How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Arsinek

    I stopped playing PS2 about a month ago. Its a decent game but overall its just like COD and BF games which bore the crap out of me. Pointless little instanced gun battles which arnt part of a big war. The funnest PVP game Ive ever played was Warhammer. The ultimate objective of the game was to capture territory in a progressive fashion. If you successfully captured the top tier territory it opened up the enemy factions capital city for assault. And each of these steps had different rewards. PS2's PVP is just weak compared to that. PS2 is just a giant game of TDM with no win state.

    Ive seen some people say they like or dont care about the pointless nature of PS2. So it makes me wonder is the number of people that dont require a point to PS2 enough to keep it alive.
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  2. ent|ty

    All I know is... i can't participate in the capping of another empty base. I just can't do it.

    There really is no point to the game, there are no victory conditions, so many players that you couldn't even earn a reputation as a good medic, AT like in other games.

    No community since everyone seems stuck in the XP / Cert grind, and just seems to be playing PS2 like it's their second job.

    Would-be leaders and tacticians' talent pretty much wasted commanding a Zerg.

    There's lots more but it's getting to the point that it's even pointless to post about these matters.
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  3. Thornton14

    You guys must be on the wrong servers. On waterspn we don't have "pointless little gun battles" in fact I just fought a battle with probably 400 players on Indar. Stop whining and complaining. People like you love to criticize but don't help the problem at all. I have never seen a game with such a whiny community of spoiled self entitled brats.
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  4. Tasogie

    COD has ruined FPS gaming, They used to be about community, an a funky little thing called "Fun" now as seen in this forum.

    It's sad to see just how far gaming has fallen, you have to be rewarded for anything you do, hell even logging in they demand to be rewarded these days. That never used to happen. Games were better for it.
    Back in Tribes days you played an everyday you did it for the fun of playing. Not to be cuddled an held by the hand like a little child.
    On briggs its fine we have huge battles at night, an really good ones, but then Aussies "some of us" dont need to be paid just for playing a game. Ive spent in excess of 400$ now on the game :(.. an I am getting my moneys worth.
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  5. Ratsle

    You quit playing a month ago and now you get bored and deiced to post about it?

    I agree with Thorn, you must be on the wrong servers because it is always easy to find a fight of 30+ more people.

    And there is no victory condition, that is the point, the game never ends. All the work your faction does on one map is most likely gone the next day. People play because it is fun, and not to "Beat the game"
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  6. wrenched

    What where you expecting from an FPS game? An RPG?
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  7. PharmD

    How is Warhammer online? I just read that it is free to play? Do you know anything about their model? Is it required to pay to be effective? How many players are playing
  8. Kurreah

    Thats a rather . . . leading title. I can't really give an answer to your question because the question itself is based around your personal opinion of the game itself.
    Since I don't share your particular bias, I can't give a straight answer since that would require me to accept what to me is a fundamentally flawed postulate.

    I find I do enjoy the game. That is the point.
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  9. Carcosa

    What Kurreah said.

    I happen to love this game. Maybe not in long doses like I used to play, but I definitely do enjoy it.
  10. LameFox

    If I enjoy it, is it still pointless, or is enjoying it the point? This thread is a trick question or something...

    I played that in what was either some kind of beta or free trial (forget which) and TBH the only good part of the game was the cinematics they released to advertise it. Seriously, those are awesome if you can find them. I'm not surprised it went F2P though because nothing about it warranted money.
  11. Dragam

    If you have spent 400 $ on the game, then youre a fool... not a very nice thing to say, but true never the less...
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  12. Tasogie

    its pretty easy to do. I have unlocked 4 classes on two factions. I dont play NC anymore because of the braindead stupidity of Briggs NC. Having much more fun on other faction.
  13. Dragam

    So you decided to buy ALL weapons for 4 classes on two chars? No offense, but thats...

