The Freeblood: More Information and Images

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    think the problem is that they look partially decomposed, those knees are missing parts. Also seems to be some missing muscle mass. Like all that's left is bone and skin, all the muscle mass, ligaments and cartilage are gone.
  2. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    Well, she is kinda dead... and vampires can't exactly check their appearance in the mirror
  3. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    There is a navel.


    It's just small.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    *Whips out magnifying glass* Ahh there it is!
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Hilt wrote:
    You know, graphical technology has advanced since 2004. I see nothing Korean or soga looking about these models. Did you actually expect it to look like 2004 era graphics?
  6. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    To me, they look like they're gonna fit perfectly with the normal modles actually...due to eye shape at least...sure, they aren't as jagged as the original modles, but thats a good thing imo...
  7. ARCHIVED-covic Guest

    Iskandar wrote:
    Exactly, that is what I was thinking while making her. Not all muscle and tissue should be perfect. She is undead, she had to look attractice but at closer look have some things slightly off.
  8. ARCHIVED-TheGeneral Guest

    As much as I was hoping for something other than "undead" as the new player race, they do look really cool. I like em.
  9. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    covic wrote:
    Its obvious you have never seen Underworld
  10. ARCHIVED-Terrius Guest

    covic wrote:
    While I understand, I'd think that'd be better for the "demonic illusion" VS the regular "trying to blend in" form.
  11. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Brook wrote:
    My thoughts, exactly.
    And while you're at it, is the Velious Leather armor setup as a black leather body suit with convenient zipper in the front?
  12. ARCHIVED-xsikal Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    This ^^^
    I don't want my vampires to sparkle, (hey kids, vampires were popular before twilight existed!), but I don't mind them being hot.
  13. ARCHIVED-Somatic Guest

    covic wrote:
    undead specific spells better work on these characters in pvp.
  14. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    covic wrote:
    fixed your typo :p

    Kidding aside, yeah, some things SHOULD look off, but I guess I kinda expected it to be when they were in their "demonic" form, not their blending in form, ahh well, the race still looks good, can't wait to see the males :p
  15. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    covic wrote:
    So again this begs the question... Are the other races that are SOGA-alternated, whom have hair option, EVER going to have ALL hair options opened up to them as you did the original model human males when you made Kunark and used the human male wire-frame as the basis for the Sarnak? It's been at least 2 years now and you guys avoid this question like the plague.
    Every new race with hair options have SOGA-style hair and original model human males have the option as well due to a new race. What is seriously the hold up for the rest of the races with hair? Why insist on this uneven ground in relation to hair options for ALL races with hair when, what it seems from your wording, only takes a bit of tweaking to fit?
    Yes, this is a big deal for me since this game's character creation has been one of its main selling points yet instead of giving original models any attention, you add in further slider range on some SOGA models that only ends up making them look deformed (happened about a year or so back).
    But, props where props is due, you guys DID get rid of my panty line on my original model Halfling, Barbarian, Erudite, and Gnome so I thank you for that (BTW, Gnome hips clip through the sides of the one-piece ensemble pretty badly, might want to look into that as well). :D
  16. ARCHIVED-Suprchik407 Guest

    pleeeease tell me there are darker eye color options on the color wheel? I dont like the little dot in the middle of the eye like that (pupil) against the eyes, it just doesnt look right, like the eyes have cataracts and are going blind.
    Id love to have eyes like the other vampire illusions have in game, they look great. I think whats missing is that the eyeballs are just white spheres, they have no veining that we can see (if it has any its not visible in those shots). Bloodshot eyes or even putting the tearducts in would be a step up.
    The eyes look just mindless, like those cat mounts that came with the last expac. A white ball wih a blue dot and a black dot. The new wolf mount looks like it suffers the same affliction. Eveything is looking mindless.
  17. ARCHIVED-covic Guest

    Absynthe@Nektulos wrote:
    Ya that is still on my schedule, as stated before these are still a work in progress but pretty close to completion.
  18. ARCHIVED-Cinnimon Guest

    covic wrote:
    Based on a lot of myths and stories, vampires do not lose muscle tone or tissue in fact they regenerate by a days rest. The only thing they normally lose is skin tone due to them not being able to be in the sun.
    So your idea of thinking is flawed for they are not Zombies.

    -(this post was rushed for I was leaving the house and after gettting home seen all my typos)
  19. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Cinnimon wrote:
    yeah that's what I'm thinking. You guys need to decide if your making vampires or just undead/zombies. I like that they look demonic, but this weird zombie/vampire hybrid is 'meh'. If vampires look more unpleasant its due to being more demonic, not decrepit.
  20. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    kelvmor wrote:
    Now look at your knees again. Don't you wish they were vampires?