TSO Stinks

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Thumatos, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    I was talking about the drops from mobs there has to be a reason to go into the instances hasnt there,hehe

    And as per your suggestion i have tried to get groups (even though i'll happily admit i hate grouping,thanks WOW) and i just havent been able to get one and the couple of times i've tried to get one going real life called and it went belly up,and i dont like letting people down so as i say its not an option now.

    For me as i say my time in EQ2 is coming to an end for now,theres more for me as a casual in WOW and a nice meaty expansion to get my teeth into,its a shame becuase frankly EQ2 is the much better MMO but WOW just offers something more to the casual..my husbands going from the game has had an effect as well of course duo isnt a duo without someone else,lol,its a shame it took him 3 years to get me here and he goes first :/
  2. ARCHIVED-Kleitos Guest

    Yes, WoW is more casual friendly and I can see it might fit your playstyle better if all you want to do is duo and avoid the community. I tried it, awesome game, terrible community and no challange. But it's most likely the same in WoW, to get the 'good' loot you need to group or raid.
    Stop by and correct me if that isn't the case.
  3. ARCHIVED-BlakkMantis Guest

    Thumatos wrote:
    Thats either BS, and if its not. Consider switching servers!
  4. ARCHIVED-Kizee Guest

    faith wrote:
    A couple years ago I would agree with WoW being more casual friendly but now EQ2 takes the cake for being the most casual friendly game out there.
    When you get to the level cap in WoW you are going to hit the same roadblocks you hit here if you are refusing to group.
  5. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    Kizee wrote:
    Aye your possibly right but given i'm only level 67 over there i've got plenty still to do :)

    For me at least its not about the best gear it never has been its about fun,atm with TSO i'm not having all that much fun with it,theres only so many times you can do the same quests over and again so maybe a 12 month break will do me some good and they'll put out a more balanced expansion next year
  6. ARCHIVED-Zarulm Guest

    Dreyco wrote:
    This, QFE.
    Im a soloer myself, but what is there to complain about?! Kunark is 80-90% solo, at level 80 I still have yet to finish Kunzar, and I still have yet to start the solo quests in Jarsath. TSO did not make soloing to cap impossible, because kunark is still there. What else do you complaining soloers want?
    So we got an expansion that is mostly group, Good! I was getting tired of this game getting too easy and too dumbed down. After all, where is the sense of accomplishment? Challenge and effort is severely lacking in MMO's these days, I am very happy to see those two things coming back.
    You can get good gear solo...
    If you want the better stuff, you need to group...
    If you want the best, you have to raid...
    This is how all MMO's work. It is not going to change anytime soon. If solo stuff was as good as group/raid gear, then what would even be the point to grouping or raiding? People would quickly get bored and leave.
  7. ARCHIVED-Zaino Shadowave Guest

    I'm loving this expansion. I've been grouping a ton, and still haven't done all of the instances. I run the harder ones with guild groups on my main, while joining PUGs with my alts. If I can't find a TSO group, I go quest in Moors solo, or have been joining PUGs in RoK (there seem to be a lot of folks working on their Epics the last few weeks, and they can always use an extra).
    I think a lot of these dungeons are progressive. Most of them have tiers (3 different dungeons), and expectign to be able to do them all in a PUG at launch seems silly to me (what will there be to do in 9 months?).
    Anyway, just wanted to thank SOE for a great expansion!
  8. ARCHIVED-Denon Guest

    My wife and I primarely Duo. Why?? - Not because we are anti-social, actually we have many friends in the game. The problem is - Mostly because we usually can only play for about an hour, -or- we need to go AFK alot.
    When you have kids in the house, - even when they go to bed at night - you dont really know exactly what will be happening in RL. I may be dealing with a kid that is getting out of bed every 10 minutes, or I may not.
    Would you like it if i got in your PUG or Raid and then as we are starting say - oh BTW I only have 1 hour. - Or - I say I hope I dont need to go afk every 10 minutes on you guys for the next hour or so. Or do you really think I have a chance at putting together a TSO instance group by saying ( Starting deep Forge group - only going to do 1st section of instance )
    When EQ2 came out MOST group content catered for shorter periods of play, and was way more casual so if a DPS was afk off and on it was not a problem.
    Duo'ing these solo quests in the overland zones gets EXTREAMLY BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is plenty of fun content for those who can group, but nothing for small groups anymore. --- THERE USE TO BE --- Even RoK was BORING for Solo'ers!
    I completely agree that the best gear should go to raiders, then the next best gear goes to groupers. I also agree that there should be group and raid content that solo/duo/small groups are not going to be able to do. Also I dont think solo/small group'ers should be able to get the shards at the same rate as the groupers - or maybe not even get the same type of shards at all. I dont really care about the shards.
    All I want is to be able to have fun again in this game like I use to a few years ago, without impacting my responsibalities as a parent in RL.
    I would think having these instances scale to your group size would take care of all of this. Why do people who want to group have such a problem with this?
    The bigger your group + the more challanging the instance - the better your rewards/shards. The new TSO instances are great for those who want that challange and have the time to do it, but not everyone falls into that catagory.
    Give me lousy rewards, but please at least give me something fun to do.
    For those of you who say - then go play a different game. Thanks alot! after all these years of playing a game that we really liked it comes to that. Unfortunately many of our friends have taken that advice and are now gone.
  9. ARCHIVED-Kateleira Guest

