Why Pirates are Better than Ninjas

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-SenorPhrog, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-syous01 Guest

    So as many of you know I'm a math professor from Harvard. Last semester I gave my students a thesis, the subject being "Pirates vs. Ninjas : Who wins?"

    The hard part was proving it mathematically. To my surprise one student turned in a paper and actually offered a solution that broke the laws of math, time and space as we know it. I'll post it here for you.

    1 Ninja + 1 Pirate = Chuck Norris
  2. ARCHIVED-*SLiDE* Guest

    I don't know man... They've tried to merge together with results like this:
    Which isn't very Norris Like... not that I want to get into any kind of CN discussion at all.
  3. ARCHIVED-Geero Guest

    Yes, they are tough ladies... Tough to look at.
    Missing tooth and smelly since hasn't showered in 3 months. Yeah, thats the girl I want.
  4. ARCHIVED-HornBlade Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-RedFeather75 Guest

    Radar is so biased.
    Notice how Cyborg Vikings didn't get mentioned in this topic after it migrated to community news?
    Clearly hates the Cyborg Vikings. :(

    Aaaarg ye yella bellies hide in the shadows. Ifin u wansta fight a pirate lets have a ranged battle...me ships cannons best a metal star any day.
    Yer just jealous ya cant wear a puffy shirt and jeweled rapier and still look as mean as Momma's homemade jellyfish & tuna sandwiches.

    An another thing that burns me biscuits is the fact u have ta be Asian to be a Ninja. Pirates dont care who picks up the chest as long as the Captain gets 1/2.....Never eye a pirate's rum ,he may make ya drink.
  7. ARCHIVED-Hella_Nervous Guest

    OMG! ::brain overload:: ROBOT-PIRATE-NINJA-VIKINGS! WITH A MOHAWK! ::babble and drool::
    Message Edited by irishharp2m6 on 05-06-2006 03:46 AM
  8. ARCHIVED-Gninja3 Guest


    Gninjas > Pirates > Ninjas