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Comprehensive Tradeskill Equipment List

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Sigrdrifa, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    A number of the items shown below can occasionally be purchased on the broker.

    ARTISAN -- Artisan items may be used by any tradeskill class
    • Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl -- reward from the quest "What Dreams May Come", req. level 90 tradeskill (+25 Adorning/Artificing/Artistry/Chemistry/Fletching/Metalworking/Scribing/Sculpting/Tailoring/Tinkering, +5 Tradeskill XP Gain, applies Blessing of Brell when equipped, giving a rare chance to prevent the crafter from consuming items while tradeskilling, gives a second harvest on 27.0% of harvests, and increases critical success chance by 5.0% )
    Nyanya, Bekah, Marae and 21 others like this.
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    • Craftsman's Cranial Capacitor -- Tinkerer-crafted using a 420 skill recipe from Master's Blueprints 0.011 (+5 Artistry/Fletching/Sculpting, +5% success chance)




    Vuurvink, Marae, Soara2 and 12 others like this.
  3. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    • Outfitter's Cranial Capacitor -- Tinkerer-crafted using a 415 skill recipe from Master's Blueprints 0.009 (+5 Metalshaping/Metalworking/Tailoring, +5% success chance)


    • Tailor's Insight (Set) -- requires 20,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division, any artisan may equip (set bonus gives +3% tradeskill XP gain)
      • Tailor's Bangle (+5 Tailoring)
      • Tailor's Signet Ring (+5 Tailoring)
      • Tailor's Torque (+5 Tailoring)

    Marae, Soara2, Febie and 7 others like this.
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author


    Marae, Soara2, Febie and 6 others like this.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    • Scholar's Cranial Capacitor -- Tinkerer-crafted using a 410 skill recipe from Master's Blueprints 0.010 (+5 Artificing/Chemistry/Scribing, +5% success chance)


    • Augren's Auspicious Inkwell -- reward from the quest "The Legendary Paper", req. level 50+ alchemist (+10 Scribing, +1.1% success chance)

    Vuurvink, Marae, Soara2 and 8 others like this.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Trevor, Marae, Soara2 and 7 others like this.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author


    • Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl -- reward from the quest "What Dreams May Come", req. level 90 tradeskill (+25 Adorning/Artificing/Artistry/Chemistry/Fletching/Metalworking/Scribing/Sculpting/Tailoring/Tinkering, +5 Tradeskill XP Gain, applies Blessing of Brell when equipped, giving a rare chance to prevent the crafter from consuming items while tradeskilling, gives a second harvest on 27.0% of harvests, and increases critical success chance by 5.0% )

    • Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl -- reward from the quest "What Dreams May Come", req. level 90 tradeskill (+25 Adorning/Artificing/Artistry/Chemistry/Fletching/Metalworking/Scribing/Sculpting/Tailoring/Tinkering, +5 Tradeskill XP Gain, applies Blessing of Brell when equipped, giving a rare chance to prevent the crafter from consuming items while tradeskilling, gives a second harvest on 27.0% of harvests, and increases critical success chance by 5.0% )
    • Appaloosa Pack Horse -- requires 20,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division (+14.3 Fishing/Trapping/Mining/Foresting/Gathering/Transmuting)
    • Hillrunner Pack Horse -- requires 30,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division (+23.8 harvesting, +23.8 transmuting)
    • Pack Unicorn -- requires 40,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division (+47.5 harvesting, +47.5 transmuting)
    • Palomino Pack Horse -- requires 30,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division (+23.8 harvesting, +23.8 transmuting)

    • Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl -- reward from the quest "What Dreams May Come", req. level 90 tradeskill (+25 Adorning/Artificing/Artistry/Chemistry/Fletching/Metalworking/Scribing/Sculpting/Tailoring/Tinkering, +5 Tradeskill XP Gain, applies Blessing of Brell when equipped, giving a rare chance to prevent the crafter from consuming items while tradeskilling, gives a second harvest on 27.0% of harvests, and increases critical success chance by 5.0% )
    Marae, Soara2, Febie and 6 others like this.
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    • Appaloosa Pack Horse -- requires 20,000+ faction with Far Seas Supply Division (+14.3 Fishing/Trapping/Mining/Foresting/Gathering/Transmuting)
    • Ash Harvesting Kit -- converted automatically at GU60 from Ash Fishing Pole, Ash Pick, Ash Saw, Ash Shovel, or Ash Trap, req. level 20 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.1 second faster, second harvest on 2.0% of harvests)