    Denon wrote:
    I'm in the same boat as you, have a family etc... However, you can do the easier instances with a full group in an under a hour. Especially Deep Forge, and Scion of Ice. Very fast...especially once you get the hang of it.
  10. ARCHIVED-Denon Guest

    Tried Scion of Ice with a group of our friends who play casually - most MC and solo quest Gear. I dont think any of us raid. Anyway we just kept getting wiped, over and over. I think we were in there for almost 2 hrs, when we had to bail on the group and log out . I got the feeling that our gear was not good enough for the 'easy' TSO instance. Maybe we just did not know the tricks and should try again. I have not tried Deep Forge yet.
  11. ARCHIVED-Kateleira Guest

    Denon wrote:
    What part did you bail at?

    I play a Mystic, in all my runs I only had one raid geared tank through Deep Forge. I couldn't tell you what the other tanks gears were but...I often check their HP amount. On average the tanks I ran with fully buffed from the group was between 12-13k. The raid tank was near 20k. We did those missions just fine.

    What part of Scion did you guys wipe on? Key thing is during my stints there, Cure, cure, cure! Also for the final named fight you'd want to have a guy who can keep things mezzed. Also, I would actually a recommend a warden in this instances with their AE heals.
  12. ARCHIVED-Denon Guest

    We got killed a number of times just from random trash. 1st named we killed on first try. We kept wiping on the second named. I played my Warden, which was our only healer. Tank kept getting stunned right away then he would loose aggro and mob would take me (healer) out. Then everyone would die.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Denon wrote:
    I bet there are a lot of hobbies that you and your wife can't participate in regularly because of your RL responsibilities as a parent.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kateleira Guest

    Denon wrote:
    Well thats the problem then, you're the only healer. You need a 2nd one, solo healing is pretty tough without a well equipped tank, or unless you have some serious DPS.
  15. ARCHIVED-Denon Guest

    Thx for the feedback Kate - we will try again with 2 healers.
  16. ARCHIVED-scruffylookin Guest

    Dreyco wrote:
    I primarily duo with my wife, but I agree with most of what you said. I'm happy group content exists for full groupers, and I fully believe that the better rewards should be progressive.
    The only kink in your post is the part I've put in bold. It actually suggests to me that the solo instances should be added. You're saying that if they added solo instances then nobody would group... then doesn't that suggest people aren't grouping because they like to group? They're grouping for the rewards? If grouping is what someone likes to do, then they shouldn't need to be enticed into it. It should be content provided to them, but if the devs have to pretty much bribe people into grouping, then maybe grouping isn't as in-demand as we might think.
    I think if they added solo instances, they certainly shouldn't have the rewards that full group instance has... but your statement just confused me a bit. I mean, if group content is in-demand, adding solo instances shouldn't impact that at all. If the people want to group, they'll group... but if all it takes to send grouping down the tubes is the addition of solo instances... that would suggest grouping isn't the preferred playstyle afterall.
    I personally think (just in my own anecdotal experience) it's pretty evenly split, and I'm glad. I like that there's content for me no matter what I feel like doing that day.
  17. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    scruffylookin wrote:
    If people had solo instances that rewarded void shards, that is all they would do. Just like the Harclave instance in Splitpaw that had awesome rewards and netted amazing xp, all people did was solo Harclave. So much so that SOE was forced to nerf it.
    I'm fine with solo instances, as long as they do not reward void shards and reward treasured gear, with maybe the final named in each zone having a small chance at dropping legendary.
  18. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Quite simply post of the thread though ido feel you should expand your comments alittle bit maybe?

    Gage wrote:
    Your last comment makes more sense than mine tbh and i know i would welcome such a move i really would
  19. ARCHIVED-Qandor Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Now there is good content design. Let's make solo instances with absolutely no reason to run them.
  20. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Qandor wrote:
    Well at least you admit you want the ability to solo while gaining rewards equal to that of heroic grouping. Which, as previously stated in this thread, makes heroic grouping obsolete. Players will ALWAYS choose the easiest path to their goal. ALWAYS.
    If you want solo instances, they need to have adequate rewards, and in this regard adequate also means crappy. Players have said numerous times in this thread they just want fun content to solo/duo. They don't care about loot, they don't care about void shards... but then here you come, complaining. Go figure.
    People want loot and rewards for minimal effort, as your post clarifies, it has a lot of nothing to do with fun content. Thx for clarifying.