Some Random Thoughts before Rok / LU 37 - Ranger

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Hexus, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Balerius Guest

    Harry@Venekor wrote:
    [p] /em smacks his forehead....well gosh, silly me. And here I thought we were discussing having an epic weapon that would actually be useful to most players.[/p][p] I didn't realize that what we were really discussing is having a bow, irrespective of usefulness, just so we could mount it in our houses.[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    [p]Theres really no pleasing everyone. If its not a bow, ppl arent going to be happy. If its a bow, and its easily replaced, or not so hot, ppl arent going to be happy. (I of course fall into the latter)[/p][p]On another note, they could make a melee weapon for rangers that says "on successful combat art" or "when target uses a CA it has a % to proc". Again the mechanics are there to allow for this. Will it happen? Probably not, but just because it could be a melee weapon, doesnt mean that its automaticly going to be junk. The door for creativity here is wide open. [/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-LevLo Guest

    give us a quiver with a lot of slots and that can summon t9 ammo. Would benefit everyone.
  4. ARCHIVED-FiveFootStep Guest

    It would, but a quiver isn't an epic weapon... And the dev's have already said no to that... a long time ago.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sionn Guest

    Screw the epic being a bow, I want it to be the endless quiver...with +ranged!...Ha!
  6. ARCHIVED-FiveFootStep Guest

    Do you not read? Look at the post above you kid...
  7. ARCHIVED-matmanx1 Guest

    Would absolutely love an epic quest for a quiver with stats, tons of slots and a summon t9 ammo feature. I would drool endlessly over said quiver and probably kiss it goodnight before I logged off in the evenings. Oh well, I can dream right? :-D
  8. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    [p] Yeah, I can see the complaints from the other 23 classes out there..... "Waaaaa its not fair they get an extra slot with stats Waaaaaa". [/p][p]Unless they make all ammo bags have some stats, I seriously doubt that we'll be seeing anything of the sort any time soon.[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-valmontcsky Guest

    [p]who cares if other classes complain about a endless quiver, it's our epic, and the fact that we go through thousand's of arrows a night not hundreds or afew but thousands we really do need arrow's, plus the fact of how bow dmg is calucated, we need t9 arrows for our bow to do the most it can do [/p][p]it sucks that our class is the most expensive to play and yet we dont get more dps advantages for the cost, but having a endless quiver or a bow that summon's ammo as our epic will offset things and make alot of us happy, it makes the most sense to have that kinda epic since our makeshift arrow ca is utterly useless, if the dev's are going to continue to nerf us for there game mechanic's lets offset those expenses on arrow's [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Malloch Guest

    [p]Devs already said there would be no Endless Quiver ability. [/p][p]however... if you have a DT bow... you basically have an "endless" supply of arrows = endless quiver[/p][p] [/p][p]~mal[/p]
  11. ARCHIVED-LevLo Guest

    Ok so screw the quiver.. fact of the matter is, if our epic class weapon (regardless of type) has t9 summoning abilities it will work out for everyone. Say it's a bow, it's sub par for the uber raiders, but it's the only t9 summoning bow in the game. Every hardcore raider will have one. I guess the legendary version would have to summon t8 arrows instead. Or at least have a noticeable different in the quality of arrows from legendary to fabled.
  12. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    You missed the point, its not the quiver they would complain about.. unless of course they happened to be woodworkers. It was the fact that someone wanted stats on the quiver, which would never happen unless it was across the board so that everyone could get some sort of benefit out of it.