This game is dying...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bendplz, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. bendplz

    Logged on to Amerish on Waterson, 1 friend online, 5 players in warpgate... logged off. I remember when I started there were dozens of players at all times of the day. The only way that would happen now is in indar during peak hours. Without large scale battles, this game is just boring... and it makes me upset.
  2. LordMondando

    Game is dying thread #13404
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  3. An Hero

    Confirmed just checked.
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  4. potato1234

    I'm a member of the VS and i support this boycott. I hope it would last a long time
  5. AgentRev

    The problem: too many servers, warping between continents is way too clunky for most people to give a damn
    The solution: reduce amount of servers, have separate servers for each continent (e.g. for the whole of US East, have 4 Indar servers, 1 Esamir server, and 1 Amerish server), and most importantly, GIVE US THE ABILITY TO FREELY JOIN ANY OTHER SERVER AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT (e.g. like any good non-MW2 FPS)
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  6. PsychoBat

    Planetside is dead, netcraft confirms it.

    *yawn* keeps playing on his high population server.
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  7. VSDerp

    there's your issue nobody plays on amerish.
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  8. Arsinek

    Thats what happens when you release a game with no point.
  9. Mordrake

    Confirmed on Saintvicious stream.
  10. PharmD

    Wait for the new patch. I'm watching FNO stream and they've made some amazing changes. While I don't think the populations are going to drastically go up from what they are now, but a lot of people are going to be happy.

    Still need server merges though.

    It's really not because populations have been going down, its because you created too many from the beginning!
  11. Brickwalker

    This does not mean the game is dying..

    There is a "party" period,where when a game is released tons of people come to check it out..

    those that dont like it or eventually lose interest move on.Where the people who love the game and still enjoy it stick around.
  12. Highway_Star

    It's dying because the devs decided to release the game early and then went on a 2 month holiday. The crucial early weeks after release, where the devs have a chance to show their support and ongoing improvement of the game, was squandered.

    Now we're 2 months after release with no major content patch, bugs that have persisted since the summer and a meta game which only encourages factions to hold 1 continent each and randomly deathmatch.

    Now we're left wondering if we should even invest time, money and effort in PS2 - the devs certainly don't seem to do it.

    I'm not done with the game yet but I completely understand why alot of people are.
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  13. WarTourist

    You're doing it wrong.
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  14. ShureShot

    The players who were enjoying the game didn't come to the forums to whine. But the devs listened to the players that did. Thus driving away the players who were happy with this game.

    Nerf nerf nerf all vehicles for the sake of infantry, then conclude that there is nobody left to play against, nobody is happy that the vehicles they spent both money and certs on got nerfed time after time, without ANYTHING fun or worthwile in return.

    I hope all you whiners enjoy the gost servers you asked for. Nobody shelling you with tanks, nobody bombing you with libs, nobody rocketpodding you with esf's. Nobody cares anymore, after seeing 1000's of stationcash and 1000's of certs go to waste.

    Balancing is fine, nerfing the vehicles into oblivion without ever adding any attaction to vehicles isn't. Prime example: they haven't even fixed the reaver, which is obviously broke. But they did nerf the rocket pods, the armor, the nv/ir, and buffed flak. Who the hell wants to fly such a death trap?

    And the next thing people want nerfed is ... another vehicle ofc, beware magrider fans.
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  15. bendplz

    I dont care. I play on amerish, matter of fact, I play solely on amerish because no one plays on it, and it pisses me off, thats why i play there. Cause SOE isnt doing NOTHING to fix this
  16. Riekopo

    We need less servers, two per region max and a vastly improved metagame.
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  17. VSDerp

    woah calm down buddy. but i also would rather play on amerish but all the action on indar so i gotta do what i gotta do to get certs.
  18. AlricNC

    The game is actually increasing in popularity quite drastically. I am certain it will hit it's peak one day, though.

    It's just... your friends aren't playing, i guess.
  19. Endlos

    I just posted in another thread talking about paid transfers. I'll repost the applicable part here:

    Frankly, I think SOE needs to ... merge the servers, for the better overall health of the game. PS2, as it is, fundamentally doesn't work correctly when the servers aren't jam packed and forcing multiple fronts at once.

    3 continents, 3 factions, not getting anywhere near population cap = everyone bails at the first sign of resistance to ghost cap and stay out of each others' way. It's not fun, and it's not what this game was advertised as.

    If a server merge happened and at least one continent was thoroughly population capped most of the time, forcing teams to spread out to multiple territories (and thus forcing bigger fights) it would be way, way better than what we have now.


    The idea of using servers for continents and not global population is a good idea, and it would be amazing to play on a game that was that "full" but the problem is that SOE is not talented enough to make such a game. The game engine as it is now culls player models down to the 5~20m range in big firefights. Their sloppy code would probably push the servers to the point of catching fire if all the players on a server were in the same gamespace.
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  20. PaperPlanes

    Well they will definitely need to merge servers if they stick to their plan of adding Searhus, Hossin and Oshur in the future. The game is already dying at peak hours on peak days on MOST servers. Jaegar is decent sometimes, better than some other servers, but still feels like a ghost town most of the time.

    Just put all the US East servers under the Matherson banner and be done with it. If you ever want to add more continents, you're going to need to either merge servers or find a marketing genius who can make PS2 appear as attractive as a Halo game to the more casual audience.
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