Unfair Ehtereal event

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Diminator, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Honest to Erollisi, CoLD MeTaL, I think you are trolling and being a deliberate *COUGH*!!

    Using a Potion of Bountiful Harvests and easily obtainable harvest-boosting gear, plus the right Tradeskill AA, you can get enough rares in a day or two. "Months"... /snort! Heck, even without the potion, I can get 50-100 rares in a couple of hours. In addition to the gear, I have the Fully Trained Pack Pony (from Gathering Obsession quests), and I use the Tradeskill AA to advantage:
    • Tradeskill Tree: 5pts each in Ample Harvest (+25% chance of Bountiful Harvest) and Trim Reaver (+1% chance of rare harvest)
    • Tradeskill Prestige Tree: Seasoned Harvesting (+5% rare harvest chance)
    • Tradeskill Far Seas Tree: Far Seas Harvest Technique (+1% rare harvest chance), Experienced Reaping (+50 harvesting skills)
    You will never lose an item you're experimenting if you (1) set up your tradeskill AA to maximize experimentation skills and (2) Practice with some junk crafted items until you get the hang of it. Basically, you can't stop durability from going down, you just need to counter EVERY adverse event and push progress as much as possible. Another small help is The Hand of the Maker (+1 experimental progress. From Scars of the Awakened TS Timeline)
    • Tradeskill Prestige Tree: Experimentation
    • Tradeskill Far Seas Tree: Seasoned Experimentation
    In regards to adornments:


    Planar Adornment of Healthand Planar Adornment of Raw Power are player crafted from the Planar Adornments recipe book. They require 1 Planar Mana, 2 Infusion of the Planes, 7 Planar Fragment, 5 Planar Powder, and 50 Celestial Coal.

    To get the manas, harvest a bunch of darkstones, use mass production to craft a bunch of Tome of the Planes, and transmute those. Or have a weaponsmith or woodworker make Ruby Heartwood Crossbows and transmute those.

    You'll get some infusions while getting the manas, transmuting legendary+ items from solo instances will get you some more. While running solo zones, you'll get Planar Trasmutation Stones, which when transmuted give you fragments. Transmuting normal junk loot from solos gives you more powders than you will know what to do with, and they're cheap on the broker, too.

    Some orange adorns are dropped in solo zones. Green adorns are all player-crafted, and even last expansion greens are better than an empty slot. Cyan adorns can be player-crafted. Yun Zi sells orange and cyan adornments at the outrageous cost of zero copper and doing the ridiculously easy quests.

    You don't have a provisioner? You don't know a provisioner? Every 110 provisioner has the recipes and I Iinked Niami Denmum's page telling you the available foodstuffs and stats. You can't even manage to use the broker to look for level 100+ food/drink and read the dang descriptions to see what stats they have? If you can't manage this, I don't know how you manage to play this game at all. Once you know what food/drink/snack you want, getting them made is inexpensive and ridiculously easy.

    You don't have a *EXPLOSIVE FIT OF COUGHING* tinker? You don't know someone who has a tinker? You can't manage to get in the Crafting channel and ask if a crafter will make them for you for a reasonable tip if you provide the materials?

    Divine Attribute boosters drop in weekly rewards and elsewhere,which is how you get those things boosted. And remember
    Yun Zi?? He will boost your divine potency to 50 for the outrageous cost of zero copper.

    If you have been running solos, once you have your adorns, you salvage all your junk loot, and junk merc-only loot including accolades. That gives you Salvaged Planar Infuser Fragments, from which you can craft (or ask a buddy to craft for you). As I am pretty sure I also mentioned, prior tiers' infusers ALSO work, including some that use common harvested raws (i.e., fish), or harvested rares (umbral pelts) that can be crafted.

    You need only infuse if your stats are still in the basement after doing all the other things I mentioned. It's how you turn junk loot into something useful, by salvaging it and making infusers. You will always be getting junk loot somewhere,so you can always infuse. But I'll tell ya, you can actually start T1 raiding in refined Visionary mastercrafted that's been infused to the gills.

    And your repeated cracks about millions of plat? HARVEST FREAKING EVERY DAY. Sell rares and shinies. I make about 500K plat a day from selling shinies and rares. And once you have all your craftable adorns, you can sell manas and infusions for good plat too.

    This isn't hard, it certainly isn't rocket science, and you're being Chicken Little squawking the sky is falling when it's really easy to get ready to run heroics. Rants like yours are why new players don't even try to find out how to get ready.

    Breanna likes this.
  2. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    So you admit it's an 'everyday' job , I have a job already. It isn't a 'couple days' harvesting for that many rares. and the OR option was valid last I looked at the broker 6 weeks ago or so.

    Enjoy your game and Good Hunting! Feel free to ignore me.
    Meneltel, Mizgamer62 and Jaeded like this.
  3. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    If that's how you make money, yeah, it is a daily thing. Not all day every day, but some. Grab the harvesting quests in Coliseum of Valor from the halfling girl.

    I failed to mention that people who have finished the PoP Tradeskill Series and have the Gaggelu Pearwood familiar get additional rare harvesting bonuses AND experimentation boosts. Which increase if you level the thing up.
  4. Jaeded Well-Known Member

    Well I'm glad you have enough time to harvest the amount of rares and shinies needed to make 500K plat a day most of us don't have that luxury.

    Now don't misunderstand me, I neither expect or want anything handed to me but your long laundry list of how to improve your toon should not be necessary for casual grouping. Unfortunately this is the way the game has evolved.
    Soara2, CoLD MeTaL, Meneltel and 3 others like this.
  5. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    I have the time, but not the will. I play for fun, not as a job. So I am in a guild that is relaxed and we play for fun. We do heroics, and we struggle, but that is the fun, being a team and succeeding (usually). Those are the memories I want, not the "I just got an upgrade, woohoo!" But each to their own.
    Soara2 and CoLD MeTaL like this.
  6. Castegyre Well-Known Member

    Not everyone has the same threshold for fun. Too much grind, or grind that isn't well disguised, and more people get turned off then inspired to work to improve their character. That's bad. Personally, the reason I don't raid any more has nothing to do with the difficulty of the content or my ability to put the effort into it. I just grew to hate dealing with the people I was grinding the content with. Everyone is different.

    I have to wonder if this is a bit of a hammer and nails problem. If the people left working on the content for the game are used to making raid and heroic content then maybe that's the hammer they're using to whack away with. So everything else, like housing/decorating, crafting, casual grouping, etc, looks like a nail to that hammer. So other forms of play that have previously had people to cater to them are now simply getting beat down.
    Quillyne, Rhodris, Mizgamer62 and 3 others like this.
  7. Alexstrasza Active Member

    I'm not going through this entire thread but im going to directly respond to the OP.

    Ethereal Events aren't for solo players, you don't need BiS items to solo the solo content in this game. If you want BiS items you need to put in the effort to raid, do experts, do heroics etc.. Not everything in this game is meant for everyone, not every aspect of this game is meant for everyone its why there are many different ways to play this game, solo, tradeskill, raid, heroics, design houses, roleplay, etc..

    So please don't come here whining for handouts because all you do is solo and you can't get ethereal coins. Enjoy your solo content because that's what you enjoy doing, if you want to take the next jump then do so if you want to earn the gear that warrants it.

    You might pay the same 14.99 that I do, but you don't play the same that I do, I raid 3-4 nights a week and run heroics/experts outside of that, if I saw a solo player running around with the same gear as me for the effort I put in it wouldn't be fair, so don't come here complaining you can't get something that you don't deserve.
    Earar, Dude, Lucus and 1 other person like this.
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