Scout Evades/Fear Cloak/Mage Instant cast.

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Elwin, Mar 23, 2013.

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  1. acoloss Active Member

  2. Twinbladed Well-Known Member

    I don't care about none of this, it doesn't really mess with my gameplay, but I wish focus damage had some kind of mit to it.
  3. Creasote Well-Known Member

    Most of us are confused by Savej, this is a guy who demands 1 v 1s in the middle of a WF or during a BG and then insults you when you don't take them. People have commented he is a good player but I have killed him so many times, he is probably responsible for gearing out my toon's level 95 armor.

    I give him credit for fighting but is any one really scared when he is in a group?
  4. Exur Well-Known Member

    I don't hate ground mounts.. they aren't OP. I don't hate flying mounts either.. they aren't OP. If you want to chase someone for an hour and be mad cause they can't be "caught", go right ahead. The fact is a ground mount is on the ground and there are tactics to monitor and handling them when they are coming for you. Jumpy Mounts are stupid cause they allow you to engage a target in an incredibly stupid way. Plus they have insta-getaway away leap. I can burst a ground mounted runner. You can't a leaper... they just need to go and I'll derail any thread that mentions them.
  5. Broan Active Member

    Who are your toons? I'm curious :3
  6. acoloss Active Member

    you can burst a ground mount runner.. yes. because you have the dps, stuns, roots, mez
    as can all high DPS classes.

    so, only High DPS classes should be allowed to kill someone on a ground mount?

    a fix for jumpy mount.. if it's insisted would be this... when on jumpy mount you cannot attack in pvp combat, unless attacked...
  7. Exur Well-Known Member

    Yes.. and add that you MUST dismount to enter PvP combat and dismounting takes 5 seconds. ;)
  8. acoloss Active Member

    lol funny
  9. acoloss Active Member

    jumpy mount should be nerfed.. but ground mount still favours DPS...

    using it solo, in exile, when all there is, is raids and groups, is the obvious choice..
  10. Exur Well-Known Member

    it's an obvious choice cause you can never be "caught"... even by DPS. And you can close in on an unsuspecting target via sky bombs. Seriously, I consider myself very good and constantly monitoring for PvP targets that are coming at me. When I see a jumpy mount in the distance, I cannot take my eyes off it. The second you do, *poof* it just landed on you. If you see a second jumper about.. it's getting to the point of not even worth my time.

    Flying mounts... you can see them diving to the ground. It's very predictable and gives you zero advantage. Leapers cover so much ground and fall at lighting speed. No matter what anyone says, it's not desirable PvP.

    Consider this thread derailed.
  11. acoloss Active Member

    Well.. any1 that i see that is solo, i fight them anyway, fairly.. 2nd. if i jumped down with a sky bomb it does't matter, because they will just run off and i'm in combat. So your theory is pretty xxxxx with regards to my class.. maybe a DPS class on a jumpy mount can do what you are talking about.
    It would be extremely dumb and stupid for an exile that doesn't need the tower buff, that can't kill someone who doesn't engage back, but can be killed on a ground mount, to use a ground mount?.. it's just common sense.

    also. if you didn't know.. you can lock them at 60% speed by attacking them.

    what you are saying is like: i don't think you should use freedom of minds in this game, so i'm not going to use them.. bit stupid isn't it?

    still i agree they should be changed...
  12. Exur Well-Known Member

    don't consider runners for a second, cause I don't really chase people. What I hate is how they can just leap and sky bomb on a target. I can react pretty fast to gain distance, but I'm usually reeling from how they close in so fast (*poof*).

    anyway... I can use them, I just choose not to. Same with mercs. You could use mercs, but you don't... that's the mentality I like.
  13. acoloss Active Member

    yep, with mercs, I consider it dis-honourable..

