T9 harvesting: Complaint

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Summona, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jrral Guest

    Aemm@Splitpaw wrote:
    They buy up anything cheaper than their desired price, then re-list the stuff. There's actually a way to fix that: introduce a NO-BROKER dynamic (attached to the particular item, not it's database template) and an ability to list an item as no-broker. When a no-broker item is bought, it's NO-BROKER flag is set as it's put into the buyer's inventory. NO-BROKER items can be traded, put in banks, used for crafting, etc., but they can't be put back on the broker. Setting NO-BROKER only applies if the item's purchased. If the seller removes a no-broker item from their broker box, the NO-BROKER flag is *not* set on it. For stackable items, either NO-BROKER items can't be stacked with items without the flag, or adding them to the stack sets NO-BROKER on the entire stack.
    I'm not sure how that'd interact with the harvest supply depot, that'd depend on whether the depot's implemented as a regular but very large container or a collection of templates and counters.
  2. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Jrral@Unrest wrote:
    I suggest just buying your rares from harvesters directly rather than using the broker if you're seeing people mess with it. There's been many times where I've needed a particular rare and have been able to either trade other rares for it or buy it for a reasonable price that was well under the broker price when it was clear someone was manipulating the broker. There are some legitimate times where you'd buy something off the broker and want to re-list it, and that whole 'no-broker' system sounds like a lot more effort than it'd be worth.
  3. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Jrral@Unrest wrote:
    Not a bad idea if you can figure out what to do with an accidental purchased item not wanted? Most peeps just put it back on the broker. Also many peeps will purchase volumes of raws to skill up in tinkering or adorning, then resell the ones left over if they don't put them in the harvest box. Same thing with L&L items. I know I use to buy them when they were cheap for all my characters. If I had some left over, then I would resell them.
    Another interesting thing would be the effect on the economy with a no-broker flag. With people putting up rares, etc. with a no-broker flag, it means less competition from the middle man, too. And people can also still sell items without a flag which could then continue the middle man profit margin.
  4. ARCHIVED-MrWolfie Guest

    Jrral@Unrest wrote:
    I fundamentally disagree with flags, and have no problem with people buying cheap and selling high on the broker. I've done it myself (even bought cheap and sold to a vendor) on many occasions. There's nothing wrong with making a profit.
    However, I'm not buying that someone with 50+ T9 rares bought up all the rares beneath his sale price which, on my server (with which I am very familiar with the common lowest price for metals and jewels), is usually very close to the lowest, if not the lowest price. There is never enough volume of rares below their prices to account for the numbers of rares they have for sale; and even when they are undercut the price differential doesn't warrant the time spent buying out the undercutters.
    No, these are players who are coming into large amounts of rares on a daily basis through other methods beyond buying them cheap on the broker and then dumping them at the current lowest price.
    Either they are legitimately harvesting these, or are using teams of harvesters, and selling thru a single point, destroying all non-rare raws.
    Using bots to harvest.
    Using bots to craft for rare events.
    Or rares are being obtained in some other legitimate way (being dropped on raids? Farmed in instances? - I wouldn't know - I don't do T9 instances or raids).
  5. ARCHIVED-Summona Guest

    Artemiz@The Bazaar wrote:
  6. ARCHIVED-Ceeamee Guest

    It kidna bugs me that people automatically point fingers and think "bot" when someone has a lot of rares up on the broker. If you were to see my bank (I'm a rare hoarder), you'd probably think that I was botting too. I spend a LOT of time harvesting because I tend to think it's relaxing. Sometimes I will even go harvest if I don't need anything. I also solo the daily TS instance, which can easily give anywhere from 1-4 rares, depending on events that you may get. Keep in mind that I do these for the armor for my other crafters, and not the rares. Far Seas Innovation can give you the reflective shards and Far Seas Trading tokens instead of rares, so it's not a very reliable source.
    Every so often I will take a bunch of rares that I know I'm not going to need, and no one else in my guild needs, and toss them on the broker to make some quick extra cash. If someone severely undercuts me, which annoys the heck out of me, I simply buy up what they have up and toss them into my stash on the broker. Why would I undercut them and drive the market down even more when I can simply make cash off of them. They obviously want to sell their items quickly, and I will happily oblige.
    If there's one thing most of us know, it's that as people hit 90 and get bored, they make alts. It's the alts that drive a good portion of the rare market since it's so easy to make plat at the higher levels. A lot of people would rather just throw their plat at the broker instead of taking the time to harvest the rares themselves. That's my bread and butter. :p
    That being said, you will almost never see any T8 or T9 rares on my broker window. I'm in a progression guild, and a hoarder to boot, so I love to keep my grubby little halfling hands on those particular bundles of goodness. It's always good to be prepared for the future. *G*
  7. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Daenu@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You can generally tell the difference between someone who just had a bunch of rares to sell and someone that is either botting or manipulating the market. The amount alone tends to be indicative: 5-10 rares might just be someone harvesting a lot, but 20+ that are consistently there at the lowest price day after day is rarely a player out and harvesting that much.
    I'm a hoarder of rares too, I've got loads stored up in the bank hehe. I generally don't sell them either, although from time to time I have put some extras up for sale if I buy too many for something else.
  8. ARCHIVED-HaCkHaCkER Guest

    in t1-t4 i have 200 of each rare in the bank
    i have about 50+of each from t5-t9
    i hoard rares for rainy days and alts. ill buy them cheap and harvest for them. but at times i have also put an entire stack up on the broker whn there were none and made a killing.