    What a wise person would have done, was look up what weapon was the best for each of the classes, buy that one gun for each class, and a permanent camo, that you can use for eternity (aka on all classes)... would have set you back ALOT less, and made your char just as good...
  14. Tasogie

    eh we each have fun in our own way. I dont believe in following the hurd. I do my own thing. Everyone wants to know the "op setup brah" or the best farming idea.... I log in, an just go do something.
    I grant you, I spent way to much money, but I work very very hard on trawlers, an I earn my money.
  15. LaRoaZ

    I play ps2 for fun. Progression is there but as far as i'm concerned if you just unlocked everything and let people customise as they feel like it would be just as fun as now. Being rewarded for something doesnt inherently make that thing bad. If you are capturing empty bases, maybe you should try actually locating the enemy instead of wasting your time. There are map tools (they arent super awesome yet) that let you locate enemies and to a lesser extent friendlies, so you can see where people are fighting. An important part of ps is actually finding the battles on the gigantic maps provided.

    Also i fail to see how planetside is instanced or pointless. You are fighting in a huge war, a war that doesnt sleep or end or have a win condition. My favourite times pvping in wow were those incredibly long Alterac valley fights you got back in vanilla, that was amazing fun and it was extremely difficult just to push to the next graveyard. There are currently only 3 'instances' and they are instanced because there are no boats or water mechanics yet, so actually getting between them would be tricky. Driving a boat for half an hour in a straight line isnt fun anyhow. The reason to fight is there, The continent bonuses and territory control bonuses exist, they arent ethereal. You not feeling those bonuses or reasons are worthwhile isnt the developers fault, its yours. It isnt their job to motivate you to care about what is essentially bits flipping on the server somewhere.

    Games that overly rely on the skinner box to keep you playing are usually actually very bad games when you remove those elements. Yeah the game rewards you, and so does every other game. its your choice whether the reward for you is more cert points, fancy titles, or just the satisfaction of having killed 57 infantry in a single magrider over the course of 20 minutes without dying. I used to be on the gear treadmill myself at one point, and i eventually just got bored of it. I decided not to care about frivolous titles and 'achievements' long ago, and i now am back to playing for the same reason i did when i was 11 and rocking out the Tribes 1 demo: because its incredibly fun to develop an immense level of skill at something and perform at a level vastly higher than the majority of people around you. Even if it is a useless skill like midair discing or tree camping in the crown.
  16. Brickwalker

    The pure epicness of this game is what keeps me coming back..

    I dont need some quest to go off and kill some dragon for phat lewts.Been there,done that.

    I want a gun,I want to kill my enemy while I run along side my factions tanks and aircraft fighting over my head.With massive explosions going off all around me.

    I want to be firing wildly atop of my bases wall tower at the enemy below,while catching sight of a burning esf hurdling towards me in a fiery ball of flame,as I run for my life as it explodes into the tower.

    that is enough purpose for me...and that is why I play.
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  17. Crazyfingers

    Passionate post, but i gotta disagree fully! If people don't enjoy a game, it is 100% the developers fault, well if you want to go further in depth maybe you could blame rushed deadlines from outside funders :p but we wont do that here.

    If i'm a chef, and i cook you raw steak, just flat out nasty to most people, you have every right to dislike that meat, even if a small portion of people enjoy steak tar tar. My job as a cook serving food to a wide variety of people, employed to make as many of them happy as possible, it is my responsibility to prepare steak as most people would enjoy it.

    This constant romanticizing by the most impassioned of the community about how we should enjoy things just because you like them has been the status quo on SOE message boards for titles that barely make more than their dev cost for the past decade. If this company wants to make a hit they better start making games for a broader audience.

    I'm just gonna say it, the general SOE fan has terrible taste in games. To put up with the past several titles released by this company shows tremendous loyalty, but also a lack of discernment between good and bad play (free realms was pretty decent). If they're still with this company, they at the very least have a very interesting partiality towards their digital mediums.
  18. Taskforce

    You want a reason to rip your face off from pure boredom? Come to Genudine. Its a retirement home worth of excitement.

    Three outfit leaders are keeping it alive, one from each faction that work to coordinate so we have battles at all.

    How sad is that?

  19. Crazyfingers

    You could literally cert faster if you just walked along the street picking up pennies to spend on station cash. I don't think people realize how slow the grind is.
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  20. Autarkis

    I do not, and if nothing changes then I'll stop playing just like I stopped playing APB, and Tribes, and Global Agenda, and Firefall, and and and and....

    Sad, too, because I am a veteran of the franchise and I buy SC. If the game stays stagnant then I'll take my money and - most importantly, my time - elsewhere. So it goes.