Tradeskill apprentices useless now?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Alexic, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    I think its not relevant to somebody that has 53 level 100 crafters
  2. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Anything beyond 9 crafters on a single server starts to sound more like an attempt to exploit a system rather than someone that is concerned with crafting. Now if you want to explain your position instead of making a blank assertion and an appeal from authority that would help to further the conversation.
  3. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Even if you're out of recipes to research you can still do the Daily quest and earn potions.

    On a side note
    You choose to set it up that way but you don't need more than one (rather large) house for all your apprentices (added benefit, you only need 1 depot for fuels and raw mats)
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    No more then somebody who has more then one of an adventure class is trying to exploit. I know several people with things like two berserkers or two rangers.
    I have more then 9 toons on Maj'dul and all of them are crafters. If I make another toon, it will craft too, because that's part of what I do on all my toons.
    Kuulei, Belenos and Xillean like this.
  5. Akina_Storms Active Member

    I've ask on the beta forum what's planned for tradeskill apprentice, Domino replied nothing for this expansion.
  6. Meirril Well-Known Member

    That argument still misses the point. It doesn't matter if you have 1 or 100 crafters, you're opinion is equally valid. Saying you have a bunch of crafters doesn't constitute an argument to support your assertion.

    So if you want to convince Domino (or another dev) to add something new to the Tradeskill Apprentice, come up with a reason. Saying "I paid for the feature" is less convincing than "I pay for a subscription" because realistically DBG isn't going to get more money from you because you can't pay for TS apprentices again. I think the money thing is a bad angle for convincing dev anyways.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying something should (or shouldn't) be added to the tradeskill apprentices. I was just disputing your suggestion that having more then 9 crafters on a server was probably done with the intent to 'exploit' in some fashion.
    Belenos likes this.
  8. Adevil Well-Known Member

    You can still do the daily quest for a chance at the potions even if there is nothing left to research.
  9. Akina_Storms Active Member

    as you can now buy far sea token in maldura, in grand atificier token, the fragment of element is still a good way to get almost best arrows for ranger or chaneler.
    Shmogre likes this.
  10. Laiina Well-Known Member

    I see tons of the recipes on broker for almost nothing these days.
  11. Gudum Active Member

    To me the apprentices became near useless in AoM because you could get the recipes by going around killing stuff. There used to be a demand for commission crafting at least a few of the items, in AoM if you actually took the time to research a recipe, by the time you finished the recipe was so common that noone wanted it anymore.
    Laiina likes this.
  12. Meirril Well-Known Member

    The problem with the apprentice system is more basic than "research vs drops". By the time you research a recipe, so have a hundred other people. Unless you happen to be lucky enough to cancel a long research project to speed up your new project you'll finish at the same time most other people do. Even if you are lucky, you'll only have 1 day before the flood catches up to you.

    But Meirril, if there are a dozen new recipes it means everybody is going to split between them and the recipe I choose could be the high demand one! Well, first a lot of crafters have max level alts. So there will always be a few crafters that can research every recipe on the first day. Second is generally out of a dozen recipes there are only going to be a few of them people will flock towards.

    Unless the recipes are raid drops, the availability of the recipe has never been the limiting factor. The limiting factor (the one that determines price and value) has always been demand and availability of materials. AoM was good to crafters in that we produced 2 of the key components for high demand adornments: Blank Runes and Quints. Crafters didn't even have to make the adornments, they could just sell the supplies and in early AoM Blank Runes were an easy way to make plat.

    And notice that the big money maker in AoM and ToT for crafters doesn't involve the apprentice? Both involve doing daily/weekly missions to earn crafting currency.
  13. Azian Well-Known Member

    I have done zero apprentice daily quests since ToT launched. Prior to that I'd been pretty religious about cycling them. Initially, after ToT arrived it was due to spending time running the new sig lines but later I felt no need to resume them with the weapon fragments now being worthless. Those were my primary motivation for hitting my 7 crafters on their TS dailes before ToT and since they don't work on ToT weapons, I don't find the apprentices to be a worthwhile investment of my time any longer. If they'd introduce a conversion item from the AoM fragments into the new infusion imbue items I'd likely go back to running my apprentices daily.
  14. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth, the elemental fragments are still useful for making ammo...the stats are close to those of the ToT ammo upgrade bought with status and Coins of the Eternal Queen, and you get 4000 versus the 500 you get with the status ammo.
  15. Azian Well-Known Member

    Definitely true. In my case, I happen to have about 25 fragment of the elements tucked away in my shared bank so I'm set for ammo into the foreseeable future. I'm really referring more specifically to the fragments that imbue weapons. Some of the new essences are already fairly inexpensive on the broker although the (presumably) more popular ones with noxious or elemental damage types are still higher priced. Since they drop in zones now, I think it's likely that the prices will continue to go down as supply goes up and demand tapers over time. But, that brings me back to not feeling any need to use my TS apprentices in ToT.
  16. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    At least upgrade the apprentices to spit out ToT rares, raws, and weapon adorns like they did in AoM. As for new recipes, they'd be nice to have, but fine with not having anything *right now*. We should be able to make AoM-level ammo, too.

    Also, could we get an option for male and female apprentices? I have 8 othmir apprentices in my "Othmirs of Prexus" crafting house on HoF server, and 8 male othmirs are wishing for some female othimrs to ...craft...with.
    Kethryl likes this.
  17. Enoibia Well-Known Member

    Personally, I've never understood why they are not customisable for race and gender in the same way that guildhall amenity staff are.
  18. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    Oh, it's not just your opinion :>
  19. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    Jumping to conclusions. There's an obvious reason why someone might have an excess of characters which was confirmed in one of the posts you skipped over.
  20. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    There are better arrows?