    just because you have a lot of 1 item does not mean you bot. look at shards and marks you need hundreds and hundreds of them, you dont bot them you grind them. same thing for harvest rares.
  9. ARCHIVED-greenmantle Guest

    Arcos@Splitpaw wrote:
    HMMMM can you imagine how nice a pig would taste after a life of eating truffles
  10. ARCHIVED-Summona Guest

    out of 800 uncommon harvests i got 1 rare. this was at T7. Also. You also have to deal with stuff that cant be harvested.
  11. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Traxor@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Gratz! Twice I went almost 3 months, harvesting just about daily - without getting one rare. I almost gave up, then RNG changed for me and my harvesting for rares changed my frown into a smile and a laugh! Go figure!
  12. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I personally hate Tier 9 harvesting. Not because of the lower rate of Rares, but because the nodes are so spread out and somewhat difficult to track down. I spend more time just tracking down harvest nodes than I do actually harvesting.
    My favorite harvesting zone remains, to this day, Commonlands. Nodes are everywhere, and relatively dense. Pretty much true for all old world zones, and to a lesser extent Sinkings Sands and some Kingdom of Sky zones. Kunark is hit or miss.
    Faydwer and Odus on the other hand, feel very barren by comparison.
  13. ARCHIVED-QuestingCrafter Guest

    re: Beat on while harvesting -- I hotbar macros for combat gear, harvesting gear, and crafting gear. When harvesting T9, I'm really not down THAT much protection ... and before I "return fire" to an aggro mob, I just click my combat gear macro (since I haven't started casting/autoattacking, there's no gear-swapping restriction).
    re: Gearing up for skill -- if you're an L90 adventurer/crafter, it's not hard to have ~600 skill :
    L90 = 450
    Mount: Pack unicorn (+47.5)
    Tinkered Tools: +10 (+20 mining, which is the important one)
    Boots: Reinforced DWBs (+20), or at least Deckhand Labor (+5)
    Cloak: Harvester (+25)
    Earring: Solstice (+25)
    Earring: Artisan's/Crafter's/Tradesman's (+5)
    Waist: Artisan's/Crafter's/Tradesman's (+5)
    In addition, you could go with the Brell blessing, Pick of the Duke, for +25 mining/+15 Foresting (until you zone, or lose connection).
    And I do have a separate Fishing macro with Uri's pole and Grampa Krill's. =D
    One thing I've been curious about for a while -- in the Zam DB, there are L15/25/35/45 Treasured armor pieces with +1 skill to one harvest type ... from where do those come? Not like an extra +7 will matter, but I'm curious.
    re: T9 rarity -- across my toons with the same harvesting end-gear (and Ample-5), I *seem* to get around 1 rare per 100 nodes. I need to turn logging back on, and then run ACT with the plug-in, 'cause now I'm curious.
  14. ARCHIVED-Jrral Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    It's not just a feeling. In the old-world zones they tended to clump nodes into specific areas (eg. the node concentrations in Antonica and Steppes). EOF spread the nodes out across the entire zone. ROK and later have nodes in natural spots (eg. stone and ore nodes near rock formations, roots and shrubs in grassy areas), but they're still spread across the entire zone. Frankly I preferred the hot-spot approach of the older zones.
  15. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    QuestingCrafter wrote:
    Aren't those the Mara armor you can purchase?
  16. ARCHIVED-QuestingCrafter Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    The FSSD token vendor sells +Crafting gear, titled "{Color} {Piece} of the Far Seas", which give +1 skill (chest +5) to all crafting skills, and the set of seven give 5% progress.
    If there's a vendor I've never noticed in Mara (selling +Harvest gear), please let me know!
  17. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    You can pair the dropped earring from an FSSD group instance with a waist belt purchased from FSSD vendor merchant to up your harvesting skills. They come in Artisan and Crafter varieties.
  18. ARCHIVED-kdmorse Guest

    QuestingCrafter wrote:
    Got everything but those damned Reinforced DWB's. They were hard enough to get back when everyone ran Unrest daily. Now that nobody runs unrest, they're a real pain to get your hands on. Sure, I can run through a long[*] annoying[*] L70 zone every day in the faint hope that the quest starter will drop, but I'd really rather be doing just about anything else, even harvesting....
    * Maybe it's not that long, but it sure feels like it.
    * It was fun at first, but now run up, run down, unlock this, pull that, make this, play that, has gotten a bit old....
  19. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Ynnek@Kithicor wrote:
    Why don't you ask Smoke Jumper to have the loot table tweaked so the reinforced DWB will drop common along with class armor?
  20. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest

    QuestingCrafter wrote:
    That's pretty much accurate if you change nodes to collects, I get a 1% rate on rares with everything equipped. I.e roughly one rare per 30 nodes, thanks to ample harvest making up the 10 extra pulls to 100.