Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. cylo233

    well said
  2. cylo233

    oh and i would like some kind of tutorial that tells the new players ok look guys you die fast so use cover and help others rather than farming kills your primary objective is taking over auraxis not getting a high kill death ratio
  3. GrimicusRex

    You want to reduce the camping of spawn buildings so you're going to reduce reload time for the primary method of camping spawn buildings? Is that a joke?

    Here's how you reduce the most belligerent spawn-camping in the game:

    1) Increase minimum tank and aircraft acquisition time.
    2) Increase resource cost on tanks and aircraft to make rotating between them during cooldowns a more questionable proposition.

    3) Add EMP grenades that can be bought with certs on all classes.
    4) Add an EMP rocket launcher that deals no damage, cannot lock on to any targets, has a smaller blast radius. Make it 1000 certs or 1500 SC. People will buy it. Afterall, HA is supposed to be the anti-vehicle class, right? That's why we have rocket launchers in the first place, isn't it? What's the point in giving us rocket launchers at all if it's going to take 6-8 rockets to down a heavy tank and that heavy tank has a 1-shot-kill AoE? As it is, One HE heavy tank makes anything less than 3 HA's completely moot and anything less than 5 can't do anything more than hold him back from the base unless they get really lucky or the driver and his gunner are both really incompetent.

    EMP should temporarily disable ground vehicle weapons systems, slow movement and reduce maneuverability. If you manage to hit an aircraft with the EMP rocket launcher, it disables their weapons and their performance attachment and if they don't have one it cuts their maneuverability and top speed. Let them keep their stealth, flares and whatnot. If you hit an aircraft with a free-fire rocket, they're doing something wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.
  4. Reaper

    This would just break things worse, the timers are doing well, they are working on adding new things to balance the gameplay. If anything take away the resource system as a timer is very well limiting enough; a faction that is warpgated becomes SOL with the current system and it demotes starting a fight on a continent. Adding incentives for defense is much higher priority as it will slow down the horridcontinent desertions and bring about much larger and fun battles that will require less limitations on these resources!

    Horrid ideas, I don't know what game you are playing but I take out tanks on my own as a HA, don't dog on the balance when you apparently haven't learned about things like cover and shooting the backside of the tank for massive damage. PS 2 shots to the back with a deci seals the deal!
  5. Arcanum

    They used to be certable for higher capacity(or faster regen IIRC), back when fuel tanks were standard for ESFs. You just started without a secondary weapon instead of afterburners because they were standard. Eventually they were changed and became an actual item that you didn't have to cert into. I like to think that happened because the developers realized they overdid the upgrades for the ESFs and were bordering into korean MMORPG grind-to-compete territory with the advantages to everything a certed pilot would have against a stock one.

    I respect your taste, I mean if you like more levels there's nothing to argue here, agree to disagree I guess. But I'm just saying, that's kinda fundamentally bad/anti-fun if you happen not to like all that "you have to level up" stuff. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks like this in this place, feels like it sometimes.
  6. Rhapsody

    Not sure what 'assault vehicles' are... as they didnt exist in PS1, unless he means the Empire specific 'buggies'.

    Deli's though.. (aka Deliverers) were a small scale Sundy (aka Sunderer). They actualy existed in the game BEFOR sunderers did i think. (or did they both exist at the same time and they just 'remodeled' the sundy's into the bang-busses?)

    Anyway.. the Deliverers were a smaller troop transport. Carried 1 driver and 4 other people (2-4 gunner, or 2 gunners and 2 passengers) and could NOT carry any MAX's. They were also amphibious.. (able to cross water to bypass bridges and 'flank' enemies)
  7. yogafire

    The update basically changes all the bad things about the game. Ghost capping you need to defend and you still get xp for killing them not a problem. Im not sure on the invulnerability on spawn though I think if you just remake the bases with more exits and less windows to get shelled from with tunnels to move between bases underground that might be enough to let players spread out and just get a chance to fight back. The other team can just keep more distance from base so they dont get knifed.
    Good update though but maybe buff AA a little more the skyguard sucks and need to be stronger with DPS. Vehicles need balance tweaking with regards to infantry verse armor and aircraft its still suicide not being in a vehicle. The HA rockets are not good enough for the amount of vehicles you face or give them more ammo upgrades
    Yeah this game is pretty awesome its the only FPS I play anymore because the scale of the battles is like a real war there is nothing else comparable to this even BF 3 is not even remotely close. This game is actually fun though is the biggest thing, but I agree it could use some more purpose to taking area over and over again.
  8. Revanmug

    Nobody around you spawning as well? No third party VOIP like most outfit use since it's simply better?

    Yup, a lone wolf asking for more crutch. And you told me to get back to Cod? The Irony.

    Your sunderer is set right under a base's wall. I am defending my base.
    Your sunderer is set next to the capture point of an outpost. I am defending my base.

    Your overview of this game is completly **** up. Nothing stop a player to kill spawner while asking for help. If that sunderer is next to a base, your whole "defend base so ignore sunderer" fall to the water.

    Here is your post.

    That's just plain ****** and you admit it yourself. Why would I stop killing people spawning next to point to ASK FOR HELP when I can just do that AND ask for help? Your logic is awful and you should be ashame of it.

