Take a Min and think about this DEVS

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-ParmaSniper, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-AdiX__Styxx__ Guest

    on sniper arrow it will be useless if they remove the ranged ability cause ya still wont be able to use it near an enemy mob...........
  2. ARCHIVED-Safana. Guest

    AdiX__Styxx__ wrote:
    Huh, what?
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    Haste is good but DPS is really, really important as well - you're forgetting that rangers parse is mostly auto attack damage and DPS mod increases how hard your auto attack hits by a lot.

    Also, after gear/buffs nothing at all will raise your DPS more than timing your auto attacks. Playing "gray all the CAs" will lower your DPS susbstantially.

    I betrayed from a mythical'd assassin to ranger and my zw's didn't change much and my DPS on contested went up considerably. So I wouldn't say that no one ever betrays from assassin to ranger, even at end game.
  4. ARCHIVED-Skratttt Guest

    Mythical Assassin also betrayed to ranger....

    TBH toping the parse on trash is nice... but toping the parse when the fight actually counts for something is better thats why i did it

    Trash is the regular season .. namers are the championship game

    My biggest gripe with the ranger class besides the stupid coverage (imho to be balanced with FF it should be 100% increase at M1 no stupid range requirement.. ) is the fact that Focus Aim line starts its Recast AFTER its done..... it should be 1 min recast.. not 1.15 and throw it off sync with dispatch and ranged arts :(
  5. ARCHIVED-Skratttt Guest

    What i noted in red is wrong....

    Auto attacks are NOT FIRED douring recovery.... how we know this?? u see the stamina line final ability?? its 12 seconds of ae imunity with 12 seconds recovery...spec for that.. try auto attack after u hit it..... now assassins have an AA called repeated stabbing that gave them 1/2 the time of recovery on arts... recovery of sta final ability was reduced to 6 and duration remains 12 secs... so u would hit it.. not do anything for 6 seconds but after that your auto attack fires