Some Random Thoughts before Rok / LU 37 - Ranger

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Hexus, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    Some of us seem to keep forgetting the operative word here is "epic." The word "weapon" isn't in the phrase "Epic Quest." I'm sure we all remember what that entailed when Kunark was released. Endless raiding in planar zones that would wipe all but the high end raid guilds upon entry followed by 6 hours of corpse retrievals. Most people could only dream of getting their epic, until the level caps were raised from 60 to 65 and beyond. If the epic quests of today are anything like the past, they'll make the claymore quest look like a romp through black burrow. Anyone who thinks epic weapons are going to be available to the average player is probably only fooling themselves. If we are going to be specific about what we want, long after it's already been developed, why stop with just asking for a specific weapon. Tell the devs what stats you want on it too. Heck, draw a picture of what you think it should look like and submit that. I'm sure you'll be taken serious. My position is this... The Ranger epic should be useful to a Ranger and it should not be useful due to some bug that's going to be "fixed" later. I know it's already been developed, so here's to crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.
  2. ARCHIVED-blacksheep12183 Guest

    [p]Arm of Erolissi, Arm of Mithaniel, are they weapons? Nope.[/p][p] Vadorn[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Dirty Jack Rackham Guest

    [p][size="xx-small"][face="verdana,geneva"][size="x-small"]If you hadn't noticed, this is Everquest II, not Everquest. They are two different games even if they share some basic lore.[/face][/size][/size][/p][p][size="xx-small"][face="verdana,geneva"][size="x-small"]Perhaps I have read weapon into this epic quest because, to date, every one of the four Everquest II epic quest lines has offered scouts the choice of a one handed or dual wield melee weapon as a reward. And yes blacksheep12183, neither the Arm of Erolissi or Arm of Mithaniel are weapons per say, though they can be placed in a ranged slot. What do you carry in your ranged slot?[/face][/size][/size][/p][p]Gareon, I actually agree with you that our reward for one of thse "epic" quest lines should not be a bugged weapon that will be fixed later. At the time I took it though, it was considered to be working as intended due to the ambiguos phrasing of it's description. Whether it is bugged or not is best discussed in the multitudes of other threads already in existance.[/p][p]As to whether or not my requesting a bow be given as a choice on the stupendously long quests offered to us as consumers of this game, without whom the developers would be standing in the unemployment line, is a waste of breath because whatever the Developers have decided to bestow upon we lowly customers and rangers has already be set in stone and is now gospel, this whole thread is also a waste of breath. Anything that has been or will be discussed in it, whether it is my request for a bow, or armor, or more abilities to give us a bit more utility in a group/raid is also a waste of breath as it has already been decided and there is therefore pointless to even discuss further per your logic.[/p][p]So why do you keep arguing with me?[/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    I'm not arguing with you. You seem very passionate about having abow as an epic. I'm fine with that. Personnally, it doesn't really matter to me that much. Like I've stated in several other posts, I don't have the time or inclination for endless questing and camping of mobs. Especially when I'll be able to get something almost as good or better from a Boss mob drop, assuming history repeats itself. I'm sititng back and looking to see what happens with the next 2 GU's before I decide to shelve my Ranger or play him. But, the epic quest item will not sway my decision either way. EQ and EQ2 are more similiar than people are willing to admit, and I've already been down this road a couple of times.
  5. ARCHIVED-Beldin_ Guest