    I don't use the mount in the way you mean, but i know what you mean :) it's not an advantage in that sort of way for me.
    I use it to cover distances fast looking for people to fight, and yes, to avoid the groups and raids....
    If someone is obviously going to engage, i fight normally fair and square..

    if i'm with a group/duo and using the mount, using it to gank is the bad way i do use it i suppose.. mez them, wait for group, kill them.. but if you see an enemy when you are in a group, you kill everyone. it's no longer "oh no, don't kill him he's solo and we have 6" sort of mentality :D

    the moral of this story, and that of the fear cloaks, is this: to stop people using something in PvP, make it not work in PvP :)
    slightly back on track now.
  14. Savej Active Member

    Got a good laugh on this one, thank you Random. (And Random in 95 armor eh? Funny, for the life of me I can't think of a single person on the server who has beaten me more than 3 times in a 1 v 1, at 25-32 tokens per kill, you must find some bargain basement deals on armor somewhere)
  15. Luanne Active Member

    I think.. everyone is missing the bottom line here. The DPS classes need to be looked at, and a lot of their abilities reduced. Troubs do too much damage, brigs do too much damage, wizards, warlocks, illys, coercers, zerkers, beastlords, assassins, swash ALL TOO MUCH DAMAGE in pvp. All the dps classes need to be reduced down A LOT and heals reduced also to compensate.
    This is the fundamental problem right now, not other stuff.
    Once you reduce the DPS, little 3 second evades don't mean as much. 3 second stuns don't mean as much.
    Right now almost any dps class can kill you in 3 seconds or less, which is stupid because that's one cc. If all damage from mages and scouts were reduced (and select abilities on tanks) then we would have WAY WAY WAY better fights than we do now because you wouldn't die in the duration of one evade.
    Obviously the large heals need to be reduced to compensate; Remember when they buffed the single target heals and group heal? well put those back how they were and reduce the dps.
    The game is pretty skilless right now when you press 3-4 keys in the span of 2 seconds and it kills someone. That just isn't fun. I want strategic battles that last more than a few seconds. I want to use every ability on my hotbar a few times. I want DPS vs DPS fights to last at least a minute or two. Otherwise there's no point?
    Scout vs scout = whoever's evade hits first wins? How is that any fun

    Think about it. Yes the Fear cloak is OP, but why is it OP? It's been in the game for ages and never been OP? and WHY? Because the DPS hasn't been like it is now and a 3 second fear wasn't THAT BAD. But 3 seconds = death now, so it's horrible.

    Fix the underlying problem of DPS being too high and that will fix all the other issues.
  16. Davngr Well-Known Member

    my assassin all ready got hit the hardest of the classes so please take assassin off your list.

    the fear cloak has been in game but now that there is no immunity and no other procs it's a HUGE advantage.

    would you rather go back to the boring game when it took 6 people beating on a healer to kill them?

    i have a hard time killing good healers as it is on my assassin if they nerf this damage anymore then i'm gona ask for taunt locks so i can at least have some function.


    new strat for the cloak nerf.


    because it will be when everyone has it that devs will finally get around to removing it from pvp.
  17. Chimay Active Member

    I totally disagree, not sure what server you play on or your play style but in a balanced fight 6 v 6, dps does not need to be toned down. I hope you are not referring to 1 v 1s, bc the game is not designed for all classes to have success in 1 v 1 fights.

    WFs and 6v6s on nagafen are pretty balanced. I would hate to return marathon fights where you can't kill healers. Right now if you have a skilled geared tank and two good healers, you can stand up to dps attack.

    I like the fact that the game is designed for well coordinated dps to kill and win the fight. The fights are designed for one team to win , not for two teams to beat on each other for a half hour at a stalemate.
  18. Healface Active Member

    I disagree. If DPS is lowered, 6v6 fights will become endless power battles, just like last expansion. The game is designed for balanced group fights, not individual performances without any tank/healer in group. The fact that group members can be spiked down with coordinated bursts, forces healers to utilize all of their abilities and react quick. This makes the game exciting and fast paced. Easymode healing kills the gaming experience for everyone.
  19. Milambers Active Member

    I don't think either of you actually read his post properly. He was asking for both DPS and heals to be reduced, and I think he might have a point to an extent. That said, it's almost completely off topic and needs its own thread if he has an issue.
  20. Healface Active Member

    Yeah... Lets stay on topic ;)
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