TSO Stinks

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Thumatos, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Gage wrote:
    I'm blaming it on RAIDERS who like to COMPLAIN about heroic zones being too easy.
  2. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    Deep Forge is a snorefest. In fact most of the instances are. There are 3 maybe 4 "hard" instances out of the 20.
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    There is plenty of pre-80 content (especially solo) w/o TSO. TSO focuses on the endgame because it didn't raise the level cap and in two years of the same cap SOE expects the majority who actively play a main to get to, if not spend most of this expansion at level 80.
    Moors is almost entirely solo.
    Casuals got plenty, I haven't been in a heroic instance yet that takes more than an hour to clear, except Palace. They can acquire raid quality gear by running easy instances like Deep Forge and Scion of Ice.
    Quit complaining.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Says the raider... For a group with a "im-perfect" setup and only legendary equipment from RoK instances the easy zones should be fairly easy. Probably equivalent to chelsith.
    The easy to moderate should be a bit above that.
    The moderate should be around RE2 difficulty.
    Those three difficulties should all be doable with a decent group setup of 6 level 80s with nothing better than RoK legendary.
    The moderate to hard would be very challenging but possible for a decent group with all the best equipment from the easier rated zones.
    The hard would be quite difficult and only doable with very good gear from all previous zones and a well setup 6 person group of skilled players.
  5. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    They can now. At least the ones I've done.
  6. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Ulvhamne@Nagafen wrote:
    Maybe if everyone in the group knows exactly what they're doing but most pickup groups have the idiot or two and it's not always possible to get a perfect group setup either.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kungao Guest

    quite honestly, if ya got idiots in your group and try to accomplish something that actually accomplishes more as one braincell just kick them and never group with them again
  8. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    So now you're clamoring for SOE to balance the game towards the players you call "idiots". Right, just like tests in school should be balanced around the kids who don't study, never listen in class and never try?
    Please. The last thing SOE should do is implement content based around terrible players.
  9. ARCHIVED-Maroger Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    My complaint is that this expansion is FORCED GROUPING and that includes TRADESKILLS also. I would like to know what desiginer thought that FORCED GROUPING was the way to go for an expansion. This is the worse expansion they have released. EOF and ROK were SO MUCH BETTER -- but then we had Scott Hartsman.
    We are even getting FORCED GROUPING in our holiday events -- they used to be FUN events not they are FORCED GROUPING EVENTS. If we wanted FORCED GROUPING we would play EQLIVE and even they now have mercenaries to reduce the FORCED GROUPING.
    I noticed they have put up a survey for players to take. I wonder if they will release the results?
  10. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Maroger wrote:
    No one is forcing you to group. The tradeskill instances are soloable, they just take longer. If you don't like grouping, then pass on the heroic instances. Do the timelines in Moors, kill solo mobs. No need to find a group if you decide not to do the heroic instances.
  11. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    Tell that to the pickup group that I got into. Yeah, I know how to play my class (I think!) and my guild member certainly does. We had no idea about the other four, and we did just fine. Sometimes we died, and sometimes we got stuck, but we had a WONDERFUL time none the less.
  12. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Of for the love of god..of course you're forced to group that is of course you want to miss out on 90% of this expansion content
    Trolls got to love em.
  13. ARCHIVED-Denon Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Ya that will keep us solo/duoers busy for a few weeks. Any other great ideas?
  14. ARCHIVED-revren Guest

    Hey Hey

    How easy do people want this game to be , is there no sence of accomplisment anymore??? There is smoething to be said about going into an instance w/o the best mix of class, yo uar eforced to think out side of the box , and work as a team. If all of the instances where desinged w/ solo/dou'ers in mind The rest of us would be bored to tears in a few weeks. Please SOE have harder content , so that when i finally kill the final mob , i actully know i did something. The only thing that this xpac is missing is more Herioc Quest line....Get off your collective tuchus, make some friends that understand your play style.
    And the Forced grouping comment... I never played EQ but i did play FFXI so i have some idea of forced grouping , this is nothing compared to waiting for hours for a WHM or a PLD...

    Welcome Home
  15. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    faith wrote:
    Forced? No. You can easily choose not to do a specific type of content. You don't have to do heroic instances just like you don't have to raid, craft or anything else. You choose to either do the content or you choose not to.
  16. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    What i'm trying to understand is: What do the soloists that are complaining here want? I mean, in Kunark, there were solo quests from 70-80, yeah, but nothing substantial otherwise. That was a progression arc, and to even think about maxxing your AA Tree you had to ... do Heroic instances.
    The moors has a looooot of solo quests. I mean, what did you want things to be? Solo instanced? So that you could get void shards just like everyone else and get access to the armor? Well, the purpose of grouping just went down the tubes then now didn't it.
    Hate to play Devil's Advocate: The Soloers got a good chunk of content, theGroupers got a good chunk of content. Really, who's suffering this expansion are the raiders. And i'm not even one. I can still admit that.
  17. ARCHIVED-Noob1974 Guest

