A Look at The Stars of Home

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Murrick Member

    And just a little extra. If they're from another plane of existence with the same qualities of a rocky planet..why would they be more likely to exist on Norrath? And to apply science from this universe, why wouldn't they just completely explode or simply blink out of existence the moment they step into the Norrathian Universe?
  2. Archsun New Member

    Why does anybody have beef that some races are from a far away place? The universe and other planets are all part of the natural order of things. It would make less since for them to be from another plane of existence as it would take more energy to open a portal to another universe then it would to open a portal to another world that is on the same place of existence as Norrath. Magic is nothing but being able to manipulate the energies in the universe and bending it to the casters will.

    It's okay to have a gate device that lets you travel around the planet and to and from Norrath's moons freely but all of the sudden if you involve another planet it's to far fetched???

    What ever civilization was capable of building the giant gate spires would also be capable of finding far away worlds too. It kinda makes more sense to me too that each race had it's own home world that they are from, it gives each race more distinction.
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  3. GreyReach Active Member

    The "beef" some have raised is that it seems most (all?) of the races are coming up as alien. So you end up with one ball of mud floating in space that had elves (and maybe dragons?) that are not aliens but the rest of the races all are alien transplants.

    While the Chariots of the Gods theory is interesting for one race and appropriate subsets (**** sapian?) does it really seem reasonable that rabbits, snakes, deer, cows, horses, tigers, bears, etc. all were separately transplanted by different deities from different planets to this one planet? As some point...it begins to be a stretch of the concept.

    Thus, dwarves, gnomes, orges, trolls, etc. ALL being alien transplants seems to break the concept/theory. As previously mentioned...having dwarves WORSHIP a deity from a different planet would seem to still fit the desired goal. But moving that many races in such a number begins to be a hard concept to support.

    But sure...let all races all be aliens from other planets...and we can all hope to go visit that planet of Dwarves someday on an adventure with our pet chimp Caesar.
  4. RedAngel Well-Known Member

    I always felt like the Planes were realms outside of the mortal realms that they were like in Norrath but not alien. With that said since they seem to be making lore that they are from other planets and not a plane of existance.

    They could bring in any sifi content at that point. Next thing you know they turn the teleportation spires into start gates where you can fly home to see mom and dad on your dwarfen death star, or wage wars on any other planets they decide to make home for other non eq races they come up with later. I dont want to play Stargate EN1, I just want to play ****in Everquest. For all we know the sifi elements being created could arrive to a planet near you some day.

    I dont know what kind of eq they are trying to make but the more I hear the more I worry about the future of the title.
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  5. Erawen New Member

    I agree that the stories have focused too much on death and destruction. I realize that terrible events and wars are part of the story, but it's getting old already. This story was particularly grotesque, and it just seems like lazy writing. I don't mean to offend the writer, but Rise of the Ring was actually one of the best in the series thus far. I feel that way because it didn't linger on morbid details, describing how each character we had just been introduced to twenty pages ago perished. I would like to see more focus on describing the world and developing characters. Use death much more sparingly, and it will enrich the quality of the lore. Currently, it's a bit of an Everquest horror story, and it's hard to watch.

    Please give us more magic and heroism and less apocalyptic accounts of gore thinly veiled with Everquest. Again, I am super excited, and I just want EQN to be amazing! Please keep up the good work!
  6. Hannar New Member

    We are very, very early on in all of this - and I don't mind the tone of the lore at all right now. I believe in order to reach a point of meaningful magic and heroism, it doesn't hurt to establish first the absolutely cataclysmic events that have drawn us to this point. Norrath's new (and old) history is full of war and destruction, setting the scene for players to arrive and have epic adventures in the aftermath of a tumultuous time. The world and the game is primarily built around players adventuring into various lands and killing enemies en masse. I've found the lore thus far to be pretty consistent with that theme.

