Too Many House Items as Quest Rewards

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Robert, May 19, 2014.

  1. Robert New Member

    I had an itch to come back after taking a year off. I was happy to come back to Norrath, and I realized how much I missed the community. I recently purchased the Temple of Veeshan expansion.

    First off, the latest expansion is amazing! There's so much to do...but lately, especially after finishing my 1st signature quest in the line I've started to get a little demotivated to continue finishing quests. I've come to realize that 90% of the quest rewards I've received, some after hours upon completing, are nothing but house items.

    (spoiler alert) The reward in the first signature quest after you shut down the Nexus Core is a ... music box.

    Can we PLEASE, next expansion at least have a choice between all those house items, and maybe something useful for adventuring? It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Maybe some power potions, or perhaps a run speed potion...something slightly useful.

    All I'm asking is you think of those who don't like to get into house decorating.
    Livejazz, Kahonen, Vallaria and 2 others like this.
  2. rbm1956 Member

  3. Louly Well-Known Member

    I like house items :) The whole quest line for the cloud mount in Barren sky I do mainly for all the stuff I can put in my houses. So yes a choice would be nice for those who aren't so into decorating :)
    suka and Rynda like this.
  4. Tabri Well-Known Member

    I dont decorate either so I hear ya lol On that note all those house items you got you can put on the broker for plat. I sold every one of the house items that were not listed no trade that I received from quests and such got a pretty penny for them at the beginning of the expac I dont know how much they run for now though. It would be nice to get something besides house items, although they did give a lot of appearance stuff this time through collections which I liked.
    Finora likes this.
  5. santargria Well-Known Member

    Personally, even though I'm not a decorator - I do like getting them and would actually like to see more - one option that might be interesting is a choice - adventure item or housing item for a reward - just a thought
    Rynda, Naudi and Sandyfoot like this.
  6. Caela Well-Known Member

    I much prefer house items to useless gear I won't equip.
    Taivr, Finora, Rynda and 3 others like this.
  7. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    I would propose that when a house item is the reward, please allow us to choose from either the house item *or* a direct cash reward at the quest reward dialog. Thanks.
    Livejazz likes this.
  8. Katz Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of a choice or alternatively just give both armor and house item. I much prefer house items to armor most of the time as armor is quickly outdated and if I like its appearance it just takes up storage space. Also, if all the house items are fully tradeable those that don't want them can sell them, so perhaps have all house item rewards be fully tradeable.

    Off topic: I'd really like some sort of wardrobe skin storage so that I don't hang on to so much armor for looks.
    Livejazz and Rynda like this.
  9. Kaedian66 Active Member

    Do the KoS questlines if you thought the ToV lines gave a lot of house items.

    Maybe if there were a way to "bank" house items without eating up actual bank slots and/or requiring some sort of housing. I have houses, many of them and yet to ME they're nothing more than a means to an end. I don't want housing items to disappear because I get that there are a vast amount of players that love the housing and decorating side of this game. It's not my cup of tea, but I appreciate what others have and will do with it, so I'd never ask for a solution that ruins that for said portion of the playerbase. Just give the other players a less intrusive (not really the word I'm looking for) way to deal with said rewards.
    Taivr likes this.
  10. Layla Littlenymph Member

    I prefer the house items as they have a longer life span and are more useful to me for the way I like to play. If not that, then appearance items would be my next choice.

    That said, I suppose it would be fair to ALL play styles if they did as others suggested and made house items for trade, or offered a reward choice. I would certainly have no problem with either of those solutions.

    As for outdated equipment, I would like to see them take a page from one of the "sunset" games, Free Realms.
    Gear was introduced in that game which could be obtained at a low level, was locked to the character that obtained it, and would gain level to match that of the character who wore it.
    A later update diminished the benefit of that gear, but it was a novel concept when first introduced and was popular among the player base.
    Feel free to correct me if something of that nature exists here, but if it does, I have yet to run across it.
    Rynda and Avahlynn like this.
  11. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Choice is good! I personally love getting house items as a reward, but I totally hear the people that aren't so into decorating. Potions or plat as a reward choice seems like a good addition to 'do quest, get chair/bed/vase'.
  12. Ecugia88 Active Member

    Yeah, adventure quest rewards dont need to be house items. If people wanted house items, just make them rewards from the Tradeskilling quests. Especially for the new people who join the game.
    Livejazz likes this.
  13. Jeeshman Member

    The new expansion's questlines also give out an entire set of armor as rewards, plus almost every jewelry piece. I don't have a problem if there's some decorative stuff thrown in. If you don't like the house items, why not sell them and gain gold?
    Livejazz and Avahlynn like this.
  14. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    Or, instead of having the things I don't want take up room in my inventory, how about you just let me choose to take the cash at the end of the quest? Sure, I know I can just sell that stuff, and I do, but it would be easier and faster if I just took cash right there at the end of the quest.
    Livejazz and suka like this.
  15. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    suka, Rynda and Moonpanther like this.
  16. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    I prefer house items as the gear is pretty useless. But I'm in favor of a choice for those who don't like decorating. Make it a house item OR a gear item.
    Livejazz, suka, Rynda and 1 other person like this.
  17. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of choice, but we get a fair amount of that already to be honest. Appearance items, real items, housing items, mounts, etc... I do tend to save the quests with housing-only items as a reward for last if I do them at all, but they are typically just one off quests that don't contribute to the overall questline (ToV at least).
  18. Elinea Well-Known Member

    I have to agree that we should have a choice of rewards, depending on what our playstyle is. As it is, I don't decorate; I ask a very talented friend of mine to decorate one house for me, and that's it. For all the other alts and toons I play, all those house items end up in the moving storage box, where I never see them again.
    Livejazz likes this.
  19. Balbasur Active Member

    Disagree, no one is stoping you from selling you item. You should just put it on broker, as many of us don't want quested item too expensive :) hope you understand the crafters point of view too!!!!!!!
  20. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    This discussion has zero to do with crafters. It's fully possible to have a love of crafting and no love of deco items.
    Livejazz and suka like this.