    I'm going to repeat it again. There is already an immunity of around 2sec and often more when you spawn. What is stupid is that people can simply deploy sunderer in the middle of any base and get even LONGER immunity when spawning in a danger zone. This has nothing to do with spawn killing. If you are class that cannot hurt a sunderer diretly and you aren't killing the swarm of attacker spawning inside or just next to your wall, you are being completly useless to your team.

    In simple, I don't care that you just spawn. You are next to a base I am attacking/defending with people. If I cannot tankmine you, killing those spawning to give enough room for someone else to do it is a priority.
  9. Garakan

    well.. i know what you mean, but i also like having choices. we could talk about that stuff a long while, i guess, but thats not the right place. :)
    the devs decided to go the "level up" way, and now i want my "level up" fuel tanks, thats all i can say here. :)
  10. Hinsonator

    Can't wait, hope these tunnels are as good as the PS1 tunnels, also how long until naval?
  11. Pinay

    Sometimes i think its the revive grenade, they are hoping someone survives to give them xp, so rezing you to fight again may not be their reasons for doing so ;)
  12. Pinay

    That is what i said. You get xp like a trophy kill, i.e. trophy-like xp=more xp then a normal kill.
  13. StuPickles

    I'm pleased with the xp changes and adding tunnels to bases (depending on how those are done) but the increase in reload speed for he ground vehicles seems to be counterproductive. Everybody spams HE tanks at the moment and its just going to add to the issue not fix it. It looks like they are going to try and completely phase out k/dr which would be most welcomed. I would have liked to have seen more air balance between the factions (currently the reaver is a flying brick compared to the mosquito and reaver), news about server merges (its almost impossible to find a non lopsided battle after 9pm pacific on Connery), and shared purchases among all factions. I have currently spend $95 dollars on this game, which I'm not saying I am entitled to anything, but I would like to see my purchases on the other factions.

    I will currently continue to watch the development of the game but I rarely log in anymore and have cancelled my sub for now. I have hope for the future though and appreciate the communication!!
  14. Endlos

    Don't take this the wrong way (on second thought, take it any way you want):

    Nothing you do to this game matters until people are able to see teammates and enemies.

    You should not have launched this game or started taking any form of payment for it when any infantry battle larger than a counter-strike match imposes an absolutely game-destroying, game-crippling, game-"how do you release this and have a still job as a game developer?!?" render cap.

    There are so many things that you need to fix with this game. I'm glad that you recognize some of them. None of them affect enjoyment of the game as much as getting killed by people you didn't know existed, because they were more than 15m away from you. This shouldn't be a priority, it shouldn't even be your biggest priority, it should be your only priority.

    Fix it. Everything else can wait because nothing else in a First Person Shooter matters if you cannot see the things you're supposed to Shoot.
    • Up x 3
  15. siiix

    no pirates are better ... why ?

  16. Shadestorm

    Love the changes! Can't wait to see more, but these will do nicely! :D
  17. HoriZon357

    Think about that though, your acceptance is why mega corporations, or large cap corporations like Sony worth $12 billion at their low haphazardly release products. This is a business, bottom line is money (seriously thesaurus the word "corporation,"... "at all cost protect corporation/investment"), and you are failing to recognize his point view as Sony ironically states they are "listening." Is this because servers are being shut down or otherwise merged? Which BTW on a quarterly report is instant sell that then effects the budget/talent/time/etc of the game, affecting all of us, when many of these issues I read about have been stressed by the community throughout beta. Just raise the bar, and don't be so accepting, especially from people worth billions who should adhere to stricter guidelines throughout the arduous journey of conception, alpha, closed/open beta, etc sections of development, especially considering the back door/tunnels already worked so well for strategy in Pside =). It seems people are upset about new weapons instead of new ideas/resolutions or having to buy every new variation of a rocket launcher. You ever hear the saying "a day late and a dollar short?" Realize these people want what you do, they just go about it differently---just think if we had no one prodding us, we probably wouldn't goto work.

    Myself? I don't care, i'm just excited we are finally, after 10 years, moving towards scifi non-WoW games =P Thanks again for bringing back Planetside SOE ;)...RAWRS, now give me back non-duck-waddling MAXes that bolt down and make people earn command chat, dont sell it...RAWRS =)
  18. GrimicusRex

    Would you care to tell me how you're going to get 2 shots on the back of a heavy tank when the only two ways out of spawn have 3 heavy tanks each and a bird or two laying down a constant barrage of AoE insta-kill? Even if you kill one by coming from another outpost without getting spotted and killed on your way, how long are you going to last after taking down the first when you've now solidly grabbed the attention of the remaining heavy tanks, the infantry that were sitting on that side of the spawn building and whatever aircraft are in the area? When you have AoE being lobbed at you from 2 ground-level directions and 2 or 3 aerial sources, the only effect cover has is preventing you from firing back.
  19. Shark

    Are Battle Rifles getting a buff?

    They are bad.

    There is absolutely no reason to use it over a TRAC-5 (AMR comparison). The TRAC with compensator will deal more reliable and consistent damage at any given range than piece of crap battle rifles. Also, TRAC-5 can be equipped with grenade launcher. For HA, name any LMG and it's better than the BR.

    Seriously. If you think you have a horrible weapon, trial the battle rifle. It's garbage.

    Needs serious work done.
  20. wafflegear

    I would just like to be able to play the game at all. your optimizing for amd machines seems to be pretty sub par from 5 plus hours I spent trying to get the game at a decent frames per second. ah well maybe when I buy a new tower system I'll be able to play.