    Nesse@Oasis wrote:
    [p]Ok .. what most people here don't get is the following fact .. even if 99% of the posters here seem to bee hardcore-raiders .. the reality ingame is that only 5-10% are hardcore-raider .. so 90% run around with Bylze or maybe Raincaller .. some even have RC.[/p][p]Also it has already been said that the epic lines are starting as solo/group and are later upgradeable with raids, so this maybe the only way for all the nornaiders to get a hopefully better bow than Raincaller. [/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    Shalla@Valor wrote:
    All of that has nothing to do with what you said in your last post. Just FYI there. I merely pointed out that you were in fact wrong in your statement that you cant make raiders happy. And you come back with the standard blah blah blah there are more casual players then hardcore raiders blah blah blah.. yeah, Ive heard it. So, for just for you, lets look at it another way. How exactly would you feel, if the solo, and heroic parts of your epic were extremely long, and you had to kill the hardest heroic (lol this makes me giggle.. sorry) mob in the game. On your way into that instance, whereever it may be, you kill a few mini bosses in the said heroic zone. Whoa.... look at that, a nice legendary bow... well when you finally finish the heroic parts of your epic, and turn in your quest for your legendary bow... you find out that the drop you just got was better then the bow you quested.... bear in mind you probably spend several weeks, and countless hours just trying to get to this part of your quest. Its essentially the same thing I was saying but from a raid perspective. So no, you're still wrong. This isnt about... casual v/s raider. Dont try to turn this into something its not. If you cant hande that, perhaps you should go roll, or better yet, level up another meaningless alt that you can add to your sig.
    Im pretty sure I knew about the solo, group, and raid parts along time ago and have the posts to prove it. However, continue talking. Someone might eventually care.
    edit: minor corrections.
  7. ARCHIVED-TwistedFaith Guest

    The ranger epic weapon will be a sword that has a melee proc on it, just accept this fact and move on :) It makes sense to me that the reward should be something that augments whichever bow you have, maybe some kind of fabled quiver with a proc on it, or something like that. That would work for all rangers, from the casuals to the hardcore raiders.
  8. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    It'll be a bow with a proc that increases hate by 40%
  9. ARCHIVED-FiveFootStep Guest

    Nah.... Two words.... Tower Shield...
  10. ARCHIVED-Balerius Guest

    Dirty Jack Rackham wrote:
    Ok, I've tried to explain this before, but this time I'll use pictures.
    The Epic Quest will follow recent quest trends; there will be a legendary version of the epic quest reward and there will be fabled (upgrade) version.
    The Epic Quest will follow normal epic/signature quest trends; to receive the fabled upgrade version, the questor must defeat one of the hardest end-game raid boss mobs.
    There will be no radical change in loot progression concepts.
    With those assumptions, for an EPIC BOW we get:
    T7 legendary bow < T8 legendary bow < Epic bow (legendary version) < T7 fabled bow < Epic Bow (fabled version) < T8 fabled bow
    Now let's examine the above. Who will be happy with an Epic weapon that's a bow?
    "Hardcore Raiders": No. They will have T8 dropped bows better than the fabled epic bow. The epic will be banked (if done at all).
    "Casual Raiders": No. At level 80, they will be farming EH, MMIS, and Tunare's Court and be getting T7 fabled bows better than the legendary epic bow and will not be able to kill the T8 boss mob that would let them upgrade to the fabled epic bow. By the time they are able to kill the boss mob required to upgrade the epic bow to the fabled version, they will likely be able to also kill mobs that drop better T8 fabled bows.
    "Non-raiders/groupers": Maybe. They will be satisfied with the epic legendary bow because it will be better than any other bow they can obtain. But it remains to be seen whether the legendary version will not still require some form of an example MoA or Prismatic 1. If all steps for the epic version can be done with no more than one group, this category of rangers will be happy.
    "Soloers": No. They will be unable to complete most mid-end steps of the quest even to get the legendary version of an epic bow.