    Marae, Soara2, Febie and 7 others like this.
  9. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    HARVESTING, cont.
    • Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl -- reward from the quest "What Dreams May Come", req. level 90 tradeskill (+25 Adorning/Artificing/Artistry/Chemistry/Fletching/Metalworking/Scribing/Sculpting/Tailoring/Tinkering, +5 Tradeskill XP Gain, applies Blessing of Brell when equipped, giving a rare chance to prevent the crafter from consuming items while tradeskilling, gives a second harvest on 27.0% of harvests, and increases critical success chance by 5.0% )
    • Briarwood Harvesting Kit -- converted automatically at GU60 from Briarwood Fishing Pole, Briarwood Pick, Briarwood Saw, Briarwood Shovel, Briarwood Trap, req. level 30 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.2 second faster, second harvest on 4.0% of harvests)
    • Cloak of the Harvester -- reward from the Gathering Obsession Timeline (+25 harvesting, +25 transmuting)
    • Compact Ash Harvesting Kit -- Woodworker-crafted using a level 27 recipe from Woodworker Essentials Volume 27, req. level 20 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.1 second faster, second harvest on 2.0% of harvests)
    • Compact Briarwood Harvesting Kit -- Woodworker-crafted using a level 37 recipe from Woodworker Essentials Volume 37, req. level 30 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.2 second faster, second harvest on 4.0% of harvests)
    • Compact Redwood Harvesting Kit -- Woodworker-crafted using a level 77 recipe from Woodworker Essentials Volume 77, req. level 70 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.5 second faster, second harvest on 10.0% of harvests)
    • Compact Sandalwood Harvesting Kit -- Woodworker-crafted using a level 57 recipe from Woodworker Essentials Volume 57, req. level 50 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.4 second faster, second harvest on 8.0% of harvests)
    • Compact Teak Harvesting Kit -- Woodworker-crafted using a level 47 recipe from Woodworker Essentials Volume 47, req. level 40 adventure or tradeskill (harvest 0.3 second faster, second harvest on 6.0% of harvests)
    Marae, Soara2, Febie and 7 others like this.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    HARVESTING, cont.

    • Collapsible Fishing Pole -- Tinkerer-crafted using a 395 skill recipe from Blueprint: Collapsible Fishing Pole, req. adventure level 80 (reduces harvest time for fishing by 2.5 seconds, harvests Magma rock fish in Skyfire Mountains)
    Marae, Soara2, oakmiser and 6 others like this.
  11. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author


    Trevor, Marae, Soara2 and 6 others like this.
  12. Sucha Active Member

  13. Cisteros Active Member

    Most excellent guide. One minor miscue. The Solstice ear casts a 45% runspeed buff, not a 45% cast speed buff
    Soara2 and Sigrdrifa like this.
  14. Guiscard Active Member

    Sigrdrifa - the problem with any crafting tool is that we have asked and been refused to gives us crating tool slots, I believe Vanguard ( ot at least some game I have played) gives you the ability to have a 2nd set of slots for crafting geat which kicks in when you craft. We have asked for that but got no reply.

    It is pain to swap crafting gear in and out - sure you could use macros but it is still a pita --- And you forgot to mention the real PITA -- Far Seas faction to get the gear.
    Soara2, AOE1, GrunEQ and 3 others like this.
  15. Cisteros Active Member

    Yes, Vanguard had a crafting gear tab, which would be a welcome addition to EQ2. It would give me the incentive to actually utilize crafting gear outside of Prayer Shawls and Solstice earrings if it didn't take up bag space.
    Hopefully one day
    Soara2, Ocarinah, Taka and 1 other person like this.
  16. Aneova Member

    I have 2 macro's 1 to put my TS items on and One for swapping on my adventure gear, only thing that makes it a pain is making sure you update the macro when your gear changes.
    Forestchild, Soara2 and Streppoch like this.
  17. Stike Member

    Question, with the new experiementing tradeskill prestige, is there any new drops in the tradeskill zones that have +experimenting stats on them? Considering the other stats do nothing for that process/success with experimenting it would be nice to have some rare drop with those stats on them.
    Soara2 likes this.
  18. Aneova Member

    I've not seen anything for Experimenting, my understanding it's supposed to be incredibly difficult to match the rewards granted for successfully adding on such bonus's
    Soara2 likes this.
  19. Sambril Well-Known Member

    Helpful guide thanks! :D

    But I noticed that the rewards from Shadows of the Betrayed from Sentinel's Fate are not listed - there is one for each tradeskill that grants a 3% tradeskill xp bonus and the Artisan's Escape skill.

    Carpenter: Twiddy's Sculpting Hammer
    Provisioner: Kruzz's Cooking Skillet
    Woodworker: Eylee's Woodworking Saw

    Weaponsmith: Nurgg's Weapon Refinement
    Armorer: Kaltuk's Armoring Tongs
    Tailor: Bayle's Tailoring Needle

    Alchemist: Illisia's Alchemy Flask
    Jeweler: Asharae's Artificing Tongs
    Sage: Roadyle's Scribing Scroll
    Soara2, Shiba, Wirewhisker and 2 others like this.
  20. Kisy Active Member

    Great walk through! Just made me realize how much I still have to do on Kisy. /sigh
    Soara2 likes this.