    When I first have the chance to put my scimitar through the back of a kobold, it's definitely going to be full of gore :).
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  7. Erawen New Member

    I don't dispute the importance of wars and horrors in Norrath past and future. However, there are ways to communicate dire situations without a heavy hand. The Rise of the Ring is an example of using unrest and dissent to build up to the bigger picture. I have gotten tons of enjoyment from Norrath without combat. While I understand that a large population might be thirsty for carnage, I would venture that an equally large group would prefer death to be handled with more dignity and grace at least some of the time. I fully understand the payoff in ending an enemy in totality, but even then I would prefer to have the death characterized not by the popping and hissing of bones (ew!) but rather by the description of the brilliant flame used to smite a devilish foe.

    To get back to the topic, I don't think the epic tone is wrong for EQN at all; it's awesome! I would just like to see a greater variety of storytelling.
  8. Aleenik Active Member

    I know your post is somewhat old, but just in case you didn't find out yet, none of those races you mentioned are from alien planets. All of the races you mentioned are from Norrath. Source

    Also, having multiple planets doesn't make a story sci-fi.
  9. Rainmare Member

    let me put it this way. what is the movie Stargate considered in it's genre? what about Dune? They are Sci Fi. they took the wizard spires, and literally have made them into Stargates. now apparently the idea is that..for some unknown reason now, all the races had access to the Stargate, and went to worlds they found more..suitable to thier cultural desires or wants. they each found thier own little eden. and then the Dal decided, via probably thier 'High Magic' to invade the other planets, and enslave everyone and bring them back to Corusant..oh, I mean, Norrath, as slave labor.

    I mean literally, change norrath to Corusant, name the 'dwarf' home tatooine, the 'ogre' home to Mustaf and the stories literally read like Star Wars. at this point I seriously wouldn't be surprised to find out that 'High Magic' was literally laser blasters and lightsabers, on the idea that to the other races, sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic.

    Now we've also see Tunare killed by Chaos Monster Horde 01. in a VERY weak excuse to make Kithicor the undead cursed place people from Eq1/2 know it as. yes, the blood from a goddess of GROWTH, plus Chaos magic = Undead somehow.

    We've seen no Evil or Good deities. everything is being whitewashed neutral. you can't have grey without black and white. you can't have neutral, without good and evil.

    and that's just the lore.

    the controls we've seen in Landmark for movement are horrid. the gameplay for 'combat' is clearly being designed to favor a console gaming pad over a mouse/keyboard, and is incredibly first person/twitch gameplay in style.

    about the only thing right now that is keeping my interest is the graphics, and the hope that MAYBE if enough people complain enough, they'll bring the lore back to being Everquest, and not Norrath meets Star Wars.
  10. JacWhisper Active Member

    I have a problem with Dwarves being aliens. They come from Brell. From the bowels of Norrath's deepest earthen caves. WE AREN'T ALIENS!
  11. Aleenik Active Member

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  12. JacWhisper Active Member

    Okay. Ahm happy den. Dun care wot da rest of ye soddy softskins come from. Ye'll all be fallin' undernea' me axe!

    Go Dorfs!
  13. Zoack New Member

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  14. Aleenik Active Member

    Well at the very least the vast majority of them are, which includes all of the currently known playable races.
  15. Moorgard Developer

    Yes, the races playable at launch are all from Norrath.

    Thank you for making sure that message gets around. :)

    As you'd expect, we'll be adding more playable races over time, so it's possible that, down the road, we might give the option to play a race that isn't native to our world. But if we did, there would have to be a pretty compelling reason why such a race has a stake in Norrath's destiny.

    And don't worry, we have *plenty* of familiar native Norrathian races to add which already possess a deep connection to the world. We've thought ahead about this stuff, and storylines for why additional races can be added to the mix.
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  16. Aleenik Active Member

    :eek: Moorgard noticed me! My life is complete. I don't even need to play EQN now.
  17. Moorgard Developer

    Yes you do!
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  18. Loviatrix Active Member

    Ok I'm confused. What/Where is Akashidak then? Is it another planet or someplace on Norrath?
  19. Aleenik Active Member

  20. Loviatrix Active Member

    Thanks =) Somehow I missed that this forum was up, so I'm late to the party. I'm doing some reading now to catch myself up. I'm still not getting how they can come from another planet AND be native to Norrath, though. I did read all the E Books, twice.
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