Why are BL's so OP?

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Dyche, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Protips Member

    And FFS your controlled test, you don't need to check ID when grandpa is buying beer and need to proof he is over 21.
    Something as obvious does not need freaking testing. You think we don't know science? I can tell people supporting bl op has twice the scientific logic then you. It's really not rocket science, veta kioske yards all k ow better.
    Jrox and Kioske like this.
  2. Protips Member

    And yea you should go back to your weekly check in, too disgusting
  3. Konc3pt Active Member

    protips here
  4. Entropy Well-Known Member

    Thanks to this thread I'm pretty sure I know how the White House press corps feels when they're talking with Sean Spicer. Redirection, alternate facts, and answering whatever you want until the question is asked about six times.

    Good work guys.

    Imma just be over here smiling, watching our conjurors kick *** on the parse.
    DoomDrake and Anjel like this.
  5. Whiomaju Member

    So people's observations, from all over the game, are invalid because you happen to lose to a conjuror? In no way does that take away from the facts posted by Kioske and others. Just because Conjies are strong that does not mean BL's are not OP.
    Kioske and Kielex like this.
  6. Kioske Well-Known Member

    You refuse to take into account one more "control" to your test; your skill level. You think that you are the best of the best at your class and your hubris is keeping you from even the suggestion that your class is OP. The fact that you even consider taking this argument down some silly political comparison shows your lack of understanding to the debate. The "alternative facts" are yours. You're the only one here presenting your form of the facts.

    If you are losing to a conj, maybe it's because you're not a better player than he is. A lesser player on a better toon can be beaten by a lesser toon played by a better player. A better player on a better toon will not lose to the lesser player on a lesser toon. Two players of equal skill on different toons, the better toon will beat out the lesser toon. One of these truths is the one you fit into, or you're not being honest about who is winning your parses to mitigate the "incoming nerf" headed your way. (Mostly because the Devs can be very regressive in this game and they like to nerf more than they like to boost).

    As you said, you are the one getting all the buffs, but by reading your posts in this forum, sounds like the conj should be the one getting all the buffs instead. Why are they wasting buffs on you?
  7. Kioske Well-Known Member

    I will say it here again, even though I feel like I've said it 100 times in this thread alone:

    I am not advocating for BL/Summ/Ranger nerfs. I am advocating for boosts to Sorcerer/Assassin to be able to compete on the parse.
  8. Kielex Well-Known Member

    What about rogues? What about utility dps becoming even lower compared to high dps? Buff sorcs, nerf ranger/bl/summoner.
  9. Zelox7 Member

    who is this godly invisible conj that dominates everyone that i keep hearing about?
  10. Jrox Well-Known Member

    ME! I am the beast in my Illy desguise! /roar! :p
  11. Kielex Well-Known Member

    Either a myth or someone that botted tithe.

    Edit: boxed*
  12. kluxor Well-Known Member

    betrayed to ranger, gave up ancients and years of assassin experience and automagically became competitive on the parse without even knowing wtf i'm doing and still getting awful MT group buffs

    TBH, dont really like it either....feels cheap and would much rather be an assassin still
  13. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Bummer ... but Yards just said THERE IS NO SKILLS and Veta said same - BL have NO SKILLS to apply - why you worry than?
    I am happy to offer myself a testing animal (lucky my Pot right at about 23.7K level) - since no skills involves and I tend to maintain my temps as soon as they available plus I do align my chain with fervor proc and have some vague idea's what have better chance to trigger it
  14. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Rogues have no business into be in T1 - they should parse on the level of enchanters or so
  15. Yards Well-Known Member

    Quote my on where I said this or learn how to read.
    Jrox, Kioske and Azian like this.
  16. Kielex Well-Known Member

    Says who? In the original EQ2 rogues parsed pretty much the same as predators.
    Azian likes this.
  17. Entropy Well-Known Member

    Hey can we all just agree that DoomDrake does not represent the general opinions of the Beastlord or EQ2 communities and just move on with discussion?
    Anjel and Azian like this.
  18. Konc3pt Active Member

    now you're making sense, doomdrake
    Anjel and Kielex like this.
  19. Whiomaju Member

    Sad news... :(

    If feels cheap because it is a cheap solution to a serious problem. I'm not going to betray so there's that, I am not going to dwindle into nothingness over time either.

    In my guild the two warlocks are about to give up on their toons too. Both are working on necros and a BL and Berzerker respectively. Our conjurer quit a while ago fed up with constant irritations like grey prerequisits and faction grinds combined with a string of log in and balance problems. Before he left he said "something is wrong, this pet is OP" when he shot up the parse just about nekkid.
  20. Kioske Well-Known Member

    They do not need to nerf anything, they need to boost the people below them. Rogues are fine, in my opinion. They're beating sorcerers right now, they're supposed to be somewhere between straight utility and T1 DPS (As per how the community feels about their place). They offer a bunch of utility to the raid, especially swash with their reset.