September Producer's Letter & EQN Landmark Developer Diary

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Oct 15, 2013.

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  1. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    Hi folks,

    Sorry for the delay in getting these posted over here! This News and Announcements subforum was created after these videos were posted on YouTube. Still, I wanted you all to have a chance to see and discuss these videos:

    September Producer's Letter:

    EQN Landmark Developer Diary: Break It, Take It, Make It:

  2. Gordion Member

    Looking forward to the lore piece about Ashfang!

    Crafting stations can be found? Seems like having hubs with crafting stations is more community friendly, so I had envisioned small villages with the stations. I wonder if certain types of crafting will only be available if you find a particular type of crafting station (like the old racial armor requiring a special sewing kit).

    The dev diary has some specific information that hadn't been released previously, although it's not really surprising. There will be 5 tiers of resources, with the rarer ones being found deeper (does that also mean more remote from the hubs?).

    Good information, too, about inventory options, but nothing too new. The one thing that did stand out is the ability to build a vault. So that would be like building a bank that anyone could use to retrieve their banked items? Great idea for large projects that might be in remote areas.
  3. JennBren Well-Known Member

    I'm really curious as to what other goals they have in mind for why a person would explore. Of course there is the natural desire to see what's there, and the obvious collection of resources you find, but them specifically mentioning more reasons just gives me a little chill thinking about some possibilities. Is it possible we'll find ruins of ancient civs where bits of lore could be discovered? Perhaps there are hints or clues about how to create or rediscover lost magic or abilities? Just spin tingling to think about. :)
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  4. flint005 New Member

    that would be pretty awesome if they did something like that. I love the idea of discovering lost civilizations.. I think it would be great to have some magic and abilities that can only be discovered through quests and such.
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  5. Gordion Member

    Perhaps there will also be achievements for visiting particular locations, or "uncovering" sections of the map. Would be kind of cool to have the ability to climb the highest mountain a plant a flag that says "I was here."
  6. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    One of the things I liked about EQII were the marked items that were spread out in hard to find or weird places, with names inscribed on them. Such and such was here. Then you added yours, replacing theirs. *grin* Just one of those sort of neat extra features. Little things to find like that are great.
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  7. WildeNight Active Member

    I always check the skeleton at the waterfall in Sinking Sands to see if the "marking" has reset so I can claim it for a little while. :) Oh, and the bench on the overlook in Gorowyn. I liked the idea of hidden caches that Rift had as well. Similiar idea, but the items within were useful - though not OP. They reset every so many hours/days. With the AI, I would love to see random caches that spawn and despawn.
  8. Coadex Active Member

    So many lame points about EQ II are brought up, such as these ones.
  9. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    So feel free to bring up the 'non-lame' bits? We were just talking about marking the world and such, and how EQII did that. *shrug*
  10. JennBren Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with Xurtan. I don't think anything is being constructively added by an opinion about what is "lame". By all means I'd love to hear your idea of "non-lame".
  11. WildeNight Active Member

    You're welcome?
  12. HalasRadar Active Member

    BETA sign up going on for EQN and EQL?

    I am more interested in EQL can I just sign up that beta?
  13. Gordion Member

    When you sign up for the beta, you're signed up for both if you're in North America. If you're in Europe, the beta sign-up here is for EQL. If you don't want to participate in the EQN beta, you don't have to.
  14. Shyin Member

    I really am enjoying this type of information release. The videos are short but packed full of new information. Keep them coming... :)
  15. Dexella Content & Social Media Manager

    For EverQuest Next Landmark, you'll want to register at As Gordion said, if you're in the EU, this is for Landmark only. If you're in North America or other regions, this is for both Landmark and EQ Next (one registration, both games).
  16. Smoothlove Well-Known Member

    is EU/US EQN community going to be divided like in previous games under different companies?
    hope not.. for beta though I could understand why a select group at home front is perfered perhaps
    think it was prosebient or something like that but I refused to create an account there in EQ2 and went with SOE
  17. dustin New Member

    free bee out of my books way to stop golde/gear/toon sellers CO OPs call it a sting and all be doing it in my game on live streem so all my players can see it A get a player to set up a meet with the dealer B don't ban them just yet u need to find the supply toon so u need to hold off on the ban and wach the mail dada if the dealer is smart the meet toon is just a frunt toon so baning will not stop them wate for them to mail the goods wen u got the suply toon frum the mail dada look for eney uther toons that mail stuff to them naw u got them all look for mass goods u want to get the toons with mass golde or goods and stomp them out u may need to do thiss 2 or 3 time or till thay driy out or get the point or u can just not let pepl trade or mail stuff and only sell stuff on the market is plan B but if u do a sting I want to see it live streem just don't tell pepl u r doing it till its over soery my spelling is not so good dislexea cant help it
  18. Vox_Disciples Well-Known Member

    can't wait to explore landmark and get to work with all of these crafting items. The disciples of Vox will be hitting landmark hard and we have big plans for creations and contest, be looking out for us!
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