What happened to my lighting???

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Leawyn, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    I log into my halfling in the guild hall, and this si what I find.... what on earth happened? It seems to only affect my character, the NPC's around me are unaffected, and other players don't seem to be. HALP! This is horrible =(

    [IMG] [IMG]
  2. ARCHIVED-darwich Guest

    hahaha reminds me of a sienfeld episode lol
  3. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    try logging out and back in.
  4. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    I logged in all my halflings (you can see in my sig I have a few...) and they all look like that. I logged in my husband's high elf and he looked fine. So no idea what's going on, it's upsetting tho....
  5. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    OK Let me tell covic.
  6. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    Well, i got booted and told the server was offline right after I posted that. When i was able to get back in, I look normal again.
  7. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    Covic is fast! ;)
  8. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    I appreciate it, I was just saying the game was unplayable if I looked like that on all my toons! Thank you thank you thank you!
  9. ARCHIVED-VikodiN Guest

    Remember, it is what's on the inside that counts! :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Gaarysal Guest

    I'm having this same issue on my female woodelf :(
  11. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    My zerker had this issue too today.
  12. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    My wood elf, so stressed about the down time had half her hair turn gray. It resolved itself after the downtime, but several of my toons have that patchy look noted above while in the character select screen.
  13. ARCHIVED-ltpyromacc Guest

    I'm having the same issues. Doesn't only happen with my toons. I can see it on other players as well. Also doesn't seem limited to certain races.
  14. ARCHIVED-g0dless420 Guest

    This also affects certain pets, like the necro master mage pet. Sometimes he looks...uglier than usual.
  15. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    It's also affecting clothing and zone decor objects... for example, the blue dress from the City Festival looked almost black on my Fae, and the climbable barrels in Kraytok's were so heavily shadowed that they appeared to have planks of jet black wood in their construction, and the snow in the New Halas starter area was so blindingly white that no texture was even visible, just pure solid whiteness. After a reboot, all three appeared as normal as ever.
  16. ARCHIVED-msgnomer Guest

    My Barbie's been having bad hair days too....
    (edit: no shader 3.0 here either)
  17. ARCHIVED-Leawyn Guest

    This is happening again today, allll my halflings affected =( And I only play halflings! /sad
  18. ARCHIVED-Suprchik407 Guest

    Getting this on my Freebloods since Sunday afternoon. Looged in just now 2:25 am EST Monday, and still borked graphics. I never use shader 3.0 in case that helps with this issue to be resolved.
  19. ARCHIVED-Finora Guest

    I've seen weird shader/lighting issues on and off since the patch with every race I play (which is every race except dwarves atm). Sometimes it's the hair, sometimes the armor, often the mount (most of my girls have the winter wolf but I've seen it on the CE pegasus, the dark SC pegasus, white crafter gryphons, and a couple of other mounts). Sometimes it's a full body mess up where different body parts are different shades with clear dividing lines between the parts.
    It doesn't happen all the time. I don't use shader 3.0. I don't even have shadows on currently.
    It's all in all very strange.
  20. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    agreed and it varies in zones too, GF makes me Pegasus look weired, zoning into LF, she looks fine. My *young* Woof Elf, has grey streaks in her black hair.
    Not using sharder 3.0