    When i read through what casuals and especially soloers wrote i asked myself why do you play a MULTIPLAYER Online Game. I really try to understand why are you so stubborn to believe that dungeons should be designed for 2 -3 ppl. That would mean for about 80 % of the ppl it would be "eazmode" or " Trivial". Alot ppl, including me, like challenges actually. A Heroic dungeon should always be designed for a Group of 6 and not 2-3 Period. I said it before, if you want to do stuff put time and effort into it, e g put threads on forums that you look for ppl to group and such, but dont come here and demanding everything should be around your solo playstyle.
    As for the Zones i guess the biggest Problems for casuals is that there is a Progression to follow, means gear up in lower zones to do higher zones. While Raiders are getting used to that system through raidprogression for casuals it is new. They are getting used to that every zone is available and you just go to kill mobs. It should have been logical that there would be some sort of progression of heroic zones when you have a Expansion based around them.
    Next is scripted Mobs which is another problem, when ever i see arguing casuals about difficult mobs, it looks to me all they want is " Tank and Spank" Mobs with the best loot obtainable. Now you actually have to think of strats for mobs and thats when playskill and encounter knowledge comes into play. Usually casuals coming with the argument, see RE2, that scripted mobs are only for ppl with Raidgear, denying the fact that maybe there playskill is what prevents them from killing mobs.
    Atleast for those ppl pointing the finger at raiders for the difficulty of the zones, when you look into Beta ,raiders said it would be good to have 1 - 2 zones that require a little effort, but on the same time raiders often said that some encounters may to difficult for casuals and the result was that on Live some mobs were scaled down for casuals. Example is the Named Vampire in Evernight Abbey, on Beta he was an orange difficult Lvl86 Mob ,now on Live is Lvl83/84 "Sissie", some encounter in Necrotic asylum have also been scaled down from Beta to live.
  18. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    Gage wrote:
    What i was saying is simple..in ROK you had the choice to do the quests..solo or otherwise in TSO you dont..ergo your forced to group..hence the forced grouping comment it really is that simple.

    If you can solo/duo the new stuff then hey grats to you but i suspect you cant and while of course this is an MMO to more or less ignore the casual factor will lead to this games ruin,as it nearly did back at the start of the game,as others have said Scott Hartsman's leaving has hurt the game and only now we can see its full extent of that hurt becuase i just cant seee his team ever releasing an xpac as narrow as TSO is/was,becuase he took the game in a modern direction and wonder and hark back to the days of 8 day camps in eqlive,those days should be over now.

    As you say its about choice but you see my playstyle doesnt afford me the wonders of trying to get a group,i like to log on and get something done as i have kids and heck a real life that involves going out,meeting people etc,but it also allows me to play this game (for a little while longer at least) and in my limited playtime i like to get a few things done,TSO doesnt allow me to do that becuase to get anything meaningful done you need a group (theres that word again)..when i pay money for something at least i should be able to have a go at it? surely thats not hard to understand is it?..i'd be pretty hacked off if i bought the new guns and roses cd and found i couldnt get past the 2nd track becuase you needed other people wouldnt you?

    This is a game,its not work as some people mind bogglingly seem to think that it is,its all virtual nothings real in fact the only that is real is the sunscriptions we all pay at the end of the month and like it or not it gives everyone a voice and should give everyone a crack at most (not all of course) content the game has to offer.

    ROK was an unbalanced xpac..you wont hear anything different from me but it was an unbalanced expac that least gave EVERYONE a crack at its content regardless of wether you where a solo'er/grouper or a raider but TSO doesnt offer this..the small ammount of solo stuff can be polished off very quickly and then whats left? oh yeah GROUP dungoens..(the word group pops up a lot doesn it?) so paint it anyway you like this expac is far worse than ROK ever was in that respect becuase it more or less does away with the solo stuff and in turn paints itself into a corner.

    Two worngs dont make it right,the dungoens maywell be great but as a duoer theres no chance of seeing them..

    So there you go TSO the forced group expansion..let us hoep they never push another one on us like this becuase the game will siffer at the end of it and the only ones that'll be left are the ones posting how bad the game is on eq2flames..
  19. ARCHIVED-faith Guest

    Dreyco wrote:
    The moors has a few quests that if you put your mind to it you can polish off within a month at most,simple as that.

    As to your other point,no the instances shouldnt be solo..they should be however for duos/trios to do,and make the armour a damn sight more expansive for us that choose to do it that way,off the top of my head give a "half" shard for a mission if you get what i mean..its not rocket science,another way would be to make it so you had to complete say 4 missions to get a full shard..ways and means and i know it would make me very happy,heck it may even get my grizzlled vet of a husband back to the game,but i just dont see it happening under this producer.

    Oh and on another point bork the loot in there as well,loot doesnt bother me tbh,just being able to have a fair crack at the content would be enough for me.
  20. ARCHIVED-Kleitos Guest

    Just for Faith: What do you need the half-shards for with the comment "loot doesnt bother me tbh"?

    The easier zones doesn't take a day to complete, 1-2 hours and you are thru. Look in level chat if there are any groups forming, if there isn't, announce that you are starting one and you get to pick the instance yourself, including who you group with. Try it, it's fun.

    Manage your time, and if you think you have to be able to dedicate 1-2 hours uninterupted during a heroic instance, think again, there are plenty of people playing EQ2 that have kids and all kinds of things they need to deal with daily and they still run instances. They might need an afk now and then, but it works.