Helios - The Excuse We Call a Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terrex, Jan 13, 2013.

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  1. Bill Hicks

    I was on helios at the beginning. And TR was doing just fine. It was your community that killed it. I guessing most of the people who rolled TR from the start just wanted to be in the faction with the t1 cyclers and t9 carvs but went VS when it was the new flavor.
  2. ritual

    CARV OP. :cool:
  3. Terrex

    Honestly, no one has any idea what you are talking about. "It was your community that killed it." What does this even mean? Is this directed towards me and my "community". What are you even saying... My outfit at the most has maybe 5-10 people online. Big community there ruining the TR on Helios.
  4. Bill Hicks

    It means that the TR was full of flavor of the month rollers, and lazy fools who thought they could just farm the crown, and when the other factions adjusted, your whole population took a dip. But even before your population drop, you NEVER did anything. You had the numbers, but with no organization, people left. There were so many times where you population was greater than the NC and we still whooped you all the way north on indar. YOUR COMMUNITY CAUSED THIS TO HAPPEN
  5. SgtCharlesZim

    Helios is extremely atypical right now simply due to the number of VS and NC that came in with the empire showdown leaders. Nothing about it can be taken as a long-term indicator about how well the server will do. This is also the reason why TR have the lowest pop currently, and even though geography may play a part, why the average skill level seems to be higher in TR than VS or NC.

    @Bill: stop trolling. VS gets attacked far more often than the NC simply due to their numbers. NC seem to have a hard-on for Zurvan, Crossroads, and Crown.
  6. Yar13

    This thread just got exciting.
  7. EWarren

    TR does have a fetish on The Crown, but VS and NC do as well. In fact the constant messing around at The Crown hurt all three faction's available population as a % is always locked there.

    From TR's perspective, I think Helios TR is doing really well even with the low population. Sure, TR doesn't have the massive amount of infantry that other factions field (I think we are mostly in the air), but we always regain all territories whenever we are pushed back to the WG.
  8. Terrex

    There really is a bigger picture aside from looking at "how well the TR do". The population is imbalanced and its crippling a large portion of the gameplay for us. We will fight at the same base for 5-6 hours and that is the only TR front in which we can contribute to. I've only seen ONE bio lab fight last longer then 10 minutes in the past week. ??????????????????????????????????????????

    You are a clear winner.
  9. Itermerel

    the funny thing is that they're working on even MORE continents right now
  10. Yar13

    Off topic here, but you are right about geography. Nc are funneled by canyons to these places. The lines of attack are fixed and extend linearly from the warp gate.
  11. Aerovoid

    My only character is a TR on Helios. I'd like to see a larger population on the servers, so I'm all for merging Helios with another. I don't care if the TR popular stays low, relative to the other factions, but just as long as there are enough TR to play on all three continents. I'm getting a bit tired of Indar and the Crown.

    I'd assume that if/when the planetside 2 population starts to grow again, that they could add more servers, if needed.
  12. SgtCharlesZim

    I agree. Sometimes there will be an NC push as far as Mao, but that's it, and it doesn't last long. The ridge between VS and NC also encourages them to attack TR in preference to each other. I'm not sure I've ever seen NC or VS at the other's warpgate before.
  13. Minsc

    I've been playing TR on Helios since release and have noticed a significant drop in population for all factions, but TR got hit the worst. However, we primarily lost randos. Most of the organized outfits/players remain, so we do a pretty good job of pushing back. Yes, we have a hard time defending, but that's the fault of the game, people giving up, and defensible locations not being at bases.

    What concerns me most are the server transfer tokens. I'm afraid that the TR will flee the server due to low population, while VS and NC join it to avoid the zergs of bigger servers and possibly to join their "leader" for the UES.

    Here is what I think we need to do: convince TR players from other servers to join ours to help us squash the VS and NC "leaders", Tobuscus and SeaNanners. If we could somehow get TotalBisquit to advertise for us, using the UES as an excuse, we would see an influx of players I think.

    Terrex, you bring up an important point, low populations and a single faction having a lower pop. But you aren't doing a great job of presenting solutions or being constructive. Many of your posts are calling people trolls or just expressing rage. Let's work out a way to bring people to the server and stay logged in, even if there isn't a huge fight. If everyone logs off when they don't see much happen, the problem won't fix itself. We need people to play to make the big fights happen.
  14. Yar13

    Vs dropped by the nc warpgate for a visit a few hours ago. Playing nc recently I often try to head west. All those new vs with 'buscus' in their names cause spasms in my trigger finger.
  15. Terrex

    Personally I don't feel the need to do much to fix it. I want to login and have a good time playing. It is silly that we have this as an issue. I help out a lot of people in game, with flying and whatever else I can. I can't make population appear on the server though and that is what we need the most.
  16. Minsc

    Seriously? You don't want to fix it,but just complain about it? Wow....
  17. Terrex

    If you know how I can fix it please let me know. I can only post about it and complain instead of just ignoring the issue.
  18. Minsc

    This isn't an "I fix it" thing. We will need more TR Helios players willing to log on when there isn't a bunch of big fights to stay on and create those fights. We could try to get in touch with TB asking him to tell people to fight Tobuscus/SeaNanners on Helios.

    Also, we could ask the devs about an incentive to server transfer to a lower faction pop server.

    The most one person could do: just play the game
  19. TheShrapnelKing

    Hm. An NC pop dominance on Helios. Where SeaNanners plays.

    We have a TR pop dominance here on Waterson where TotalBiscuit plays.

    I'm thinking that's what's going on. Where does that idiot Tobuscus play (yes I hate him)? I'm sure the VS have the pop dominance there.
  20. Nogrim313

    so i've been on helios since launch and at the beginning TR were the zerg, and held 75% of indar until the 3-4 hour blocks when the big outfits pop spiked (im VS wah wah were a zerg blah blah cry cry) other than prime time TR tended to control most of indar

    esamir and amerish do seem to be largely ignored but thats generally due to everyone being on indar fighting over the crown

    i play usually during the day when the pop is low across the board due to off peak and usually its TR zerging it up and NC doing most of the pushing (you damn NC bastards always flank us when we go after the crown when TR owns it *shakes fists*)

    tokens are coming just move somewhere else instead of crying about it
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