[Suggestion] Please Make Night Darker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheInterim, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Verisimilituder

    Here's a less destructive means of black-blooming shadows.

    Base image:


    Because the game's nights are so bright, the dude there isn't especially hidden; at longer range he becomes distinctly harder to spot, even at current light levels. A combination of beta darkness and a black bloom would likely hit the sweet spot.

    That said, that we can disable shadows hurts this a fair bit; shadow level 1 would probably have to become the minimum setting (instead of 0).

    The black bloom surface for that image looks like this:
    Where white areas get darkened, black areas do not. You can see clear black cut-outs on the shadowed areas where the lights over the doorways shine, for example.

    Edit - Oh, and here's each image with the gamma cranked up:
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  2. Davee

    I fully endorse this!

    Some technical achievements would have to be made to make gamma/brightness/contrast-boosting ineffective - but I can see (no pun intended) that several examples have already been suggested in the thread.
  3. Verisimilituder

    So with the Roadmap being a thing now, how can we get a suggestion like this onto the Roadmap?
  4. GSZenith

  5. Javelin

    Maybe if we try sending tweets to developers? Seems like there is a better than average response rate on twitter.
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  6. ExarRazor

    i have to disagree

    i think nighttime is fine as is right now.

    not everyone has decent vision, including me. i can see the game fine during the day, but at night, i literally cant see stuff 5 inches in front of my character face. not even jacking up gamma or brightness helps.

    making nights darker would completely remove my ability to play during nighttime in-game, as it would many others
  7. Javelin

    The solution is simple, make night vision toggleable and standard, while only able to work at night. It would be more realistic and give thermal vision more of a reason to exist. Also, darker nights would be a real boon for night ops. For example, you could have galaxies dropping off soldiers in stealth operations, much in the same way that America killed Osama Bin Laden.

    Dark nights was something that has been promised in interviews, but we are yet to see them again since beta.
  8. applepienation

    I remember some days, or nights should I say, back in beta where night fights were freaking. AMAZING. It was kinda a pain in the *** to fly though, I think they would need to change IRNV for vehicles if/when they do this.

    OMG, Spotlights on Phalanx turrets! Imagine how badass that would be!
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  9. TheBloodEagle

    I still remember in beta when everyone had a flashlight, literally everyone, and it was quite dark. Good times.
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  10. Javelin

    Spotlights would increase the awesomeness of nights by 500%!
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  11. SharpeShooter

    Terrible idea just terrible! The vanu are already impossible to see as it is!
  12. Sweet Jackal

    I would like night to be a proper dark night as well. It would give a reason for flashlights overall. Though flashlights would need to be fixed and made standard on firearms. I do remember the dark days of the Beta (for this topic anyways) and you could still make due without lights, but lights actually meant something.
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  13. Javelin

    Wouldn't it be awesome if when you destroyed bio lab generators the lights went out?
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  14. Javelin

    If nightvision was standard and toggleable in first person, this wouldn't be a problem.
  15. Raichu

    +1 for this, This thread needs more attention
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  16. JackFr0st5

    I love this idea. Also, something important to note is that there are very few people who disagree with this post. Most posts have a fair level of disagreement. this one on the other hand does not. SOE please notice this as a sign this needs to happen.
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  17. Javelin

    I agree. I'm just not sure how we can get SOE to actually look at this thread :/
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  18. jjruh

    I really like this idea, and think it should be implemented into the game. However, there is a major problem that I can foresee. The problem stems from the idea that the darkness will be different for every player, and if you make the player HAVE to be restricted, then you run into some issues. For one, Someone playing in a well light room, or near a open window would find it near impossible to play the game while it is night in game, as they would not be able to see anything. Another issue is with unusually dark screens, this would also mean that this player is out of luck until daytime comes back around. The final obstacle would be visually impaired people. People who may already have a hard time seeing at night, might find the game unplayable if night was made more... night-like.

    You can counteract this by putting a setting to turn the brightness up in the game, however this would be abused by people to get a unfair upper hand, as people do in any game.
  19. Javelin

    As I said many times, make nightvision standard and toggleable in first person and this problem goes away. Also, many solutions have been posted to the brightness/gamma issue previously in the thread. It is not a problem if done right.
  20. SharpeShooter

    mmmm depends how it was implemented! night vision as it is at the moment is just horrible!