    OK, now let's do the same for an epic melee weapon that has some form of bonuses for ranged combat:
    T7 legendary dagger < T8 legendary dagger < Epic dagger (legendary version) < T7 fabled dagger < Epic dagger (fabled version) < T8 fabled dagger
    Who will be happy with an Epic weapon that's a dagger and has some kind of ranged bonus?
    "Hardcore Raiders": Maybe. While they will have T8 dropped daggers available with better melee stats than the fabled epic dagger, if the ranged bonus on the epic dagger is sufficiently powerful, raiding rangers just might keep using the epic weapon despite there being better dropped T8 daggers available. Think Klij as an analogy. (Please look up the word analogy if you don't understand it).
    "Casual Raiders": Yes. At level 80, they will be farming EH, MMIS, and Tunare's Court and be getting T7 fabled bows and T7 fabled daggers better than the legendary epic dagger but will not be able to kill the T8 boss mob that would let them upgrade immediately to the fabled epic dagger. However, at some point they will be able to kill the T8 boss mob required to upgrade to the fabled dagger and they will then be in the same situation as hardcore raiders...potentially using the fabled epic dagger for its stats/ranged bonuses rather than using a slightly better T8 melee weapon.
    "Non-raiders/groupers": Maybe. They will be satisfied with the epic legendary dagger because it's better than any dagger they can otherwise obtain. But it remains to be seen whether the legendary version will not still require some form of an example MoA or Prismatic 1. If all steps for the epic version can be done with no more than one group, this category of rangers will be happy.
    "Soloers": No. They will be unable to complete most mid-end steps of the quest even to get the legendary version of an epic dagger.
    So what category do you place yourself in? And which weapon would be better for you?
    I maintain that a melee weapon with substantial bonuses to ranged combat would be a better choice for SoE to implement since it would be more useful to more players.
  11. ARCHIVED-jarlaxle888 Guest

    That order is also an assumption. It could be like this: T7 legendary bow < T8 legendary bow < T7 fabled bow < Epic bow (legendary version) < T8 fabled bow < Epic bow (fabled version)
  12. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    Ryilan@Runnyeye wrote:
    And thats nothing more then wishful thinking. I suppose its remotely possible for this to happen, but highly unlikely. It goes against item progression.
  13. ARCHIVED-Mirdo Guest

    I think Belarius summed up the situation pretty well assuming SOE continue down the same item progression lines as they have to date.
  14. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    I dont care about item progression, for all I know they make our epic weapon like another DT bow for t9 and I will be happy with that. I want AA's in the new expansion I will probabbly be playing for a month or two then canceling my account simply because im bored out of my mind with nothing to do in this game as it is. I personally think that the lack of AA's comming up is completely missing the mark on what needs to come out on an expansion. I would rather do level 70 over and over again to get another 1% haste per aa or some garbage like that.
  15. ARCHIVED-FiveFootStep Guest

    Mortred@Befallen wrote:
    I wouldn't say that... I mean with the new expansion I can't imagine them making all of the content playable in just a couple of months... I mean hell, I bought this game launch day, and have never taken a break of more than a week, lol, and I still haven't seen all of the content this game has to offer...
  16. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    For the most part im just bored of the game as it is because theres not much more to progress currently.. I have seen most zones, killed most junk.. The reason I am still around is to help my guild atm. In EQ2 its very easy and quick to get gear and levels, I know they have mentioned on making it a tough thing to get to 80.. But I promise you within a week you will have your hardcores at 80 and twiddling there thumbs. AA's are needed with each expansion.
  17. ARCHIVED-Malloch Guest

    [p]"You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." [/p][p]Dont try to please the extreme "hardcores" that will be 80 in a week, they are the fringe. Worry more about the casual players that make up the majority.[/p][p] [/p][p]~Mal[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-FiveFootStep Guest

    Mortred@Befallen wrote:
    imo roll an alt, maybe it's just me, but there is a ton of low level content that I completely skipped when I was leveling, mainly because it was added after I leveled :p but hell, I just found a solo instance in nek forest that I never knew was there... idk, there is a ton of lowbie stuff that is new to me... I love loggin on one of my alts once a week or so and finding new content... there are a billion ring events that I never knew were there lol Uber lewts... jk, it all venders for like 1.2 silver /mood poor
  19. ARCHIVED-Badaxe Bart Guest

    A dagger? Are you kidding? A dagger? WTF does a ranger do with a dagger now since the weapon requirements for AA abilities have been changed? Can you attack from ranged with it? No. Do 90% of your CA's require a dagger? No. A specific class reward for rangers HAS to be a bow. Nothing else makes sense, regardless of who will be satisfied or dissatisfied with how UBER it is. And why can't that bow have + ranged or + ranged crit or something else that affects our ranger ability?
  20. ARCHIVED-Beldin_ Guest

    Harry@Venekor wrote:
    Nah .. we should get a symbol .. noone can use it .. but you will never be pissed off if a better symbol drops, because you'll never spend DKPs for it .. and even if .. it won't make you any better :thumbup: