Sig Makers & Links to their Threads

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Callamileeda Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Come back soon Kaeta! BTW what's the icon I have for St. Patrick's day supposed to be? I can't figure it out for anything..
  3. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Welcome back Callamileeda!
  4. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    SapphireSniper wrote: it some sort of blarney stone?
  5. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    Ah ha. Yep: ...guess that's suppose to be lipstick? That or blood...
  6. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    I am temporarily not taking new requests until after April 2nd.
  7. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    [p]I'm once again open for requests![/p][p]Requesters, please read my OP carefully and follow the instructions therein. If you have questions, you can post here or contact me through my website.[/p][p]EDIT: PS - I've just totally reworked my request form. It no longer requires JavaScript -- it's now entirely PHP-based, coded by Yours Truly. :) It took me about three days to do, working off and on (and referencing the PHP online documentation a LOT), but I learned loads in the process! If you have any errors with it, please let me know.[/p][p]Next website projects:[/p][ul][li]Recoding the contact form to be all-PHP instead of Perl/CGI.[/li][li]Taking a cue from Sapphire's website and adding pages of graphics in chronological order. (I think it would be cool to see how I've "grown" as a sig artist since I started taking requests.)[/li][/ul]
  8. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Welcome back Seagoat :) <3
  9. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-Solura Guest

    Hello, I'm back!! I would like to request to have my Sig link back please.

    P.S. I will be changing my Sig very soon. I'm back in EQ2 again. Woot!!!
  11. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Welcome back Solura! If you made a new sig thread, I don't see it. Can you link it here for me? I must be blind today!
  12. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    Just so you know Solura, the board went through a change and though most of the other sections were moved over, the Sig forum wasn't so we've had to recreate threads.
  13. ARCHIVED-Solura Guest

    [p]Ok, thanks for the info. I did not realize I needed to recreate the link. I will try to get to it this weekend.[/p][p] [/p][p]Solura[/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    [p]I'd like to remind all of my fellow sig artists to pretty please maintain a list of your current requests in the OP in your thread. :) It will help ensure no one's wasting their time on silly greedy people who want 15 zillion sigs to choose from, and who are only planning on actually using the one they like best. Helps keep us sane, y'know. ;)[/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    Welcome Katanax! I have to say I'm having a hard time loading your request thread.
  16. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    It took me forever too! I thought it was just me...
  17. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    I thought it was just me too :)
  18. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    *shrugs* I just figured the thread was broken and gave up.
  19. ARCHIVED-FadetoGrey Guest

    Khellendrathas wrote:
  20. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest