Sentinel's Fate- Item degradation as you outlevel it.

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-ClowdX81 Guest

    The biggest issue with crit consolidation is with the Hybrid classes that benefit from multiple crit stats. As an example, lets look at a dps item from good ol' Gynok Moltor:
    Ok, so, with crit consolidation this basically means that any healer will receive Heal Crit Chance from... a DPS item...
    Wait... huh? That's going to throw off itemization, but I guess that's what Item Degredation is for.
    I just find both ideas to be poor choices. I feel it's best to keep the crits separate and either go with a system similar to that which I just proposed to switch over to a numeric rating system, otherwise you will run the risk of a Cleric rolling on an item like the one above to improve their crit amount, or heal bonus amount (if bonuses also get consolidated).
    This is just one of many potential examples I could give.
  2. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    I know. I share your concerns about itemization, because they are either going to have to A) itemize DPS items for healers ONLY and restrict normal DPS items to non-healers or B) make the healing type items much more suited to healing than the DPS items that would just give crit.
    Otherwise you'd see healers rolling on all the items that are traditionally DPS. But healers still need to be able to get some DPS items, they shouldn't be totally left out of the melee/spell fun.
    But yeah, item degradation will make all L80 items useless at 90, so they only really have to worry about making the new itemization work in that regard. Although I will add (in response to that particular item) that transposition-type proc items have already been nerfed on priests (the proc rate is only 5% vs 10% for mages). But TBH stoneskin items like that are a special case that benefits both anyway (at least the stoneskin proc does, the rest is wasted on most healers). I use the Dispersion ring from VP all the time, and I'm a warden. But I chose not to roll on it until all our mage mains that wanted it had it. So your concern is definately valid, but we'll have to wait and see how they handle T9 itemization, it's definately going to have to be different from T8.
  3. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    Xaax wrote:
    If you want to tank, ditch the onslaught and get the stone tower, rumbling and reclaimed sets.
  4. ARCHIVED-rwiz Guest

    Sentinel's fate will come in Feb 2010.
    Now Aug 2009. Players Must wait for 6 month.
    When Sentinel's fate come.all items maybe become scrap.
    So It means that all effort now become in vain,waste of time,useless.
    Players decrease now.because know this fact.

    I have some ideas...
    ・Equip item's Lv UP system by crafting or exp.
    ・Make transmuting that Item's proc or effect pull out from items and make adornment.