Where are the caster & priest Darkpaw ranged items?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Barwyn, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Except that the resolve curve is VERY easy to hit this year. If you do the sig line and side quests, you easily have enough resolve for h1s right away. Do H1s for a bit and you have resolve for H2s. I had Raid resolve before a single avatar came back to Norrath just by doing the base expansion content.

    Oh, and I frequently drag undergeared friends through H1/H2 content to help them catch up. My guild does this all the time. Sounds like yours does not. That's really unfortunate. But as I said earlier, it is VERY easy to get resolve levels this year. Last year I'd have been more inclined to agree with you. The resolve climb was steep and unforgiving last year. This year it is not.
  2. Okeechobee New Member

    Well, apparently the actual answer would be 'whine incessantly'
    Siren likes this.
  3. Barwyn Member

    I don't disagree with you Melkior they did make being able to do H1 content more attainable this year. Question, Would you rather have someone in your group that parses 5-6 trillion DPS or one that parses 500-800 billion? Unfortunately, too many guilds/people out there have the attitude I got mine why can't you get yours?

    I've been in several groups where the guild says since we are finished doing a chrono run and are going to do some H2s (Insert player name) since your resolve isn't x amount you need to drop group versus saying hey, I know you are going to be eating dirt most of the run, come along so we can get your resolve up.

    But that's not the issue. The issue is this. Why did you (Asking the developers) put a ranged item in your event for fighters and scouts and not one at the same time for mages and priests? So Okeechobee not whining. You put something in for one, put something in for all. Seems simple to me. Then again I'm simple minded.

    BTW my resolve is not my concern it's 9840 ATM. Doing this and not saying hey you know what? It was an over site on our part, we added a ranged item. Instead, what's happened so far is "oh stop crying we will add one sometime, won't say when if ever".
  4. Barwyn Member

    New camp .... Still no ranged item....
  5. Luziana Member

    Since all players are paying the same - more or less - i cannot see why plate fighters and scouts get all weapons for cheap while mages, healers (except channelers) and brawlers have to be patient.
    Please change that and remove the mask requirement from one of the wands and also from one og the brawler weapons and from one of the throwing weapons that brawlers have to use instead of bow. Thank you!
    Barwyn likes this.
  6. Shwetty Active Member

    I find it funny that people that dont raid think they should be able to afford the same gear as the people who push progression.

    How many of you casual non-raiders. crafters. decorators, or alt-army botters have killed a single avatar? Why should you be able to buy the avatar gear if you are not killing the avatar bosses?
    Smashey likes this.
  7. axxis32 Member

    You are missing the point completly. People want the normal, regular non-raiding RANGED items for priests and casters (ie wands) without the need to spend the raid-only (mostly) currency for this event. Fighters and Scouts already have their ranged versions, that does NOT costs raid currency... so why wouldnt casters and healers get it?
  8. Trilly Active Member

    You know...this kind of snarky response to a valid question is what puts people off of the game and wanting to try raiding (yes, I have done both!!) It seems that "some people" consider themselves "elite" and tend to look down upon those that choose not to raid, are unable to raid due to "real life" situations or continue to raid. I would suggest you read and try to understand what people are asking before you attempt to answer/not answer.
  9. Smashey Well-Known Member

    No its not.

    His comment is on point, completely valid and not snarky at all.