The New Ethereals

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ZUES, Jun 6, 2015.

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  1. Hammdaddy Active Member

    So i saw my first ethereal last night after about 200~ runs. That is unacceptable. I have ran more instances in the past week than i did in any expansion for an whole year just to get this stupid item.
  2. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Buying one isnt an option so far. I am not gonna reach cross server for one, they aren't even for sale atm and the ones I have saw for sale for a brief moment were several hundred thousand plat. Knock that down to say oh 50k or less without having to hustle/scramble for it and I might be able to swing it.

    Thats the other thing that annoys me about this event. I don't want/expect to get a full set of ethereals, I just want the bow. The melee weapons I would be inclined to let pass to another friendly scout. So unless they are gonna make a second scout bow with a DPS effect or run it again in another wave I'm REALLY not gonna care about ethereals once this wave is over.

    Like I said before:

    Find me 10 people who have ran 200+ zones specifically for eths that don't have several hundred thousand plat or a pile of kronos who think the drop rate is fine and I will shut up.
  3. Serenaheq2 Active Member

    Yep I got one so everythings fine... WTF!?!?!?!?!?!!?!
  4. Serenaheq2 Active Member

    DBG is it too much to ask for a response at this point?!?!?! Is the drop rate how you want it? Because it for **** sure is NOT as frequent as last time around like Kander SPECIFICALLY stated it would be!!!!!
  5. Vasco Active Member

    Maybe we'll get a respond after 10 more pages. Lots of burnout at this point. I spent my whole entire play time yesterday in the guild hall.
  6. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    So he's just, he has never experienced how it is to go out empty. Each Bonus Items which there is somewhere he got always somehow without much effort.

    Since I know him it was never different, because I did not agree and they have represented, he has told me to eternal enemy.

    But there is only one person and he can have his own opinion. However, one should note that even people like me, who have now seen almost 500 zones without a drop having an opinion.

    And you can buy from us the server Valor nothing because not so much drops as it would anyone sell. And if to praise the players not faire times could pay.
  7. Serenaheq2 Active Member

    We planned on grinding these zones all weekend long. Gave it a best effort yesterday with over 50 zones between our two groups. Today we logged on with good intentions but 8 zones in by mid afternoon and we will be calling it a day. This just isn't fun anymore. Good job DBG... Good job.
  8. Mahgnus Member

    Annnnnnnd I'm done grinding out instances content for ethereals. I have no idea how many zones I've ran over the course of the last couple weeks. I haven't tracked the number of zones, I however, have tracked the number of fabled chest drops Ive seen in my groups. That number is 73 fabled chests without a single ethereal anywhere in sight. I spose an upside to all of this is I'm close on getting the ferrin mount now and I've gotten a tons of leathery eggs for alt mounts but at this point I simply do not care enough to continue to grind for these BIS items. I will only chase that carrot for so long before I just don't give a sh*t anymore.

    I was excited to say the least for the first time since I came back to the game after a 5-6 year break after watching the video announcing the new ethereals and what was in upcoming of EQ2. I was really excited but that excitement has died out with the current abysmal drop rates. I guess once we preview the FTH loot will determine the true quality of the new ethereal but as it stand now, my time is better spent crunching numbers in act while jumping in circles around the guild hall with gnome boots on
    Wurm and Neiloch like this.
  9. Rondo9 Active Member

    I have been running dailies on my alts to farm ferrins 8-10 per day and over a dozen RC event zones per day without seeing a single Ethereal drop.
  10. Leprosea New Member

    The One Above seems to be the most common drop too :( Wheres the fighter love at D:
  11. Veta Well-Known Member

    Not really sure what the all the commotion is about. The mage one is broken for summoners (it will lower a summoners dps because of it not working with DoTs. swarms, pet abilities like EB, or the pet's own abilities. It only works with mainly our green(s)/blues properly which for a conj are considered to be the worst in the game), possibly any other DoT based class (it is overriding the initial dot cast and the hostile recast tends to be lower, or not applying the enchancement aas like those of the summoner prestige tree), the scout one has been claimed to also be broken in a bad way, the healer one is arguably only decent for half or less of the priests which only depends on if certain key abilities like true faith is reset. The only decent one seems to be the fighter one especially if the damage reduction includes resists instead of only mitigation. The only thing that is great about the items is that they are best in slot as far as stats are concerned, but as a mage I just use the rum portia limb mythical. The stats are slightly less but I do not have to worry about any potential dps decreases for anyone else in my group.

    I would not worry too much about the drop rate until the items are amazing/wanted,
  12. Margaritas Active Member

    Just because you don't want them doesn't mean others do not. And I purchased a priest weapon and put it on my mystic, and I can't begin to tell you how amazing it is mostly because I really don't want it nerf'd into oblivion because it's that amazing. Sorry your experience is bad. Feedback it. Don't justify a bad drop rate because you think the items are bad.
    Mahgnus likes this.
  13. ZUES Well-Known Member

    AB server right now.

  14. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    How nice for AB. Lol at those prices though. How much you wanna bet several of those are from other servers?
    Gillymann likes this.
  15. ZUES Well-Known Member

    I don't think they really WANT to sell them. That's why the price. Truth is 400-500k plat will do more for your parse than a bow will (at least for those not killing Construct and Avatars).
  16. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    So they are undercutting each other for fun? I've seen myths go for less more in krono and/or plat
  17. Doomey Active Member

    275 heroics since the common patch and haven't seen one drop yet. this event is really just becoming a punch line. most people don't even want to run stuff anymore. grats to the lucky few or obscenely wealthy
    Neiloch likes this.
  18. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    As already mentioned several times, would be an alternative way to get the ethereal weapons a problem solution.

    Why offer these weapons for the month, where they fall, not even for ferrin from a "Far Seas" dealer?

    Even if these 10,000 ferrin costs and maybe 5000P or 10000P so it would be a possibility, it is really to work and not entitled to a month of unsuccessful Item hunting again empty-handed. Need to earn this amount of ferrin and platin people do the same instances as for a drop, but they have to get in return a real tangible opportunity this.

    There would therefore be a tangible goal and no forlorn hope, where people give up out of frustration.
    (And not to have to endure the scorn of the people who were happy looter.)

    It would reward the effort deployed accordingly if you just unlucky child (and this strangely always concerns the same players who have luck), like so many few. In addition it would correct the prices in the broker for more reasonable.

    At the end players remain before us only the possibility to turn to the developer and to ask for the meaning and purpose to annoy 99,99% of EQ2 community?

    A game should be fun and not degenerate into sheer stress can only keep up to each other.

    Maybe would Mr. Kander so nice once to take a stand on the issue after he apparently reads the forum and it knows the problems. Thank you
    Anghammarad likes this.
  19. Noobtroub Member

    this is easy enough to say when you have gotten what you wanted to start with and as you said in a post before hand you only did 22 zones to see a drop....... ive done 600-700 zones and havent even seen one....... the drop rates are not ok RNG is messed up big time, i personaly dont want to buy the item off a "lucky" person thats seen loads or has needed on it even tho it didnt fit their class and just wanted to sell it.

    this is not how to reward players, i know that this is just a taste of what is to come but so many people like myself has put in alot of time and effort into seeing these and yet nothing how is this fair?

    come on wake the hell up, when you have done this many zone and see nothing you dont want to do anymore cos you feel like you are wasting your time cos you havent even seen one, if the items were on the ferrin vendor for a xamount of ferrin and were no-trade/heriloom people would still be doing the zones after 600-700 times cos they know they are being rewarded for their time and effort.
    Malleria, Neiloch, Wurm and 1 other person like this.
  20. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

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