I think its clear who the good guys are

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by noobfeeder, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Glowcat

    He got a /tell from Vanu and had to redeploy to the Warpgate for a Galaxy drop?
  2. wowie

    Alright, I have to take that last sentence and turn it into a joke, right before I hit the sack:
    Briggs saw the future, and the future was roflpods stomping everything in sight. There was no semblance of balance, so he ragequit.

    Resuming serious, in-character responses tomorrow night. :D
  3. bluEyedillusions

    Planetside 2 is

    Lord of the Flies: Sci-Fi Space Edition
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  4. XphaedX

    going to war to bring peace...you people buy this crap? screw TR. they initiate force to oppress. VS initiates force to convert. NC uses force in self-defense. there is no argument anyone can make that would, among those 3, find anyone but the NC as "the good guys."
  5. tastyBerryPunch

    Let's see in the faction trailer for the NC they say, that they don't take any prisoners. In articles about the NC it's stated, that they are willing to achieve victory by any means necessary. They sound like real knights on shinning armour. /sarcasm.
    The NC are basically a brainwashed army. I'm not saying the other 2 factions are any better, but they're all to grey for any of them to be considered "good guys".
    The NC think they're fighting for their freedom. Maybe they're just fighting for corporate interest of their sponsors who dislike the strong economical regulations the TR put into place. Maybe if they win the war they'll have a "democratic" government with no economic restrictions and in the end everything will be controlled by corporations protecting their own interests and the government won't really care about its people. They would probably execute and imprison any political opposition to their takeover, regardless of whether it came from ex-TR officials/military or citizens. Just something to think about.
  6. Grotpar

    It's pretty clear that the VS are the good guys.

    We have the planet's best interests in mind.
  7. Zorlox

    doesn't matter really, the soldiers are just cannon fodder for the idiots leading the war and we're all the same :)
  8. Xiphos

    The TR are the bad guys.
    The NC the good guys.
    The VS are the crazy guys.
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  9. MrPokealot

    Never trust children.
  10. MrPokealot

    TR vs NC - 5:30 - 5:46

    oh and VS are wookies.
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  11. Sebastien

    Well the one thi.ng we can all agree on is tjat NS are the bad guys.
  12. Aragato

    Really OP? The NC joined the expedition partly for the money? Of course they joined the expedition for the money! Like any company, they saw a chance to make money and took it. I am not well versed on Planetside lore, but that type of exploration was most probably funded in no small way by businesses (aka the NC). There are no good factions in this war. The victor determines who was right. The way it has been for all of history.
  13. MrPokealot

    Its probably why we all wear blue and gold...company policy. The suits know nothing about stealth warfare.
  14. dragondrop

    I think the factions were deliberately designed to give every faction up- and downsides so that the question of "good" or "evil" depends on your perspective.

    The TR is oppressive, totalitarian, but with an interest to unite humanity and provide peace and security.
    The NC is fighting for freedom against the TR, but behind them stand corporate CEOs and whatnot that are just waiting to grab the power ("evolved from the Earth-NC perspective" or not, there are always people like that). If the NC won there may very well be a civil war erupting.
    The VS wants to advance humanity using technology. This inherently means that they don't believe in the ability of humanity to survive on its own (admittedly a reasonable stance giving what's going on around the world today...). Also, toying with technologies you don't fully understand can cause lots of trouble. They are also prepared to kill everyone who doesn't choose to believe in Vanu.

    If you choose a faction you probably want to roleplay a little and rationalise your own ideological flaws and dismiss the objectively good parts of the other factions, that's just how it is. But no faction is entirely, objectively "good".
  15. noobfeeder

    The VS I feel are the most misunderstood, and understandably, there is so little lore on them and what is there just paints them as contradictory and irrational.

    The VS doesn't actually want to kill everyone "who doesn't choose to believe in Vanu". They want people to have the freedom to choose or reject Vanu. They, however, will also kill anyone who gets in their way of their march of progress. Hopefully if VS is victorious they won't see the people reject Vanu as "standing in their way".
  16. stug41

    Even if the TR were the bad guys, would you not want to play them anymore? The empire in star wars is bad, but we all know theyre the most bad-***. I myself play NC because GO BROWNCOATS but that's different.
  17. Morpholine

    Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the Magrider.
  18. Eacaraxe

    All three factions are ideologically-driven A-holes, nobody is the good guys. The "best" faction from a morality standpoint is whoever is least repellent to you as a person.
  19. wowie

    I just dreamt about PS2 last night. (Need to STOP for a bit? Nah. Games=life, lol. :D ) Basically, I can boil it down to this: If PS2 were IRL I'd join Nanite Systems because face it, if any of the three warring factions "won", then humanity on Auraxis would be an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis. As soon as immortality was tossed into the equation, all the factions then had practically "unlimited" manpower. This translates into potentially endless suffering, if one of the 3 factions somehow managed to make the other two factions surrender. Therefore, if one of the factions "won", the results, although having a small chance of being really good, also have an exceptionally large chance of being really bad. Unacceptably large, you might say. Therefore, it would be in my best interests to keep the faction war going, because, as long as all 3 factions continue wasting their "unlimited" manpower (and machines, of which a large portion are supplied by NS) on inter-faction warring, they cannot use any manpower to work towards their "ultimate goal" which would most likely result in something very, very, bad. Nobody will ever "win", this way, but nobody will ever lose, either. Think of it like a 3-way balancing act, and if any one group gets "too successful" then everybody loses... except most people believe that if their faction "won" then everybody would win, so you have to work hard to maintain equilibrium, because the purpose of the war IS so that way one of the factions can eventually "win", at least from their perspectives. If one faction did "win", then one third of the population would get "exactly what they wanted" (and probably not in a good way) while the other two-thirds are completely and totally shafted altogether. This is kind of rambling, but it was a dream, so, dreams don't have to make much sense.

    Since this isn't IRL, though, I'll continue happily shooting all the red+blue groups of pixels on my screen...
    while throwing a monkey wrench into a digital debate. Discuss. Might as well throw in some roleplaying for my irrational VS character too: You filthy mercenaries... I'm done arguing with irrational idiots. COME OUT OF YOUR WARPGATE AND FIGHT ME, COWARDS! *Runs away from terminal, then around a corner.*A galaxy can be heard taking off.*Commlink terminates after a moment of inactivity.*
  20. MarioO

    Of course the TR are the ones you could call most the good guys.

    If the TR wins and peace if restored we can also restore democracy and personal rights. The TR and the NC are only seperated because of political disagreements, so I think there could be one day when TR and NC are willing to argue about their differences.

    The NC has a good goal, but they are shortminded. They think things will get better if a bunch of rebels destroys the government, but in fact they'll provide the requirements for even more civil war.

    One thing is obvious: the VS are just a bunch of crazies and they are not human anymore. You can't argue with them, you can only get rid of them one way.

    People always think everyone is sad and frustrated under a government like the TR is at the moment. They don't see that there are people behind the government, normal people that live their lifes, meet friends and have fun. People didn't only cry the whole day in the USSR, in fact many people where happy with the system (as long as they weren't only after money). The same goes to every "authoritarian" regime, as long as they are no slavers that exploit their people.