprised when its fake. :O Nothing personal people but YOU'RE JUST BEING STUPID! Blame yourself really.

    PS. And you probably already get those extra 1000 certs farming with Zephyr. So **** and L2P.
  14. irishroy

    what about 500-650 certs?
  15. Loegi

    Just a respec option should suffice. Both for certs and for SC.
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  16. NightFall

    only NOOBS need free certs

    just need a cert re -spec to get rid of all those useless squad leader certs
  17. Eacaraxe

    A double-XP weekend to coincide with the UES, patch, or both would be a great move on the part of Sony, to get people who have quit to try the game post-LU02, incentivize play during the weekend(s), and to market.

    Free certs? No. Stop certing flavors of the month, or crap there's no way on Earth you could not possibly anticipate being nerfed sooner or later down the road.
  18. Phazaar

    Respec (even for SC) >free certs.

    That said, my bet is we will see a 2x xp week, because they want us to swallow the decreased xp easier, and people are less likely to complain if it feels faster than it would otherwise. They've done it before and they'll do it again ;)
  19. Grayson stuff? Wait a sec....

    They should give us a re-spec after a major update/ or atleast a cert refund after playing with the nerfhammer..
  20. icesail

    Wouldn't the recert, in fact, be far more powerful and have a much greater impact in game play them only 1000 certs?

    1000 certs means you can max ONE item, or get ONE weapon.
    Depending on your level, Recert could enable you FULLY MAX out one class or vehicle. Which one do you think is more NOOB/OP?